Open Question: Bye LGBT section. Are you going to miss me?

Open Question: Bye LGBT section. Are you going to miss me?
I’m the author of such hit questions as:

“If a man greatly enjoys sex with women but feels no attraction to women’s bodies, is he at all heterosexual?”

“Are these good reasons for me to go back into the closet?”

and of course,

“I’m coming out as bi or pansexual. Formerly identified as homosexual. Advice?”

These were all questions à clef of a sort, only loosely tethered to my real-life identity, but I hope they arose interesting questions about our understanding of queerness in modern society. Au revoir, mes amis.

These Guys Celebrate Movember By Having Their Prostates Examined On Camera

These Guys Celebrate Movember By Having Their Prostates Examined On Camera

Screen Shot 2015-11-01 at 3.45.51 PMRather than growing mustaches as many of us do during Movember, BuzzFeed’s fearless Try Guys show their support for the hairiest month of the year by getting examined for prostate and testicular cancer for the first time, and since they’re the Try Guys, what the heck, they do it on camera. The guys crack jokes to lighten the mood, but are obviously aware getting a finger up their butts isn’t all fun and games. They note that prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer among men in the United States and approximately 14 percent of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime so it’s important to get checked. To learn more about prostate cancer, go here.

Have a peek at the examinations below and if the video doesn’t show up for you, go here.

The Try Guys Get Prostate ExamsIn Honor Of Movember, We Got Prostate Exams And Filmed The Whole Thing Thanks to the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center. And special thanks to Mark Hedstrom and Movember Foundation USA! To learn more about prostate cancer, visit Start your own team at and grow mustaches to raise awareness for men’s health!!

Posted by The Try Guys on Sunday, 1 November 2015

Jeremy Kinser

Open Question: Help me with my lgbt hw?

Open Question: Help me with my lgbt hw?
Is this the correct order of power?

1st-white gay male
2nd-gay trans white male
3rd-straight trans male
4th-gay black male
5th-black trans gay male
6th-black trans straight male
7th-White agender
8th-black agender
9th-white lesbian
10th-white trans lesbian
11th-black lesbian
12th-black trans lesbian
13th-black trans straight female

I need to pass my lgbt class to keep my A average. Please let me know if I need to make any corrections


Pawn Stars’ Host Fears Losing Show Over Marco Rubio Support, Drops Incredibly Offensive Anti-Trans Comment

Pawn Stars’ Host Fears Losing Show Over Marco Rubio Support, Drops Incredibly Offensive Anti-Trans Comment

PAWN-STARS-2It does worry me to a degree. You get these massive liberal PC police, they don’t see the law of unintended consequences. You have some cities that are saying that if you have a man who feels like he’s a woman, he can use the women’s restroom. I guarantee you that will be taken advantage of by some very bad men who want to go into a bathroom where there’s young ladies. That will happen if you pass a law like that. It’s not a perfect world. You’ll never make it a perfect world.”


Rick Harris, host of reality series Pawn Stars, discussing the cost of being a supporter of Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio in an interview with CNN

Jeremy Kinser

Open Question: LGBT Acceptance in Colorado?

Open Question: LGBT Acceptance in Colorado?
So I live in a middle of nowhere kind of town in Tennessee where racism and hate thrives. I crossdress and would thoroughly enjoy being able to wear what I want where I want without judgmental eyes, double-takes, laughing and the overall discrimination that I would get living here. I m moving to Colorado soon so it ll be a clean slate and I wouldn t know anyone and I thought it would be the best place and time to stop hiding it and be a little more out front about it. So I was wondering if anyone could give advice, or anything.

Facebook Responds to Criticism of 'Real Name' Policy — With Real Change

Facebook Responds to Criticism of 'Real Name' Policy — With Real Change

It’s the biggest change at Facebook since the social network introduced a wide variety of gender identifiers in recognition of the non-conforming users who don’t fit the traditional binary. 

Facebook announced Friday its “real name” policy — which led to drag queens, drag kinds, transgender users and others who used aliases to be reported — is being changed, reported Gay Star News.

The new format, according to VP of Growth for Facebook, Alex Schultz, is for users to be able to use the names they’re known by, to friends, to family and fans. 

“We also understand the challenges for many transgender people when it comes to formally changing one’s name,” Schultz wrote.

“That’s why we’re making changes now and in the future, and will continue to engage with you and all who are committed to looking after the most vulnerable people using our product.”

Facebook will now allow users to provide details on why they’ve chosen a certain name for their account if it’s not their legal name. 

Facebook will now allow users who are flagged for using a possibly inauthentic name to be able to get back into their locked accounts more easily.

And the burden of proof will now be placed upon the people who flag a name as fake, according to Schultz. Those reporting an allegedly fake name will have to provide some evidence, in an effort to prevent trolling, a frequent complaint among trans users. 

“We are deeply invested in making [this policy] better,’ Schultz wrote. 
“I’ve seen first hand how people – including LGBT people – can be bullied online by people using fake or impersonating accounts.”

But the policy won’t be totally scrapped. Facebook’s “authentic identity” policy will be maintained. Schulz has said it reduces trolling by making people accountable for their actions online.

“When people use the name others know them by, they are more accountable for what they say, making it more difficult to hide behind an anonymous name to harass, bully, spam or scam someone else,” said Schulz.

Earlier this month, organizations including the ACLU and Electronic Frontier Foundation wrote an open letter to Facebook, asking for the policy to be changed to 
“provide equal treatment and protection for all who use and depend on Facebook as central platform for online expression and communication.”

“It’s a balance to get this right,” Schultz wrote in reply. “We want to find a line that minimizes bullying but maximizes the potential for people to be their authentic selves on Facebook.”

Dawn Ennis