Open Question: Why do Christians cherrypick verses form the bible?

Open Question: Why do Christians cherrypick verses form the bible?
In the same book that condemns homosexuality, it calls for the death of adulters daughters of priests who have sex, those who have pre-marital sex etc. Heck even eating pork and shellfish, even wearing the same type of clothing. But noo when it says being gay is wrong SO MANY CHIRSTIANS make a huge deal about it. So apparently it’s okay to cherrypick but they choose the verses that hate on people because hating on people is fun??? Some christians*

Open Question: Crush problem best answer gets 10 points.?

Open Question: Crush problem best answer gets 10 points.?
I liked a girl we flirted she touched my hair we talked for four hours we laughed we texted and then she asked who I liked I said her she said she didnt like me. I asked why she says idk you are just not like that. I Say why tho? She says date my friend that looks just like me and I say no its not you she says why are you being so nice. And then she says she is gay. But I know she is not. This was all over Facebook I moved so we have not talked for two months how do I text her

Open Question: Can he be in trouble?

Open Question: Can he be in trouble?
about seven eight years old when my friend was about between the ages of 20 and 24 he used to be close to his cousins who was 15 and 12 and the 15 year old had this friend who was gay and my friend was sort of friends with him too
and this guy had a boyfriend
and the gay guys was on each one of there myspaces
and the gays posted this video of them on top of each other hot and heavy kissing and making out
no nudity just heated making out
now is this child porn and was this illegal for my 23 year old friend to watch since he watched it with his cousin since hey knew him
and he couldn’t be in trouble for that since he didn tmake it

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'I was scared she'd cut her penis off': Transgender kid transitions at just four-years-old
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