Open Question: What's up with society's reaction to Charlie Sheen having HIV?

Open Question: What's up with society's reaction to Charlie Sheen having HIV?
In most cases of HIV, especially if the person is a woman or a gay male, there is a general attitude of sympathy from society. I have even seen this with female porn stars. Yet I am noticing that in the case of Charlie Sheen, there is this “haha that’s what you get” type attitude towards him as if he somehow got what he deserved for his promiscuity. I don’t get it. Is it because he was getting with prostitutes? How is that different from having one night stands? I’ve actually heard that prostitutes are less risky than your typically one night stand. Is it perhaps because of the feminist narrative that men who use prostitutes are somehow victimuzing them?

Open Question: Problems with a married man?

Open Question: Problems with a married man?
I hate asking this question but I just have to. I currently work at a department store and I work with a guy who is married. He tends to always want to flirt and be around me. Knowing he is married I don’t do anything to egg him on but in the beginning I played along but now it’s like what do I do? The other day I was just sitting in the back office trying to get something done and his eyes would not leave me. I also REALLY HATE to say this but I kind of like him. I don’t do anything but my usual self at work so im not throwing myself at him. What do you think I should do? Thanks a lot

I pray about it every night as well.

On top of that a guy who told me he liked me then said he was gay then said he wasn’t has decided to come into my life

Open Question: What are people so against being transgender?

Open Question: What are people so against being transgender?
Can someone please explain to me why people find being transgender is sick? I understand that no it is certainly not normal but it s something that cannot be helped. I don t understand how someone who is born feeling the opposite sex to what they actually are on the outside is so sick? The only way it is sick is the fact that the person can t be happy until they fully transfer but apart from that, what s so bad about it?
I am not transgender myself and I haven t experienced it so I can t fully say anything but I do understand it.
I have myself been in a relationship with a transgender person myself and it is pretty clear that they go through a ton of ****, especially when they haven t had transitions yet. The fact he was transgender made him feel **** a lot, why would someone go through all that **** if it was something they could help?
The best thing to do is to support them with it if they aren t happy and haven t been happy because of that for a long time.
People say it s sick but I guess it s just like being “gay” all over again, what people don t understand, they re afraid of. Hopefully in a couple years time, it will be accepted just as much as being gay is.
Just I need to know from someone else s point of view, what s so bad about it?

Ark. Judge: 3 Gay Couples can Amend Kids' Birth Certificates

Ark. Judge: 3 Gay Couples can Amend Kids' Birth Certificates
A Pulaski County judge says three same-sex couples who sued the state for refusing to name both spouses on their children’s birth certificates can get the documents amended to list both names. Judge Tim Fox did not issue a formal ruling after a hearing …'_birth_certificates&c=S5TJOr-piqN7Fu-NBPi9rcUlxeDcsBkKOBisYMEvRNY&mkt=en-us

Isis in Iraq: 2 blindfolded men thrown off a roof in Fallujah for being gay [Photos]

Isis in Iraq: 2 blindfolded men thrown off a roof in Fallujah for being gay [Photos]
The images shows, an Isis Sharia judge reading out their crimes before a crowd of onlookers, while the two gay men stand on the roof of a high-rise. After the reading out of the verdict, the Isis fighters throw down the two men, one by one as the crowd …

Open Question: Not gay, but like being submissive with this guy and plan on maybe doing something?

Open Question: Not gay, but like being submissive with this guy and plan on maybe doing something?
I’m straight, I don’t really find it appealing to date a man or have a relationship, it just turns me on to fantasise about it sexually, and I have this gay friend who I realy enjoy being submissive with, like when I’m at his apartment, I will sit on his lap, lay my head on his thigh,we joke around and wrestle, and I love it when he picks me up, he hasn’t tried anything, but I feel like I may soon,the other day he was taking a shower and I almost went in, why? Btw, hes black, which really turns me on, is it that I want to see a penis that is bigger than mine.

Open Question: Found out son is gay! Help!?

Open Question: Found out son is gay! Help!?
So last week I caught my 16 yo son busting slob with his male friend in his room! I immediately kick the guy in the face and threw him out of my house. After that I beat my son senselessly and the next day tried to make him watch straight porn.. and nothing worked. So I sent him to the psychologist after and HE DIDN’T talk at all.

Any suggestions? My son can’t be gay! What kind of mental disorder can he have?

Gay Teen Thanks Warwick University's Nude Calendar For Him Accepting 'Attraction And Thus Homosexuality'

Gay Teen Thanks Warwick University's Nude Calendar For Him Accepting 'Attraction And Thus Homosexuality'
A university rowing club received an unlikely letter from a fan when a 17-year-old boy from Australia wrote to thank the club for helping him to accept his homosexuality. Members of the Warwick University Rowing Club had recently released a naked calendar …

Charlie Sheen Gay Sex Tape Scandal!

Charlie Sheen Gay Sex Tape Scandal!
Charlie Sheen hid his HIV Positive status AND his wild bisexual cravings! Radar Online has the bombshell exclusive on videos of a drugged-up Sheen smoking crack cocaine and servicing another man—the same year that he was diagnosed with the HIV virus that …