Open Question: Extremely attached to a tv show?
I watch netflix a lot. I love tv shows and i get easily obsessed with them but with Glee its different.
I used to watch it when i was young and im really attached to the characters up to season three.(for anyone whos watched the show should who they are).
the reason i decided to watch this show on netflix was when i found out there was a girl/girl relationship on it between two characters i knew( im a lesbian so i like seeing queer couples on tv) and when i pressed play and watched a few minutes into it for the first time in so many year, i got really emotional and cried.
i kept watching it and every single episode msde me feel like crying. like, if santana(one of the gay girls) was reslly happy, it’d hit me twice as hsrd and i would practically scream in excitement.
when i finished all the seasons thst were on netflix, i felt empty and sad and i couldnt stop feeling like that no matter how many other shows i watched, so i watched episodes from season 3(my favorite) on repeat.
a few months later i got over it and carried on, but then a few weeks ago i decided to start it again and its all the same thing;i get extremely emotional and feel like crying with /every single episode/.
why does this happen? i get really excited over other shows i love but witj glee its just extreme. i dont like feeling like this, specislly since even tho im very attached to the characters, im /extremely/ attached to the lesbian couple and pretty much everytime their faces come on camera. ):
Daily Archives: November 23, 2015
Open Question: "If a man lays with another man he should be stoned" – Leviticus. Did the bible prophesise gay marriage and marijuana legalisation?
Open Question: "If a man lays with another man he should be stoned" – Leviticus. Did the bible prophesise gay marriage and marijuana legalisation?
wow, that book is like nostrafrickindamus
Open Question: Are there any gay animals? When male has sex with another male? Not humping.?
Open Question: Are there any gay animals? When male has sex with another male? Not humping.?
I’m not talking about females. I want an example of male animals which have sex with another male.
It has to be:
1. Same animal (same specie (not rabbit and dog)).
2. Not humping. Actual sexual intercourse – when penis enters another male animals body part.
People keep saying that there exists homosexuality among animals, but I can’t find any evidence, usually it’s just a stupid humping instinct. For example my french bulldog used to “have sex” with a pillow. So what?
Donald Trump: 21 things the Republican believes
Donald Trump: 21 things the Republican believes
20. Kim Davis should get another job. The Kentucky clerk became a conservative cause when she was jailed for refusing to issue marriage licences to gay couples because of her Christian faith. But Trump said: “I’m a very, very strong believer in …
'Preach tolerance,' African gays ask Pope
'Preach tolerance,' African gays ask Pope
Homosexuality or the act of gay sex is outlawed in most of Africa’s 54 states. South Africa is the only African nation that permits gay or lesbian marriage. The Catholic church holds that being gay is not a sin but homosexual acts are. Uganda, which is …
Don't reject lone male refugees, NDP cautions
Don't reject lone male refugees, NDP cautions
The federal NDP is warning the Liberal government not to restrict its intake of Syrian refugees by refusing to let in unaccompanied men who are fleeing the violence. A CBC report Sunday suggested the government, which has pledged to bring 25,000 Syrian …
Resolved Question: If you transition from male to female and you marry a male, are you considered gay inside?
Open Question: How do I make up for my homophobic/trans phobic past?
Open Question: How do I make up for my homophobic/trans phobic past?
I was born to a very homophobic/trans phobic father. I was a lot like him. I once thought that all LGBT people should be executed. Secretly I was always confused about my identity, but I just pretended to be your everyday homophobic extremist. Then I began to meet LGBT people in college and they were really nice to me. I soon gave up my homophobic stance and began to support the LGBT community. Then I accepted the fact that It is okay to be different. Fast forward a couple of years. I am now a little ways into my transition to female and I am gay because I like women. I want to get involved in more LGBT things to make up for how I use to be. I use to yell homophobic slurs at people in public. I don’t know if I can ever forgive myself for being that person.
Open Question: Why do women act like gay men?
Open Question: I think my ex girlfriend is lesbian , help?
Open Question: I think my ex girlfriend is lesbian , help?
Okay It might sound cheesy but its deeper than it looks. I left the girl after about 7 months dating because I think she is lesbian. she is short, she had the short hair, no make up , nothing , just sloppy pants and messy hair. . . To be honest before that relationship I didnt know about gays, lesbians. nothing, we use it every day when something bad goes down the road. But u dont expect it in reality… She had a friend also which came out to be a gay, I didnt know while with her, but I heard he is gay now, so I have been surrounded by gay people probably without noticing. and now when I saw two gays kissing at work, I went in the toilet and vomited ,its true. This thought came and doesnt go easily I have to make a peace with my mind. I feel disgusted all the time I think about it,and I think how did I fell for her in the begining. Why? Is there something wrong with me? I havent seen anything official till now that she is conected with a girl but I realized she always wanted to be with one of her friends , a girl. she was doing sleepovers and stuff. and I was her first boyfriend, no sex, special events still sloppy pants. I was in panic . I still feel ashamed of myself somehow . At least she could have told me , so I dont go where is no space for me. its selfish if she did something to prove the society or family . I feel like a weak and stupid man . who is not able to recognize things , and tries to be nice