Union for Reform Judaism Passes Historic Resolution Affirming the Rights of Transgender People

Union for Reform Judaism Passes Historic Resolution Affirming the Rights of Transgender People

Today, delegates from the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) passed a historic resolution calling on the U.S. and Canadian governments to do more to ensure full equality and protections for people of all gender identities and expressions.


Colombia Constitutional Court Rules That Gay Couples Can Adopt Children

Colombia Constitutional Court Rules That Gay Couples Can Adopt Children

In a ruling that supporters say “could help streamline the adoption of some 10,000 children in Colombia under the protection of welfare agencies,” the Colombia’s constitutional court has ruled that gay couples can adopt children.

Toro Valle ColombiaThe AP reports:

In the 6-2 ruling, the court said adoption agencies can’t discriminate against gay, lesbian and transsexual couples during an adoption process.

Colombia’s Roman Catholic Church immediately denounced the decision as violating the rights of children and going against the wishes of the majority of Colombians who polls say overwhelmingly reject giving gays the same rights to marriage and adoption as heterosexual couples.

The BBC adds:

It said that excluding gay couples as possible adoptive parents “limits children’s right to a family”.

“A person’s sexual orientation or gender are not in and of themselves indicative of a lack of moral, physical or mental suitability to adopt,” said the chief justice of the Constitutional Court, Maria Victoria Calle Correa.

Same-sex couples in Colombia are allowed to enter into legal unions but in 2013 Congress rejected a proposal to fully legalise gay marriage.

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Andy Towle

Colombia Constitutional Court Rules That Gay Couples Can Adopt Children

WATCH: Dear LGBT Youth, Please Love Your Elders

WATCH: Dear LGBT Youth, Please Love Your Elders

What happens when a millennial sits down with some LGBT elders at the Stonewall Inn and asks questions about their shared struggle wth LGBT youth? You get a sense that some important collective history is being overlooked.

A five minute video by Arielle Scarcella shows exactly that, and it’s an eye-opening experience in bridging the gap between young and, not so young anymore. 

 “It’s upsetting because I think there’s a sense of entitlement with the younger generation — they have to understand not only did people fight for these rights, we still are fighting for those rights and have so much to do and we can’t do it if the next generation is not going to get involved and carry that torch,” said Stonewall co-owner Stacy Lentz in the video

“Even the term ‘queer,’ the younger generation is giving themselves this umbrella under which they can play, and never be responsible for any one identity or part,” said lesbian Bridget McGinn in Scarcella’s video

Scarcella’s aim, as she stated in the video, is to show appreciation of the elder generation and the sacrifices they made. 

Watch her video from YouTube below.

Dawn Ennis


Some Severely Insecure Men Just Can’t With Twitter’s New Heart Icon. Can Someone Say Closet Case?

Some Severely Insecure Men Just Can’t With Twitter’s New Heart Icon. Can Someone Say Closet Case?

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Straight dudes have it really tough. It’s like, they want to be able to show support for their bros, but how can they when someone might get the wrong idea and think they’re acting all gay?

And now that Twitter has replaced its “star” icon with a “heart,” life just got even harder for them.

Whereas before they might have “starred” a friend’s gym selfie (because damn man, you’re getting totally ripped we gotta lift together sometime), now they’re stuck “hearting” it. Which is totally gay, or something.

If the above sentences made you throw up a little in your mouth, just wait until you see what actual human men have been posting on the topic:

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Related: Journey To The Center Of The Inside Of The Bigot’s Brain

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Related: Here’s What Homophobia Sounds Like To “Normal” People

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Related: New Study Finds Link Between Homophobia And Psychoticism

h/t GayStarNews

Dan Tracer
