Why One Man Is Documenting The Tattooed Bodies Infiltrating Mainstream Fashion

Why One Man Is Documenting The Tattooed Bodies Infiltrating Mainstream Fashion

Modeling isn’t really about self-expression. In fact, posing for a commercial photo might be one of the easiest ways to suppress your individuality. You’re told how to pose, and how to look appealing. Often, you’re Photoshopped to look inhumanly gorgeous.

But photographer Danny Baldwin has noticed a shifting tide — if not a full-on sea change — in his industry. Once working to conform to conventional beauty standards, staging models as palettes for consumers’ aesthetic aspirations, fashion photographers have begun highlighting models’ human quirks, including their tattoos.

“Over the past few years, I started to notice that the models who worked in front of my camera had changed from being fresh-faced and clean-cut, blank canvases, to the sort of models usually referred to as alternative — individuals with an edge of defiance, whose tattoos represent the ownership they have over their bodies,” Baldwin said in an interview with The Huffington Post.

Baldwin set out to collect images of these expressive models in an anthology called Skin Deep, which currently has its own Kickstarter campaign. He’s demonstrated his commitment to the project by inking its title onto the inside of his lower lip, adding it to his growing collection of tattoos.

“I currently have my left arm, finger, both feet, all my toes,” Baldwin said. “All my tattoos have a deep-rooted, significant meaning to me and are connected to parts of my job as a photographer, people who have impacted my life, and the evolution of myself. They may look quite macabre but they are actually more my own personal affirmations.”

In addition to posing the models in his project in unconventional positions — one kicks his feet up in a playful handstand, another crouches forward to reveal a pair of stunning, inky wings — Baldwin asked his subjects about their connections with their tattoos, and whether their outwardly expressive bodies have led to discrimination. One model named Borja commented: “Yes […] but I developed a stronger confidence, and what felt like a handicap at the beginning of my career has become a signature now.”

Sure, it’s not easy to empathize with someone who has confidence struggles that supersede his conventional good looks. But that the fashion photography industry has begun to allow for individuality, and difference bodes well for further inclusiveness. And, Baldwin emphasizes that the rise of tattooed models seems to be the result of a greater industry shift, rather than a passing trend.

“I think the fashion industry is very quick with trends normally, but tattooed models have started to make their way into the mainstream,” Baldwin says. “They are being true to themselves in an elite industry and expressing who they are through the medium of tattooing. I think the bigger picture is about encouraging acceptance and celebrating individuality, freedom of expression and creativity.”

Support the Skin Deep Kickstarter campaign here.

Also on HuffPost:

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Open Question: Should anyone that identifies as female be allowed to use the ladies room in Houston like they are trying to get passed?

Open Question: Should anyone that identifies as female be allowed to use the ladies room in Houston like they are trying to get passed?
When will liberals realize they have some of the stupidest ideas imaginable?



Interracial Gay Couple Mocked and Bullied on Facebook for Viral Photo Marries in Germany

Interracial Gay Couple Mocked and Bullied on Facebook for Viral Photo Marries in Germany

interracial gay couple

An interracial gay couple who were mocked and bullied online after a photo of them holding hands went viral in April has married. Naparuj Mond Kaendi, a Thai creative director and modeling agent, and Thorsten Mid, married in Germany on October 31. Shame on the haters.

The couple, who gave their wedding the hashtag #MONDSTEN and took the name Kaendi-Mid, were mocked on Facebook after their hand-holding photo was posted, for being unequal in appearance, and attacked for being gay, Rappler reports:

Offensive comments flooded the post: “Ano ba kayo, pet `yan” (What are you saying? That’s a pet), “Bakit siya pa? `Di na lang ako?” (Why did he choose him? Why couldn’t it be me), and “Baka dadalhin sa prisinto si bakla!” (Maybe he will bring the gay man to the precinct!)

Following the attacks, many also came to their defense.

Congrats to the happy couple.

Some Instagram photos of their wedding:

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo

Instagram Photo


The post Interracial Gay Couple Mocked and Bullied on Facebook for Viral Photo Marries in Germany appeared first on Towleroad.

Andy Towle

Interracial Gay Couple Mocked and Bullied on Facebook for Viral Photo Marries in Germany

Thank you guys so much.

Thank you guys so much.

So I came out about a year ago when I was 16, I finally told my dad I was gay around two months ago and while not everyone in my family knows, I’ve experienced virtually no displays of homophobia. To those wondering, I live in south west Texas. My dad was shocked at first, but he accepted me by who I am, and he tells me he loves me and that he could never hurt me; it was just hard for him.

Anyhow, I wanted to thank you guys. Specifically, the people who were there before I was. You guys fought for our rights and even if you did something as simple as liking an lgbt post, you contributed to helping our community get stronger, and better. While I know that there is still much work to be done (Specifically protecting other LGBT minorities other than gays and lesbians) I think that it’s incredible that 60 years ago homosexuality was considered a disease and now there is fabulousness all over.

I just wanted to post this after meeting a guy at a party, hanging out with him and my lesbian friends, and having all my straight friends being so supportive about it. Thank you guys, you have made things so much easier for me.

submitted by carlos_nhi
[link] [3 comments]

Thank you guys so much.
by inlgbt

President Obama Mocks Whining GOP Presidential Candidates: WATCH

President Obama Mocks Whining GOP Presidential Candidates: WATCH

President Obama mocks

At a DNC fundraiser last night before a performance of the hit musical Hamilton in New York City, President Obama mocked the current slate of Republican presidential candidates and their complaints that the moderators at the recent CNBC debate were too hard on them.

Said Obama:

“Have you noticed that every one of these candidates say, ‘Obama’s weak. Putin’s kicking sand in his face. When I talk to Putin, he’s going to straighten out. Just looking at him.’ Then it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators at the debate. Let me tell you, if you can’t handle those guys, then I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you.”


Yesterday, Politico obtained a letter demanding greater control for the candidates from the TV networks:

The letter, obtained by POLITICO and drafted for the campaigns by veteran GOP attorney Ben Ginsberg, asks networks to commit to, among other things, not asking candidates to raise their hands in answer to a question, not holding a lightning round, not allowing “candidate-to-candidate questioning” and keeping the temperature in the debate hall below 67 degrees.

Ginsberg sent the draft letter on Monday morning. It has yet to be signed off on by the campaigns. “Thoughts/edits/approvals welcomed,” Ginsberg wrote. “You all indicated last night that the letter should be sent no later than Tuesday.”

The post President Obama Mocks Whining GOP Presidential Candidates: WATCH appeared first on Towleroad.

Andy Towle

President Obama Mocks Whining GOP Presidential Candidates: WATCH

Last Thoughts Before Houston Goes to the Polls

Last Thoughts Before Houston Goes to the Polls

Will we win, or will we lose in Houston

There are people from all across the U.S. here in Houston. Before the polls open, volunteers are block walking and making calls to turn out voters for Proposition 1, also known as the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, or HERO. If people turn out and Houstonians win, it will be a tremendous victory for fairness and equality. As of now, it is close. Razor-thin close. Today, no one on the campaign is focused on a loss. All efforts and the morale of everyone on the campaign is dedicated to securing nondiscrimination protections for all Houstonians.

If Proposition 1 passes, Houston will join other cities in Texas and across the country with local protections from discrimination for their residents and workers. The opposition has worked diligently throughout the city to distort the truth with scare tactics. Nonetheless, we will work in Houston until every vote is counted.

If we win, legal protections will be extended to 15 different classes of people; a huge step forward for equality and fairness for many, including gay, bisexual, and transgender Texans. If we lose, will businesses leave Houston? Today, small and big businesses have chosen to focus on attracting and retaining talent by supporting the local ordinance. They, like so many others across the country, know that diversity is good for business.

Some of the most recognized names in business, faith, civil rights, and entertainment have lent their time and name to Houston. Coming off a summer with a historic win for marriage equality, those who mobilized in Texas to support HERO have done so because it was the right thing to do. Notwithstanding if we win or lose, everyone in Texas and throughout the U.S. will keep fighting until our vision for fairness and equality becomes reality for LGBT people everywhere. 


DEANNE CUELLAR is the communications coordinator for Equality Texas.

DeAnne Cuellar


Guy’s Homophobic Childhood Bully Hits Him Up On Scruff: “Wanna Fool Around?”

Guy’s Homophobic Childhood Bully Hits Him Up On Scruff: “Wanna Fool Around?”

size_810_16_9_ScruffFor those of us who endured homophobic bullying as kids, it’s common to ponder what we’d say if we were ever confronted with an opportunity to speak with those who harmed us. But what if your former bully wanted to sleep with you?

Related: YouTuber Confronts Childhood Bully To Surprisingly Positive Results

That’s the bizarre proposition John Brammer received one night on Scruff when he was visiting his childhood home in rural Oklahoma.

And rather than spark some sort of repressed fantasy scenario, it mostly just dredged up all the hometown growing pains Brammer lived through.

In a first person Buzzfeed essay, he writes:

“The last time I went home, something strange happened. A blank profile messaged me from about a mile away.

Given that this was during the dead of night, my first instinct was to open the blinds of my windows and check to see if I could spot a glowing light out in the field. A mile in rural Oklahoma is too close for comfort. It might as well be coming from inside the house.

‘Hi,’ the message read.

Curious, I responded. ‘What’s up?’

A few minutes passed.

‘I think you know me lol.’”

And that’s when things got weird.

‘We went to school together,’ the blank profile continued.

‘We did?’ I replied, on edge. ‘Who are you?’

‘You probably don’t like me… haha. I was a little mean to you.’

A familiar feeling bubbled up in my gut: Panic.

Finally, Mr. Blank Profile sent over a photo. There he was — once of the boys who’d mercilessly bullied John — staring up from within Scruff.

Related: Gay Man Shuts Down Younger Sister’s Homophobic Bully With One Fantastic Facebook Post

“‘Are you mad?’ the profile asked.

‘Yes,’ I said.

Unable to control myself, I decided to ask him if he remembered anything he’d done.

‘No lol,’ he said. ‘But I was a real asshole back then.’

And that was it. All those years of remembering, carrying, and suffering over this person, and he probably never thought about me at all after I moved away.”

Beside himself, John left the house for a long walk, trying to process this new information in light of years of nightmares surrounding his middle school experience.

“This person wasn’t the one-dimensional villain I’d made him out to be. All this time, he’d been closeted. Just like me. Yes, he had hurt me. Yes, he was wrong to hurt me. But I realized he was a victim too. In the town he and I had grown up in, being gay was seen as one of the worst things you could be. You might as well not even be human.

I didn’t know it at the time, but he and I were caught in the same system, a cycle of violence that perpetuates itself — one that leaves in its wake people who are in turns the victim and the villain. Someone made him hate himself. He saw himself in me. And so, he hated me.”

And yet, for all the rationalizing, there was no “forgive and forget” option for John.

Related: Sam Smith Was A Victim Of Homophobic Bullying

Especially not when his phone buzzed again with a new message:

“I was busy thinking all these thoughts when I received another message on my phone.

‘Want to fool around?’ he asked.

I didn’t know how to tell him that this was a nightmare I hadn’t even considered. It would probably take weeks to scrub that image from my mind, the thought of ‘fooling around’ with someone who had traumatized me.

‘No,’ I said. ‘Have a good life, man.’

I meant it.’”

Read the full story on Buzzfeed.

Dan Tracer


Feds Order High School To Let Transgender Students Use Girls' Locker Room

Feds Order High School To Let Transgender Students Use Girls' Locker Room

CHICAGO, Nov 2 (Reuters) – The U.S. government on Monday found that a Chicago suburban high school district discriminated against a transgender student and gave the school a month to provide full access to girls’ locker rooms or lose federal funding.

The student, who has not been named, and the American Civil Liberties Union, which brought a complaint on her behalf, applauded the findings, while the school district called them “serious overreach.”

After an investigation stemming from a 2013 complaint by the ACLU, and months of negotiations, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights found Township High School District 211 was violating federal non-discrimination rules.

The district says transgender students may use their gender-identified locker room if they change and shower privately. The government said a separate changing place was discriminatory because it subjected the student to stigma and different treatment.

The case is seen as clarifying federal rules on locker-room access at a time of expanding awareness of transgender issues.

In mid-October the school district, with five high schools and two alternative high schools west of Chicago, defied the government, continuing to deny full locker-room access for the transgendered student.

Assistant U.S. Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine Lhamon said the high school was disobeying the law. “All students deserve the opportunity to participate equally in school programs and activities – this is a basic civil right,” she said in a statement.

“This decision makes me extremely happy – because of what it means for me, personally, and for countless others,” the student said in a statement released by the ACLU. “The district’s policy stigmatized me, often making me feel like I was not a ‘normal person.'”

The school district said the issue was critical for schools nationwide. Superintendent Daniel Cates said in a statement that “what we offer is reasonable and honors every student’s dignity.”

Last year, the district received $6 million in federal money contingent on compliance with non-discrimination rules.

The student in the case has identified as female for years; the school lists her as a female student and she plays on the girls’ sports teams and uses girls’ restrooms.

The school district has provided the student with a separate changing facility outside the locker room and installed privacy curtains on stalls in one locker room out of the three that she uses for physical education, swimming and athletics programs, according to the federal government’s findings. (Reporting by Fiona Ortiz; Editing by David Gregorio)

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Open Question: Why are LGBT more eager to come out of the closet than the extra-terrestrials and their hybrids among us?

Open Question: Why are LGBT more eager to come out of the closet than the extra-terrestrials and their hybrids among us?
The hybrid and “full-blooded” extra-terrestrials (ETs) among us blend in so well because they don’t go around telling everybody “LOOK AT ME!!! I’M DIFFERENT AND I’M PROUD OF IT!” Why do LGBT need to draw attention to themselves when nobody wins from it? Why can’t they be as wise as the ETs and just “hide” in plain sight, and do whatever they want without broadcasting it on the world stage??
