PHOTOS: Halloweenie — The Party With a Purpose
Christopher Harrity
PHOTOS: Halloweenie — The Party With a Purpose
Christopher Harrity
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Taiwan LGBT Pride Parade 2015 台灣同志驕傲遊行 主張LGBT 是基本人權; 國會通過「婚姻平權法案」LGBT是女同性戀者(Lesbians); 男同性戀者(Gays); 雙性戀者(Bisexuals)與跨性別者(Transgender)的英文首字母首字所構成的的一個集合用語。「LGBTQ」代表酷兒(Queer)和/或對其性別認同感到疑惑的人(Questioning)。
Taipei; Taiwan.
WATCH: Halloween 2015, West Hollywood Versus New York City
Coast to coast and from Maine to the Mexican border, the annual celebration of Halloween featured the customary candy and costumes enjoyed by children of all ages, even the much maligned Caitlyn Jenner corset costume.
Spirit Halloween’s $49.99 outfit recreating the I Am Cait star’s Vanity Fair cover portrait was the 4th best selling adult costume of the year, according to The Wrap. Jenner herself told NBC she found it flattering.
But at two venues 3,000 miles apart, you’d be hard-pressed to find a store-bought costume of any kind. New York City’s annual Greenwich Village Halloween Parade drew thousands of spectators dressed as witches, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, superheroes, pirates, drag queens, cartoon characters, political candidates, butterflies and supersized fruit.
As New York TV station WNBC reported, the event is open to anyone in a costume and prides itself on its adult, anything-goes spectacle. The march along Sixth Avenue got its start in 1973 when a puppeteer led the first march with just his family.
And across the country, West Hollywood hosted its annual Halloween Carnaval, marking both 30 years since WeHo was incorporated and 40 years since the premiere of the cult classic film, The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Tim Curry, star of the movie, was honored as honorary mayor at the WeHo celebration, which was live streamed on YouTube. One of the hosts was Willam Belli of RuPaul’s Drag Race, and Boy George also made an appearance to the delight of hundreds of thousands of attendees.
Police in both cities maintained a strong presence. WNBC reported the response by the NYPD was in part due to concerns over a threat to police. According to WNBC and the Los Angeles TV station, KCAL, the crowds in both locales were well-behaved and there were no reports of trouble at press time.
Watch a report from WNBC about the Greenwich Village parade, below, and scroll down to tune in to the #WeHoTV live stream from YouTube and a report from KCAL.
Dawn Ennis
Open Question: LGBT im bored with my boyfriend of a month…i feel torn and guilty?
idk who to talk to about this. we’ve been dating for a month now. in the beginning it was really great. as we got to know each other i felt he was perfect on paper. and later as we got to know each other i got instantly bored. i noticed signs in the beginning like it wouldn’t bother me if we were apart for too long.
i would have friends ask me “do you miss your new boyfriend?” “i bet you two are in the stage where you two are inseperable and have seperation anxiety” ect and i don’t feel that at all!
he always goes on how much he misses me and i just don’t care… and later i noticed i don’t feel the same as i did when we first met. i feel guilty because he told me he dated a guy for three weeks and he got bored as well and they broke up and he feels i may do the same….
he always asks if im happy and i just feel neutral towards him. i keep telling myself “the love will come…” but its not
is this normal?should i wait? i also dont text him often he always texts me and i figure he would get bored and breakup with me but hes not,,,so @Iamwhite nice try….not funny
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