Turns Out This Guy’s Girlfriend Is Totally Cool With Him Being “Heteroflexible”

Turns Out This Guy’s Girlfriend Is Totally Cool With Him Being “Heteroflexible”

1e6b115b230628045c39e1a19c0ae9f5When we last heard from this self-described heteroflexible Redditor, things weren’t going so well on the homefront.

He broached the subject of his once-in-a-blue-moon desire to get down with other guys with his girlfriend, and it didn’t go so smoothly.

Related: Guy Comes Out As “Heteroflexible” To His Girlfriend. It Doesn’t Go Well.

Well, turns out the saying is true: communication really is everything.

He recently updated the internet on his relationship bump and what he learned from it:

So this is a bit late, but there was a lot of interest in my last post and I thought I’d give you guys an update on what happened.

She came back from her trip late that night and we sat down immediately to have a talk. I had this big plan about what I was going to say and how to explain what my feelings were better, give everything more context etc. but in the end none of it was necessary as she dove straight in..

She said that she was sorry that her reaction was a little harsh. She explained that she has zero problem with gays/bisexuals but that when it’s with her own partner it feels different. She agreed maybe it is close-minded but she said it’s an instinctive reaction. She said she is honestly not 100% comfortable with the idea, but that realistically it isn’t that big of a deal. She said she doesn’t truly understand the whole “it’s more about dick than being attracted to men” thing, but that she understands human sexuality is complex and believes me.

She said that she really liked how I explained myself with regards to saying assertively that I know exactly what I feel, what I want and that it’s for nobody else to try and tell me otherwise. Apparently my confidence in my sexuality and that the fact that I seem completely unconflicted with it makes it less of big deal.

So, in the end, I just kind of nodded and said that she had pretty much already come to all of the conclusions that I was about to try and get her to. We laughed and made up.

So it’s been over a week now and there have no more issues. She has actually brought it up a few times in a humorous way, making fun of me, which I am totally okay with. I’m just glad it’s all out in the open and not too big of a deal anymore.

tl;dr: Girlfriend does a u-turn, ends up being, if not 100% comfortable, able to accept it and be okay with the fact. Lesson learnt – give people time to process things before jumping to totalistic conclusions.

EDIT – Also, I think I am just going to go all out and state early in a relationship that I would say I am 95% straight. That way you can avoid major conflict later if it would be an issue and also I think you can learn a lot about a person in how they react.

Enlightened mostly-straight guy for the win.

Dan Tracer


Rentboy CEO Asks for Help on Facebook

Rentboy CEO Asks for Help on Facebook


Back in August, we told you about the raid carried out by federal officers against Rentboy in New York. CEO Jeffrey Hurant was among the company’s executives arrested on charges of prostitution.

After being arraigned in court, Hurant told reporters, “I think we do good things for good people and we bring good people together. And I hope that justice will be done in the end.”

RELATED: The Complaint Against Rentboy.com: A Legal Perspective

Since then, Hurant has been silent on the legal battle he and his company have been facing–until now. Posting on Facebook, he asked for the public’s help in financing Rentboy’s legal defense:

I realize that I have been very quiet on Facebook since my arrest on August 25th. I have been advised by legal counsel not to make any public statements about the case. As any of you who know me can guess, this hasn’t been easy for me.

This ordeal has been devastating for me, my family, my ex-employees and all the people my company has helped through the years. I am very grateful for all the support I have gotten from friends far and wide throughout the crisis. I count my blessings every day.

The brilliant team at Sher Tremonte, LLP has been working tirelessly preparing my defense. Even though I have not been proven guilty of committing any crime, the government has seized all the assets that I can use to defend myself, so I am here asking for your financial help to insure that this case has the best legal minds working on it.

Please consider donating to the www.rentboyfund.org/ Legal Defense Fund.

RELATED: Matt Baume on the Rentboy.com Raid: ‘Should Sex Work Be A Crime?’ – VIDEO

The post Rentboy CEO Asks for Help on Facebook appeared first on Towleroad.

Sean Mandell

Rentboy CEO Asks for Help on Facebook

GLAAD 'Disappointed,' Slams 'Tomboy' Movie for Gender-Confirmation Surgery Plot

GLAAD 'Disappointed,' Slams 'Tomboy' Movie for Gender-Confirmation Surgery Plot

The upcoming film Tomboy: A Revenger’s Tale is causing a controversy among LGBT activist groups, and most notable among them is GLAAD, which is calling the plotline of the planned movie “disappointing” for its “sensationalistic” depiction of gender-confirmation surgeries.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the film from director Walter Hill centers on an assassin (played by bisexual actress Michelle Rodriguez) who is seeking revenge on a surgeon (played by LGBT ally and Prayers for Bobby star Sigourney Weaver) for being turned from a man into a woman.

The chief criticism of Tomboy is that it makes light of the various forms of gender-confirmation surgery trans people undergo to align their physical bodies with their innate gender.

“We haven’t read the script, but it’s disappointing to see filmmakers turning what is a lifesaving medical procedure for transgender people into a sensationalistic plot device,” Nick Adams, GLAAD’s director of programs for transgender media, said in a statement to THR.

He continued: 

“We are at a crucial moment in the public’s understanding of transgender issues, and stories like these have the potential to undermine the progress we’ve worked so hard to achieve.” 

Raffy Ermac


'RuPaul's Drag Race' Queens Offer Their Halloween Costume Advice

'RuPaul's Drag Race' Queens Offer Their Halloween Costume Advice

It’s almost Halloween — do you have your costume yet?

If not, two stars from the popular reality franchise “RuPaul’s Drag Race” are here to give you some tips and tricks for the perfect Halloween look.

Shangela and Willam are in New York City for two nights of Halloween-themed shows produced by party promoter extraordinaire Brandon Voss, and they stopped by HuffPost Live to hype the event and share their personal thoughts about the holiday.

A masked Willam, who looked delightfully terrifying, got candid:

“My favorite thing is when someone goes to the club dressed as a fairy or Tinkerbell or angel and they whack everybody with the wings. Don’t do it! Don’t be something with wings — there is no room for your ass… so that’s my costume tip.”

Check out the clip above to hear more.

Also on HuffPost:

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Open Question: What is the evolutionary benefit of "drag everyone else down with me"?

Open Question: What is the evolutionary benefit of "drag everyone else down with me"?
Over the years I have heard of severely ill people hurting others for various reasons, but a common feature amongst many of these people is that they think *im screwed, to hell with everyone else,” and the biggest example is the gay flight attendant who decided to plague Americas lgbt with a disease he didn’t understand, because of this “reasoning” but my mother who works in psychiatric hospital Noted a substantial number of people in there are like this or dedicated groups on the Internet of twisted people glorifying their spread of HIV, I have to ask since this trait seems common, what is its evolutionary benefit? How did this not kill off our species when we were much smaller? How? What? We’re does it even come from? I’m suffering therefore everyone else has to? Seriously I cannot comprehend this self destruction and the destruction


Priest Fired For Coming Out Says Church Is Making Lives Of Gay Catholics “Hell”

Priest Fired For Coming Out Says Church Is Making Lives Of Gay Catholics “Hell”

Monsignor Krzysztof Charamsa, left, and his boyfriend Eduard, surname not given, pose for a photo as they leave a restaurant after a news conference in downtown Rome, Saturday Oct. 3, 2015. The Vatican on Saturday fired Charamsa who came out as gay on the eve of a big meeting of the world's bishops to discuss church outreach to gays, divorcees and more traditional Catholic families. (AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino)

AP Photo/Alessandra Tarantino

Krzysztof Charamsa, a 44-year-old former senior Vatican priest who was defrocked and fired the day after he came out, has blasted the Catholic Church in an open — and openly furious — letter to Pope Francis.

In the letter, he claims the Church makes the lives of millions of gay Catholics “a hell,” and says the clergy is “full of homosexuals.”

He accuses the church of “persecuting” gay Catholics and causing “immeasurable suffering” to them and their families.

Charamsa claims that after “a long and tormented period of discernment and prayer,” he decided to “publicly reject the violence of the Church towards homosexual, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and intersexual people”.

He also says the Roman Catholic clergy is often “frequently violently homophobic,” and implores “all gay cardinals, gay bishops and gay priests [to] have the courage to abandon this insensitive, unfair and brutal Church.”

He claims he can no longer be silent about the “homophobic hate of the Church, the exclusion, the marginalization and the stigmatization of people like me”, whose “human rights are denied” by the Church.

Later, Charamsa writes that Pope Bendict’s proclamation that homosexuality was “a strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil” was, in itself, “diabolical.”

LGBTQ Catholics, he says, have a right to a happy family life “even if the Church doesn’t want to bless it.”

Pope Francis has yet to respond to the letter.

h/t: BBC


Jeremy Kinser


Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal to Speak at Summit Organized by Pastor Who Wants Gays Executed

Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal to Speak at Summit Organized by Pastor Who Wants Gays Executed


Republican presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, and Bobby Jindal will speak at the National Religious Liberties Conference in Des Moines, Iowa, an event organized by virulently anti-gay pastor Kevin Swanson.

Right Wing Watch reports: 

One speaker at the conference, Iowa radio host Steve Deace, has said that Ben Carson has also RSVP’d for the event, although Carson’s name was not included in today’s press release.

Kevin-Swanson_2Kevin Swanson, the conference’s chief organizer, is a far-right pastor and host of the “Generations Radio” program, on which he has frequently claimed that the government should put gay people to death, warned that the Girl Scouts and the movie “Frozen” turn girls into lesbians and blamed natural disasters on gay people and women who wear pants.

Swanson has also said that churches accepting gay couples will lead to the persecution, imprisonment and murder of Christians, and opined for the good ole days when country singer Kacey Musgraves would have been hung for her pro-gay lyrics. 

The conference is being held on November 6 and will also feature “Persecuted Christians David and Jason Benham”, Rafael Cruz (Ted Cruz’s bigoted father), Bob Vander Plaats among others.

The post Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal to Speak at Summit Organized by Pastor Who Wants Gays Executed appeared first on Towleroad.

Sean Mandell

Cruz, Huckabee and Jindal to Speak at Summit Organized by Pastor Who Wants Gays Executed

Why Drug Scandals Like Martin Shkreli's Will Keep Happening

Why Drug Scandals Like Martin Shkreli's Will Keep Happening

After the Internet’s swift condemnation of Turing Pharmaceuticals’ decision to ratchet up the price of the lifesaving toxoplasmosis drug Daraprim from $13.50 per pill to $750 per pill, Turing CEO Martin Shkreli eventually recanted and announced that he would be lowering the price — although he has yet to say when or by how much. Now Imprimis Pharmaceuticals has stepped up to make alternative treatment available for $1, providing intense relief to individuals at risk of toxoplasmosis, which disproportionately affects people living with HIV and AIDS.

When the scandal first broke, I was afraid that the story would subside and get swallowed by the 24-hour Internet outrage cycle, but thankfully the conversation has continued, with many calling for systemic reform. Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have put forth plans to prevent patients from going bankrupt, but no real progress has been made to limit abuse by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Now I am afraid that Imprimis Pharmaceuticals’ noble decision to offer a pro bono alternative to Daraprim is going to distract from the very real need for consumer protections.

Imprimis CEO Mark L. Baum has acknowledged that “this is not the first time a sole supply generic drug — especially one that has been approved for use as long as Daraprim — has had its price increased suddenly and to a level that may make it unaffordable,” going on to assert that “some drug prices are simply out of control.” While I commend both his actions and his statements, I have to point out that the solution here is not drug companies banding together to pick up the slack where they see moral failings in their industry, and very few of the glowing articles I have read this week have made the point that we need to continue pushing our politicians for reform.

If a company can arbitrarily increase the cost of lif-saving medications upward of 5,000 percent overnight, we have to consider what this means for patients, even if the medication in question doesn’t effect us personally. To cure hepatitis C can still cost a person more than $100,000 — approximately $1,000 a pill for some treatments. Not only are drugs considerably more expensive in the U.S. than they are in other countries, the cost is disproportionately laid on consumers — and good luck to you if you can’t afford the right kind of insurance or, worse, can’t afford insurance at all. Our elected officials could do something about this situation — but they’re under tremendous pressure not to.

The truth is, politicians are as afraid of pharmaceutical companies as they are of the NRA. The drug lobby is powerful, and millions of dollars exchange hands every year to protect their interests over the interests of the American people. I don’t have all the solutions, but I do know that these issues are not going to be addressed if we leave it up to the private sector. For me, it all goes back to campaign finance reform — if we can take giant corporations’ millions out of politics, maybe our elected officials can be convinced to value people over profits again. In the meantime we all need to raise our voices and do our best to make sure this issue doesn’t fade away. 


KIT WILLIAMSON is an actor, filmmaker, and activist living in New York City. He best known for playing the role of Ed Gifford on Mad Men and creating the LGBT series EastSiders, which recently premiered its second season exclusively on Vimeo On Demand
Kit Williamson
