Open Question: Need some serious relationship advice?
Ok so I started dating this girl last Monday I really like her personality and she’s absolutely adorable so that same day everyone was just looking at me in complete shock and at lunch they told me she was bi AND I HAD NO IDEA the whole entire school knew except for me and I felt like a complete idiot and I just think it would be kinda ****** up to break up with her because that’s who she is and she can’t help it (I have nothing against LGBT people at all) but on another side I feel she kept it a secret from me for a reason like she wanted to hold on to me of something and I just can’t get past the fact that my girlfriend could cheat on me a little more easier than alot of people could p.s thanks for reading guys I really need help
Daily Archives: October 18, 2015
zivko.trikic posted a photo:
Open Question: How Do I be confident hitting on a girl (lgbt+)?
Open Question: How Do I be confident hitting on a girl (lgbt+)?
So I like this girl she’s super beautiful I’m Tay 13 Lesbian and in the past I’ve always been the innocent by standard but I wanna be super confident and sly and kinda be the cool one long story short I like this bi girl and I wanna hit on her I don’t know how to do it any suggestions? Btw I’ve only talked to her once
submitted by Highdeazz
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byu/Highdeazz inlgbt
Open Question: Older LGBT: Why are a lot of older gay men looking for love more than sex?
Open Question: Older LGBT: Why are a lot of older gay men looking for love more than sex?
Hey Everyone!!
So I am 24 years old and I find myself chasing men in their 30s and 40s and 50s now… And I know that there are older men who are hooking up left and right and in open relationships, etc…
However, I noticed that a lot of the older men tell me they are past that stage… That they are looking to settle down now and fall in love… And it is cute when we go on dates they want to be right by my side… And they want to just hold me or peck me on the lips… Why are they so respectful of my body and me? Back in the day wouldn’t they be all over me like the young guys now? Lol… I feel like the older men respect me more… And want more than just sex from me. Why are they that way now? Is it possible they were hooking up tons back in the 80s & 90s etc etc? Now they want love? Why?
An older lesbian I know told me that even the younger women can be sexual… She said the older you get the more you know just what you want? She said when you are younger you will chase anyone and anything… But as you age you know what to toss out as scraps from what is good for you… Is she right? She said as you age you know who is trouble and who isn’t.. What is worth chasing and what isn’t? Is she right?