Student Fights Catholic School's Ban on Same-Sex Dates

Student Fights Catholic School's Ban on Same-Sex Dates

A student at a Catholic school in Memphis, Tenn., says administrators have reneged on allowing him to bring a same-sex date to the homecoming dance this weekend — and one gave him that message by alluding to a gay man murdered by his partner.

Lance Sanderson (pictured above), a senior at Christian Brothers High School, said that during the previous school year, he asked one administrator if bringing a boy from another school as his homecoming date would be OK, and the administrator said yes, the Memphis Flyer reports. But that official left Christian Brothers over the summer, so Sanderson brought it up with a different administrator.

“I mentioned it, expecting him to say the same thing,” the student told the Flyer. “And he had a very different response. He mentioned a [gay] couple in Texas and said I was a lot like this one person and said that the guy’s boyfriend murdered him. It was a little rough.”

School officials then set up a committee to make a policy on same-sex dates. The policy, they announced, is “CBHS students may attend the dance by themselves, with other CBHS students, or with a girl from another school. For logistical reasons, boys from other schools may not attend.” In a letter to students and parents, the administration elaborated, “The school has never let boys from other schools attend these dances as the mixing of boys from other schools in such an open atmosphere can cause problems.”

Sanderson finds the policy discriminatory. He told the Flyer he believes that under the policy, he’d be able to attend the dance with a boy from Christian Brothers, but administrators would “paint it as we’re just friends going together.” He has set up a petition calling on the school to change the policy and allow same-sex dates.

He says he’s experienced homophobia at Christian Brothers, noting on the petition, “But now it’s not classmates causing the issue — it’s administrators. School officials who should be looking out for students like me, not targeting us with discrimination.” As of this afternoon, the petition had nearly 8,000 signatures.





Trudy Ring

PHOTOS: Move Over Top Knot, The Man Braid Has Arrived

PHOTOS: Move Over Top Knot, The Man Braid Has Arrived

There was a time when men’s hair style ranged from crew cut to side part, and not much else.

So no matter how you feel about man buns, pompadours or “angular fringe” (it’s a thing), just be glad there’s some variety out there.

And while mermen might not be your thing, maybe you’ll enjoy the man braid.

Because nothing says “I’m comfortable with my masculinity” like a French braid or a wreath of golden braided locks.

Either that, or the madness has gone too far.

A photo posted by @corykel on

A photo posted by Jeff Chan (@jeffacakesss) on

A photo posted by Laura Thorne (@luluthorne) on

A photo posted by Cody Soviar (@cody_soviar) on

Dan Tracer

Movie Review: Roland Emmerich’s ‘Stonewall’

Movie Review: Roland Emmerich’s ‘Stonewall’


Danny from Indiana births the gay rights movement. Woohoo!

This one’s for Judy!

… so went a legendary scream (along with brick throwing) as the Stonewall riots began. We can’t know exactly what happened that night, but as the famous saying goes, “when legend becomes fact… print the legend.” Judy Garland, The World’s Greatest Entertainer, had died a week earlier on June 22nd, 1969. Her remains were brought to New York City on June 26th where tens of thousands of people lined up to pay respects, and her funeral, which barred the public, took place on June 27th. The theory goes that the gay community, which had always idolized her (as any sentient human with taste should, then or now) was even more on-edge than usual when the police came to raid Stonewall on the night of June 28th, 1969.

Fact: All hell broke loose. The rest is (much argued about) ‘history’.

Judy grief as combustive fuel is one of the legends at any rate. And one that I heard a lot as a baby-gay whenever people brought up Stonewall. Stonewall was not the true beginning of gay liberation (political groups had been forming since the 1940s to pursue our future rights), but it remains a super handy symbolic one. Roland Emmerich’s STONEWALL, opening this weekend in limited release, has the clear distinction of being the only narrative feature film (there are just two of them but still…) about the Stonewall Riots to give a flying (monkey) f**k about Dorothy Gale of Kansas. This might seem a small thing to get hung up on, but it points to much larger problems.


Judy-blindness is not the first sign that this new LGBT drama doesn’t know what it’s doing but the earliest to flash an unmistakable “WARNING” sign at you.

And here’s why: Judy is referenced therein, but from a suspicious place of shoulder-shrugging. Our audience surrogate is an outsider, you see, and therein lies the source of so much of what’s wrong with this movie. To understand the Stonewall riots, which is, at heart, the story of a community, an outsider is the last person to whom you should turn. Our audience surrogate is the straightest of gay twinks, Danny (Jeremy Irvine) who hails from Indiana though the drag queens and hustlers who first befriend him in Greenwich Village are quick to dub him “Kansas”.

Danny, rather shockingly to both the in-movie queers and this queer watching, doesn’t seem to “get” any reference to Wizard of Oz or Judy Garland which makes him the dimmest relic imaginable. For the record The Wizard of Oz (1939), a movie so famous references and quotes from it pop up everyday in real life all-the-time, no gayness required, became an annual television event in 1959. In 1959 there were only 3 channels, no internet, and fictional Danny was 6 or 7 years old. Since the movie takes place in 1969 and all of Danny’s flashbacks involve a nuclear family living in the golden American hues of television commercials, this seems as impossible a blindspot as if he had never tasted apple pie or played baseball. Even Captain America, frozen on ice from World War II until the 21st century, gets Wizard of Oz references (see: Marvel’s The Avengers, 2012)!

Danny’s parents, as it turns out, are awful homophobes who kick him out when he’s caught servicing the town’s high school football hero Joe (Karl Glusman, the extremely naked star of Gaspar Noé’s explicit sex movie Love). But this isn’t a surprise — any parents who’d deny their children The Wizard of Oz are unfit.

” STONEWALL ” (Photo by Philippe Bosse). The stars become supporting characters.

So off to New York City Danny runs, heading straight to Christopher Street and into the welcoming arms of a parade of friendly drag queens and hustlers, and even a few predatory gays who would make even the bitter queens of Boys in the Band (1970) look the other way in “this doesn’t represent me!” embarrassment.

To escape the ‘bitter queen’ tag myself — even though I am bitter because the LGBT community deserves a Stonewall movie as good as, say, Selma which understood not to be a biopic about Martin Luther King but the story of a communal effort since that’s what all civil rights triumphs actually are —  let’s note that the movie doesn’t do quite everything wrong. Roland Emmerich, famous out action director, is a lot more at home in the movie-ready cheesiness of Period Piece Americana of Indiana than in the tumultuous New York of 1969. The scenes of middle America homophobia work — including a funny (because it’s so wrong!) educational film about predatory gays that is shown to Danny’s classroom — and Danny’s inarticulate romance with his bisexual friend Joe is semi-touching.

Jonny Beauchamp, who recently romanced and bedded Dorian Gray as the trans prostitute on Showtime’s Penny Dreadful, really goes for it as Ramona who immediately wants to adopt/protect/love Danny. Is he over the top? Maybe. But at least he refuses to play it pathetically as ‘Unloved Drag Queen’ for as long as he can against the screenplay’s forceful attempts to do just that. And though the movie has clearly pre-judged the original members of the Mattachine Society (embodied here by the ever handsome but continually kind of sinister Jonathan Rhys-Meyers as Trevor, a “chicken queen” to use what I believe was the vernacular of the time (?), who everyone but the naive Danny mistrusts) it’s generally good natured enough to make time for redemptive moments or shots of everyone. Yes, even the villains get loving shots in the Pride March finale and the “Whatever Happened To…” text that so many true-ish movie stories use to wrap up.

But occasional moments-that-are-passable aside, Stonewall isn’t gritty or smart or well acted enough to survive the Mean Streets of New York, Christopher or otherwise. Scenes of menace rarely read like menace (save an early beating by two police officers) but like movie concepts of menace. The drag queens and hustlers don’t look like desperate survivors so much as “hipster kids of 1969,” which dilutes the power of seeing them sleeping/squatting in communal huddles in a disreputable hotel, and Irvine remains too pretty-boy blank for the leading roles he keeps winning. When Danny shouts “GAY POWER!!!” after throwing the first brick, he seems more like a pumped up jock who forgot to shower before a pep rally, than a homeless part time hustler at the end of his rope.


About that first brick…

Most damning of all, Stonewall isn’t even well-intentioned enough to make for a respectable LGBT must-see event. When Marsha P Johnson (an actual historical figure played by Otoja Abit) removes the brick from her purse with the intention to throw it on that fateful night (The brick that will begin the historical riot. The brick that will symbolically birth the entire gay rights movement!), Danny balks in a “really?” kind of way, but then he has a change of heart. He takes it from her and he does the famous throwing! If Roland Emmerich were a satirist like, say, Paul Verhoeven (Showgirls), we might declare this last shocking misstep a perversely genius move.

It is the single clearest visual embodiment the movies have arguably ever provided of the way Hollywood whitewashes history, continually robbing minorities, women, people of color gays, gays (you name it) of their own stories by appropriating them for the glory of Straight(ish) White Men. But Emmerich is not a genius satirist so at best this is an Idiot Savant move; may this scene be used forever more in History, Literary, Film and Racial Studies classrooms to demonstrate White Appropriation and ahistorical agendas in storytelling.

Stonewall may have birthed Gay Pride but this Stonewall is a Shame.


Nathaniel Rogers would live in the movie theater but for the lack of wifi, blogs daily at the Film Experience. Follow him on Twitter @nathanielr.

The post Movie Review: Roland Emmerich’s ‘Stonewall’ appeared first on Towleroad.

Nathaniel Rogers

Movie Review: Roland Emmerich’s ‘Stonewall’

White House Hosts Bisexual Advocates for Community Policy Briefing

White House Hosts Bisexual Advocates for Community Policy Briefing

Leaders from the bisexual community convened at the White House this week to discuss issues of concern to the oft-overlooked B in LGBT, that need to be addressed through public policy changes.

Monday’s meeting was a follow-up to a 2013 Bisexual Leader Roundtable meeting and occurred during the second annual Bisexual Awareness Week.

The meeting was an “off the record” event, meaning participants were not at liberty to say which senior White House officials were in attendance. The Washington Blade was able to secure a quote from a White House official prior to the event, on the promise of anonymity.

“As a follow-up to the first bisexual community issues roundtable in 2013, the White House Office of Public Engagement will convene a bisexual community issues briefing with key policy advocates, health experts, activists, and administration officials, to discuss the unique disparities the bisexual community faces around health, intimate partner violence, and erasure in mainstream LGBT discourse,” the official told the Blade. “The objectives for this briefing are to better shine a light on the issues within the community and explore policy interventions.” 

bi week

When The Advocate spoke with attendees, they stressed the proposed public policies that had been prepared for the meeting.

“I was proud to participate in an historic briefing at the White House on how the Obama administration can help address the critical disparities facing bisexual Americans, from more robust suicide prevention and mental health services for bisexual youth to recommendations on data collection to protections for bisexual asylum seekers,” Heron Greenesmith, policy analyst at the Movement Advancement Project, told The Advocate. 

“As part of the group of bisexual policy experts from across the country working to outline these concrete policy changes, I was struck by the volume of data highlighting just how many bisexual people face discrimination, poor mental and physical health, and violence, often at much higher rates than our gay or heterosexual peers.”

The policy briefings addressed bisexual-specific needs in data collection, employment discrimination, HIV prevention and care, immigration and asylum issues, mental and physical health disparities, suicide prevention, and violence. According to the briefings, all of the areas listed are areas of concerns and have unique impacts for bisexual people.

“Perhaps one of the most valuable elements to Monday’s policy briefing was the opportunities for people to share resources – those resources were our experiences, fields of work, and knowledge, all of which varied widely but were strong across the board,” GLAAD media strategist Alexandra Bolles wrote of her experience at the White House gathering.

“When put together, these resources served to move the bi community as a whole towards cultural and political advancement,” she said. “While the bi community must overcome a disproportionally high hurdle in order to access hard resources and to achieve, I felt we were in a space where being ourselves was valuable, productive, and enough.”

Summaries of the policy briefings can be found on the Bisexual Awareness Week website.

Eliel Cruz

Justice Antonin Scalia clearly still seething over Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage

Justice Antonin Scalia clearly still seething over Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage

Antonin Scalia remains highly critical of his colleagues on the US Supreme Court who voted 5-4 back in June to make same-sex marriage legal across the US.

Scalia, one of the high court’s most outspoken conservative justices, called the ruling ‘extreme‘ during a speech this week at Rhodes College in Menphis, Tennessee.

‘They’re not interpreting the constitution. They’re writing one, they’re revising one,’ Scalia said of his more liberal colleagues.

Appointed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986, Scalia does not believe the US Constitution is a ‘living document’ that evolves. He is an ‘originalist’ who believes the court must adhere to the original text when interpreting the constitution.

‘They’re not adhering to the text, they’re operating as policy makers,’ he said of justices Anthony Kennedy. Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Stephen G. Breyer.

He called the same-sex marriage ruling ‘the furthest imaginable extension of the Supreme Court doing whatever it wants.

‘Saying that the Constitution requires that practice, which is contrary to the religious beliefs of many of our citizens, I don’t know how you can get more extreme than that. I worry about a Court that’s headed in that direction.’

The post Justice Antonin Scalia clearly still seething over Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage appeared first on Gay Star News.

Greg Hernandez

Your Ultimate Guide To Gay Halloween New Orleans Is Here

Your Ultimate Guide To Gay Halloween New Orleans Is Here


Halloween New Orleans presented by Avita Pharmacy, now in its 32nd year, is known as the best gay Halloween bash in the U.S. for good reason. With 4 days of gay parties (including a black-tie gala, a neon party, a costume party, and the most sacred of all, gay brunch), a spectacular parade, a top notch music festival and a crowd that is equally uproarious and sexy, it’s no wonder gays flock to NOLA come the end of October.

The theme for this year’s Halloween New Orleans (HNO) is “Fall of the Pharaohs” which means there will be plenty of bared chests and guy liner on display. Even more important than the theme of this bash is the cause it supports. All of the proceeds from HNO go to benefit Project Lazarus, an organization started in 1984 during the height of the AIDS crisis. What started as a hospice house for mostly gay men with AIDS who sought care, compassion and dignity, has evolved to serve as transitional housing to help people live with pride and independence. With almost $4.5 million raised to-date, this group does a lot of good all with the support of LGBT party-goers.

To help you navigate all that HNO has to offer, we created a guide of what to do when during Halloween so you can make the most of your stay. Check it out below.

The Lazarus Ball – Thursday, October 29

This black-tie ball kicks off the HNO: Fall of the Pharaohs Weekend. With live entertainment, great food, and a silent auction with items from local businesses, galleries, restaurants, and entertainment venues, there’s plenty to lure you in. The auction is a huge source of funding for the Lazarus Project and is a great event to bring co-workers and friends who might prefer it to some of the more wild reveries.

GLO Neon Party – Friday, October 30


HNOGLO (neon party) in collaboration with is back for the second year in a row. We were on-hand last year for this bright celebration and can attest that this is one party you won’t want to miss. DJ Grind will be spinning tracks at Republic, the same venue from last year, which this year joined in as a co-sponsor. As for the vibe, it’s decidedly more…dressed down than the gala.

And being Halloween, a costume is always appreciated (though not required). For instance, this reveler was ahead of his time, channeling this year’s theme!


Click HERE for an extended preview of what you can expect at GLO.

The Main Event – Saturday, October 31

This is it, the largest, sexiest gay costume bash in the U.S.A. Taking place at the Contemporary Arts Center, this big gay costume party will take party-goers back to ancient Egypt while enticing them to dance all night long (or at least til 3am). It’s all about the costumes here, so make sure you have one or else you won’t be allowed in. The Absolut Costume Contest will highlight the best costumes while an Audience Award will also be given out (you can vote that night using the HNO app). DJ Blacklow and Joe Gauthreaux will keep you entranced all night — as will the eye candy on display.



The event also boasts a midnight show, VIP lounge, and photo booths. Then make your way to our bar sponsor, Oz for the after party featuring DJ Brett Henrichsen!

For more pics from last year’s party, click HERE.

Brunch and Second Line – Sunday, November 1

Recover from the previous night with your friends at The House of Blues with brunch, a performance by Thelma Houston and an iconic New Orleans tradition–the second line. These reveries are started by marching bands carrying their infectious music through the streets of NOLA, inspiring people to get up and join the party. The second line will take you from the House of Blues and march you down Bourbon Street to gay bar Oz right in the heart of the French Quarter. Winners of the Absolut Costume Contest will also be announced here.


Krewe of Boo Parade – Saturday, October 24

New Orleans knows how to do parades (think, Mardi Gras) and Halloween is no different. Organized and put on by the Kern family (also responsible for NOLA’s Mardi Gras since 1947), the city’s official Halloween parade is both green and a display of beautifully horrific props and sculptures that will help you get in the All Hallow’s Eve spirit. The floats in this parade are always stunning and crafted by the premier float building organization in America.


Voodoo Music + Art Experience – October 30 – November 1

This three day music and arts festivals urges its patrons to worship the music of its many prominent artists. This year’s extensive lineup includes Ozzy Osbourne, Zac Brown Band, Florence + The Machine, Jack Ü, Deadmau5, Steve Angello, Modest Mouse, Alesso, Jane’s Addiction, Girl Talk, Santigold, Duke Dumont, Third Eye Blind, Giorgio Moroder (below) and many more. You can scope the full roster HERE.


To purchase your tickets for Halloween New Orleans presented by Avita Pharmacy, click HERE.

The post Your Ultimate Guide To Gay Halloween New Orleans Is Here appeared first on Towleroad.


Your Ultimate Guide To Gay Halloween New Orleans Is Here

Fan's Tweet Strikes Out New York Mets' Homophobic Kiss Cam Gag

Fan's Tweet Strikes Out New York Mets' Homophobic Kiss Cam Gag

Like teams around the country, during baseball games camera crews for the New York Mets have a tradition of scanning the crowd for couples to show on the Jumbotron, prompting them to kiss on-camera and the stadium to swoon. 

But New York’s Citi Stadium has long had its own unique — and many say, homophobic — version of the famed Kiss Cam. After spotlighting three or four opposite-sex couples couples, the camera turns to two male players from the opposing team, waiting for the crowd to roar with laughter. The joke, apparently, is the very idea of two men kissing. 

After grimacing at the practice all season long, Mets fan Etan Bednarsh had enough of the homophobic “joke” in April. That’s when he tweeted at the Mets: “Putting two men together on the kiss cam isn’t a punch line. I want to keep coming to games. Please stop doing this.” 

The tweet was ignored. According to Bednarsh, the so-called joke continued at games throughout the season. Every time he witnessed it, Bednarsh tweeted at the Mets, asking the club to stop the practice, often from his stadium seat.

“I’m just a fan who loves going to the games, and honestly I hate seeing this kind of latent homophobia that really has no place in a baseball game,” Bednarsh told Huffpost Live in a recent interview. 

Before long, other fans joined in, speaking out againt the tasteless joke via Twitter, calling the Mets “homophobic” “imbeciles,” “stupid,” “anti-gay,” and telling them to “grow the fuck up.” As the growing cascade of tweets was met with silence from the Mets organization, Bednarsh tracked the outrage on Twitter, commenting that the “jokes” were “absolutely inexcusable.” 

The homophobic Kiss Cam gag continued until Bednarsh was invited to speak on Huffpost Live‘s show “Queerview” last month. In preparation for the show, Huffpost Live reached out to the Mets about what fans were saying. A spokesperson for the Mets responded swiftly, with an answer Bednarsh had been requesting for months:

“We have, on occasion, included players from opposing teams in our popular in-game Kiss Cam feature. While intended to be lighthearted, we unintentionally offended some. We apologize for doing so and no longer will include players in the feature. Our organization is wholly supportive of fostering an inclusive and respectful environment at games.” 

Bednarsh first learned of the team’s response on his Huffpost Live segment. With the homophobic jokes permanently called “out,” Bednarsh is now asking the club to start including same-sex couples on the kiss cam sincerely. 

“I’ve never seen a same-sex couple put on the kiss cam in a genuine way,” he told Huffpost Live. “And it’s New York City. There’s no shortage of same-sex couples sitting at the stadium. … I’ve seen on Twitter gay couples tweet to get on the Kiss Cam and they’ll never put them on genuinely, only for a joke.” 

Should the Mets feature same-sex couples on the in-game Kiss Cam, the team would join others Major League Baseball teams, including the Los Angeles Dodgers, who recently put a same-sex couple on the hot seat for its Kiss Cam segment, and recieved thunderous applause when the men shared a smooch. After the fact, the husbands, who’ve been together for nearly 20 years, told The Advocate that the crowd’s warm reaction was “unexpected, and beautiful, and affirming.”

And as far back as 2011, the Dodgers’ rivals, the San Francisco Giants, spotlighted a same-sex kiss during a game for LGBT Night Out at San Francisco’s AT&T Park. 

Watch Bednarsh’s Huffpost Live interview below. 

Alexander Cheves

LBT Media Guru Ebone Bell to Be Honored at 25th Mautner Anniversary Gala

LBT Media Guru Ebone Bell to Be Honored at 25th Mautner Anniversary Gala
On Friday, September 25th the Mautner Project of Whitman-Walker Health, a leader in health services for LBTQ women, honored 3 outstanding members of the LBTQ women’s community at their 25th annual Mautner Gala.

“The women we have honored this year really represent some of the values of Mautner Project of Whitman-Walker Health: quality, affirming health care, service, and strong community. I’m excited for folks to meet them,” says Jacquetta Brooks, manager of Mautner Project of Whitman-Walker.

Among the honorees is Eboné Bell, managing editor of Tagg Magazine, who was honored with the Image Award for her work in leading the area’s premier publication for lesbian news, culture, and events. Tagg Magazine, available in both digital and print form, is the only lesbian and queer women’s publication serving the Washington D.C. community. Bell is a long time supporter and advocate of non-profit organizations, including Mautner, and has used her position as founder and managing editor of the magazine to create outlets for affirming and inspiring representations of women and the LBTQ community.

With a background in advertising and marketing, Bell began her career in print publication as advertising manager for the Chronicle of Higher Education, building her skills, learning her craft, and collecting contacts and resources. After noticing a severe lack in the opportunity for queer women to speak and for their voices to be heard, Bell filled in that gap by creating Tagg Magazine.

“I wanted to show that visibility but also provide great content, great stories, events, and resources for the community,” Bell says. For this reason, Tagg Magazine features content ranging from dating, to arts and entertainment, to community and out at work articles that aim at engaging, representing, and speaking to the diverse backgrounds of women in the LBT community. Tagg Magazine also features a series of stories and resources, including an event page and a resource page. The resource page tackles a variety of topics, including coming out late in life, black lesbian support groups, trans support groups, rainbow response, domestic violence, etc. The events page is designed to connect LBT women with their community.

“Our mission is to connect people,” explains Bell, who is constantly asked why she named the magazine Tagg. She adds, “When I was thinking about the magazine, I wanted a name that said ‘connecting.’ Connecting women, connecting the queer women’s community…that’s our mission. When you play the game of tag, you reach out and touch someone.” That is exactly what Bell has done with her magazine, which now serves the Maryland, Delaware, DC, and Virginia areas. Bell cites her mother and grandmother as her greatest inspirations.

“I hope that as Tagg continues to grow, that we are really leaving our community with some sort of history,” notes Bell. “Some young queer girl growing up now, ten years from now, will know about people who paved the way. I hope Tagg tells their stories and leaves a mark on the DC queer community.” It is for this reason that Bell has received the Image Award, ensuring that the voices of many are heard through engaging content and capturing the spirit of community.

Other honorees for the evening included Schroeder Stribling, executive director of N Street Village, who will receive the Healing Works award for her efforts in providing services and empowering recovery for homeless and low-income women in the community. Major Jamie Lee Henry, the first active duty army officer to come out as transgender, will be awarded with the inaugural Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Award, the first of its kind.

As Mautner continues to provide LBTQ health services, it will continue to honor the hard work of many in the community.

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Russia’s Vladimir Putin proposes a meeting with Elton John – and it’s not a hoax

Russia’s Vladimir Putin proposes a meeting with Elton John – and it’s not a hoax

Earlier this month,  Elton John was tricked into thinking he was talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin by a pair of TV pranksters.

After John posted a picture of Putin on his Instagram thanking him for calling him to discuss gay rights, the Kremlin denied any call took place.

Now Putin wants to meet with the singer – for real.

The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov that Putin phoned Sir Elton on Wednesday (23 September) asking him not to be offended by the earlier prank by Vladimir Krasnov and Alexei Stolyarov who had impersonated him on the phone.

Peskov told Russian media that Putin had this time called the singer and asked him not to be offended by the hoax.

Mr Putin said on Thursday he was ready to meet Sir Elton to discuss ‘any issues of interest’ when their schedules permit.

Those issues would be Russia’s anti-LGBTI record and laws which Sir Elton was quite vocal about during a visit to Russia earlier this month.

‘I’d love to meet him [Putin], I’d love to sit down and talk to him,’ he told the BBC during that visit. ‘It’s probably pie in the sky but unless you try, unless you put your foot in the water, your toe in the water … at least if I meet him and say, “Listen, come on, let’s have a cup of tea, let’s talk about this.” He might laugh behind my back and then he shuts the door and call me an absolute idiot but at least I can have a conscience and say I’d tried.’

Of the earlier prank Sir Elton said: ‘Pranks are funny. Homophobia, however is never funny. I love Russia and my offer to talk to President Putin about LGBT rights still stands. I will always stand up for those that are being degraded and discriminated against.

‘If this unfortunate incident has helped push this vital issue back into the spotlight, then I am happy to be pranked on this occasion.’


The post Russia’s Vladimir Putin proposes a meeting with Elton John – and it’s not a hoax appeared first on Gay Star News.

Greg Hernandez