News: GOP Debate Drinking Game, Bernie Sanders, Beanie Babies, NOM

News: GOP Debate Drinking Game, Bernie Sanders, Beanie Babies, NOM

download> Drinking game rules for Thursday’s GOP Debate.

> Actor Falk Hentschel cast as Hawkman on The Flash, Arrow and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow

> Which 2016 campaign logo is the worst? 

> Archaeologists discover the entrance to biblical city of Gath.

> Henry Cavill stands on a couch.

> Gay Canadian talk show host Christopher Hyndman found dead in an alley at 49.

> Steven Tyler has a burning question for Lenny Kravitz.

> DC judge rescinds reduced sentence in anti-gay attack.

grbsimage> Astronomers discover what appears to be the largest feature in the observable universe–a ring of nine gamma ray bursts (read: galaxies) 5 billion light years across. 

> Bernie Sanders in statistical dead-heat with Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. 

> Beanie Babies unveil special Cecil the Lion plushie. 100% of proceeds are being donated to the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit.

> Idris Elba becomes the first man to cover Maxim magazine solo.

> Gay priest fired from Seton Hall University for his work to end anti-gay bullying has a new job.

> Jeb Bush: “I’m not sure we need half a billion dollars in funding for women’s health programs.”

-1x-1> RuPaul’s Drag Race Drag Queens react to straight porn.

> Australia has a marriage equality hashtag problem.

> Clay Aiken on Donald Trump“I kind of hope he decides to stick with it and maybe give people another option outside of the Republicans and Democrats.”

> Lexus has a hover board that reportedly works.

> Maine’s top court rules NOM must disclose its donor list. 

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Sean Mandell

News: GOP Debate Drinking Game, Bernie Sanders, Beanie Babies, NOM

15 Harrowing Photos Show The Weight Of Discrimination

15 Harrowing Photos Show The Weight Of Discrimination

Facing discrimination every day is a tiring, never-ending battle that all too often goes unnoticed. 

Two photographers are shedding light on these prejudices in a new project.  

Created by Paula Akpan and Harriet Evans, the “I’m Tired” project highlights the negative impacts that result from different stereotypes. The photos feature people of all ethnicities and genders with a phrase written on their backs. Each phrase reflects an assumption or stereotype that they’re “tired” of hearing. 


I’m tired of being the angry black woman.”

I’m tired of being told I’m too skinny for a guy.” 

I’m tired of men thinking they have the right to catcall me.” 

The series deals with stereotypes of different identities including race, gender, sexuality and body image.

Growing up, in a mostly Caucasian area, I had not [realized] until I was much older that the image of a black boy or man is often one of anger or aggression.”  

“When we are able to relate to a picture on a deeply personal level, it brings about almost a feeling of camaraderie because there is someone out there who understands exactly how you feel and has been able to articulate in a way that hopefully informs many others,” co-creator of the project Paula Akpan told The Huffington Post.   

After photographing each participant, Akpan and Evans asked them to explain their feelings in more detail in a written paragraph below their image.  

Evans told HuffPost that they chose to write each “I’m tired” sentiment on the participants’ backs because it “means that it could be anyone saying it. Your postman, your best friend, or a complete stranger.”


“What is important to both Paula and myself is that someone is able to look at at least one of the pictures and either say ‘someone else is going through this too, it’s not just me, I am not alone,'” Evans said. “Or for them to have their minds opened to the discrimination that they may not normally bear witness to, or may not have considered in the past.”


Scroll below to see the Akpan’s and Evans’ riveting images. 

If you’re interested in getting involved with or being featured in the “I’m Tired” project email the creators at [email protected] or check out the project’s FacebookTwitter and Tumblr pages.  


H/T Mic


Also on The Huffington Post:

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This 80s pop star is writing LGBTI-friendly songs for schools

This 80s pop star is writing LGBTI-friendly songs for schools

Songstress ViX Perks, lead singer/songwriter of all-girl chart band ‘We’ve Got a Fuzzbox and We’re Gonna Use It’ has continued to produce music through the decades and more recently to promote LGBTI inclusion.

After achieving worldwide success with chart hits including ‘Rules and Regulations’, ‘Pink Sunshine’ and ‘International Rescue’, ViX’s career has taken a different twist – she’s now a project manager and composer for LGBTI charity Educate & Celebrate.

As a patron of Educate & Celebrate, ViX has composed original songs with actions from children’s books that have a LGBTI friendly theme, to help kids celebrate differences.

Some of the books the songs are based on are internationally known such as ‘King and King’ by Linda De Haan and Stern Nijland about two princes who fall in love and marry.

Gay Star News interviewed Vix about her decision to promote LGBTI equality through her music:

Why did you want to decide to get involved with work with LGBTI young people?

As a Brummy born and bred, I am extremely proud to be part of a wonderfully diverse and tolerant community that celebrates difference.  Therefore, I am very passionate about equality, which of course starts with equality in education.  My late father, Roger Perks was a Headmaster who received an OBE for Services to Education; he believed that education was ‘The Golden Key’ to change, opportunity and success. He would be very proud of me I’m sure!

What made you choose Educate & Celebrate?

I wanted to be involved with a forward thinking, vibrant, creative and exciting organisation and to make a real difference. I see the difference we make every single time we work with students, staff, parents etc. We challenge with common sense, with humour… and with the law! The Equality Law means nothing if we say it’s ok to be homophobic but not to be racist!

What is your personal favourite of all the songs you have written as primary school resources and why?

Ooh… that’s tricky! I love them all! I wanted to write in a fair variety of styles, from nursery rhyme Mama, Mommy and Me to the big anthemic We Are All Born Free. Current faves are probably The Odd Egg, The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water and 10,000 Dresses. It was really fun composing for these fab books. I’d love to create videos for these songs – maybe with Makaton signing!

Any chance of a ‘We’ve Got a Fuzzbox…’ reunion?

We released the single Pop Muzik and toured the UK in 2010 which was ace! Sadly, we lost Jo to cancer not long after this, so I’m really grateful we had this opportunity to gig and have fun together. Maggie and I are currently writing a book about Fuzzbox, which is going to be bostin and there is a lot of interest for us to go out and do the retro/80s festivals, so who knows! Watch this space…!

What is a ‘Fuzzbox’?

Well, you with the filthy minds can think what you like (cough cough! Do remember we were 16 year old innocent schoolgirls!) but a fuzzbox is actually a distortion pedal for a bass or guitar to make it sound fuzzy!

Elly Barnes, CEO of Educate & Celebrate said:

‘Vix is a super talented coach, performer and composer and can work and enthuse students of all ages; The results of her work with young people have resulted in an EP of equality songs, stunning performances in our showcases and now a whole SING-A-LONG with Educate & Celebrate songbook of 25 songs for all to download for free. We are planning further LGBTI-inclusive projects together to engage more schools in our programme as music and movement is fun and accessible to all.’

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Mel Spencer

Administration Publishes Faith-Based and Neighborhood Organization Rules

Administration Publishes Faith-Based and Neighborhood Organization Rules

The federal government took steps to implement a 2010 Executive Order that detailed fundamental principles for faith-based organizations receiving federal grant funding through a set of proposed rules published by nine federal agencies.

Gay Condom Company Wants You To Protect Your ‘Back Door’ – VIDEO

Gay Condom Company Wants You To Protect Your ‘Back Door’ – VIDEO


Gay condom company Stag Condoms has released a cheeky advertisement encouraging gay men to use protection.

In the ad, the company riffs on the perils of leaving your ‘back door’ open. In this instance, a handsome ginger returns from walking his dog returns home to find a devilish gay romp having taken over his living room.

Watch for the bananas, the kissing booth and the water hose in the video, below:

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Sean Mandell

Gay Condom Company Wants You To Protect Your ‘Back Door’ – VIDEO

One Pregnant Mom's Struggle: Yes, the Baby Is Still in There

One Pregnant Mom's Struggle: Yes, the Baby Is Still in There


It’s curious what a little time can do. Six months ago the world learned of our fertility struggle and now, as I’m writing this, I’m 25 weeks along and so much has changed. In fact, I barely recognize my own life, which is masterful in itself since I spent so much time hand-carving it into existence.

When the IVF failed, my wife and I met with our doctor and he mentioned a few options: we could try IVF again, we could resort back to IUI for the fourth time or we could simply take a break and wait it out. The latter was immediately not an option for us — I mean, it’s not like we were going to all of a sudden miraculously get pregnant by the usual methods since even advanced medicine isn’t all that advanced yet. Although stranger things have happened, we weren’t ready to bet the farm on that one…

It was the beginning of February and we had the opportunity to try again immediately later that month. We did, and it took. Not only did it take, it stuck. Our heads began to spin. The two-week wait was as jarring as ever, but this time we were ready to be met with the news we had grown accustomed to hearing, except we didn’t hear it. Instead, we heard that the HcG number was high and that we were absolutely pregnant. There were no caveats. There were no “let’s wait and see” disclaimers. We had a big, fat positive “Go” sign, and we were in complete and utter shock and disbelief.

Over the next week, there were more HcG level checks and the numbers kept soaring. Instead of rising 50 percent, they doubled, tripled even. Still, I had my hand on the break waiting for whatever horrible news was to follow, just in case. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this coping mechanism drove people around me a bit batty. My hesitation to accept the positive outcome we had hoped and prayed for throughout the past two years was hard to swallow for people who expected my reaction to be a bit different than what it was at the time.

“You should be happy!”

“Are you excited?”

“Let’s buy baby clothes!”

“Do you have a name picked out yet?”

“Hold on.” “Stop.” “Wait a minute.” “I need a minute to get on board here.” All of these things flowed through my head and when I eventually tried to explain my lack of enthusiasm, the guilt I already had been feeling seemed to multiply. It felt as if no one understood the hurdles I knew I had to overcome to get to a point where the “happy news” wasn’t underlined in bold with a huge asterisks of “but what happens when…”

Around this time, my wife pointed out a New York Times article wherein a woman recalled her own pregnancy struggles. The author, Amy Klein, wrote:

I’m so sick with worry by the time we get to our weekly ultrasound that I can’t even look at the screen. I keep my eyes on my husband’s face until I see him smile, and only then can I venture a glance to check that the baby is there…But it’s there. The baby is there! Even after a flu, a sinus infection and food poisoning, the baby is alive.

Upon reading this article, I immediately began to feel relief. What I was experiencing was not uncommon. In fact, it made perfect sense. When you suffer losses, the last thing you feel you can handle is another one. Our minds, bodies, spirits and hearts create shockproof ways to handle the inevitable losses we feel we will ultimately have to face — even before it’s a reality. Despite what others had been ringing in my ear, it wasn’t about pessimism — it was a form of survival.

Klein also wrote:

Happy! I want to be happy. I want to let go of all the hurt, disappointment, anguish, waiting, despair — and let’s face it, depression – of the last three years of trying to conceive. Because this time I’m really pregnant.

Enter in the guilt factor here. I would like to say it gets easier, but I’m 25 weeks in and still worry when the baby doesn’t kick as much as I think she should or it takes a few extra seconds to find her heartbeat on the Doppler.

The other day, Facebook‘s Mark Zuckerberg posted about his own fertility struggle with his wife Priscilla. Reading these ultra-personal stories can feel a bit intrusive to an outsider, but when you’re been through or are going through something similar — it’s a lifesaver and a blessing. I felt it was the right time to send my readers and update.

Throughout the course of my early pregnancy, I had convinced myself that when we reached the 12-week milestone I would feel better and more at peace. However, with the 12-week scan came a new battery of genetic tests that took a couple of weeks to show results. When the 14-week mark arrived and we were told we were having a healthy baby girl, I took a deep breath.

The relief lasted about two weeks. It quickly began to sink in that we were still not out of the woods. Many patients have miscarriages up to 20 weeks. Since I had already suffered two of them, the worry and fear kicked back in. The fact that the two miscarriages had occurred in the first few weeks (genetic abnormalities) wasn’t any consolation for me, although I tried everything in my power to try to make it so.

Our baby is due November 12, 2015. The baby shower is next weekend. Somewhere between next weekend and November 12, 2015, my hope is to feel excitement and release the anxiety, depression and guilt that seems all-consuming at times. In the meantime, acceptance and faith appear to be the current life lessons at play here.

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Terry Sweeney refused to be closeted when hired as SNL cast member 30 years ago

Terry Sweeney refused to be closeted when hired as SNL cast member 30 years ago

Ronald Reagan was US president and had yet to utter the word AIDS when Terry Sweeney landed a coveted spot in the cast of NBC’s Saturday Night Live in 1985.

Sweeney, whose book  Irritable Bowels and The People Who Give You Them  will be released soon, was openly gay and made clear to the powers that be that he was not going to lie about it.

‘It was such a big deal. The cover of People magazine was “Rock Hudson Has AIDS.” There was an AIDS frenzy going on,’ he tells  ‘You didn’t even understand how you got it. If you had a gay waiter, you wondered if he washed his hands. There was a lot of misinformation and hysteria.’

Despite this, Sweeney was frank with SNL’s executive producer Lorne Michaels telling him: ‘I am openly gay and I‘m not going to go in the closet.

He said he wasn’t going to do the standard closeted actor thing of giving interviews about a made-up fiancé who died and he never got over it or saying he’s never had time to find the right person.

Sweeney had simply been too impacted by the AIDS epidemic that had killed so many of his friends. This was 11 years before breakthrough life-saving drugs were available.

‘I’d been to so many funerals and I wasn’t going to join in the shame by hiding in the closet,’ he says. ‘It would have been a disservice to my friends who had died, my friends who were sick. If you were gay, you were always going to memorials or to visit people in hospitals. Straight people were able to go merrily along their way, but this disease was picking off talented gay people one by one.

‘I thought, “I’m not gonna do that. I don’t care if this is my big break. At the end of my life, I want to live with myself.” I didn’t sign the morals clause in my contract. I just said no. I have to give Lorne and [NBC exec] Brandon Tartikoff credit for going along with that.’

During the 1985-86 season, Sweeney was best known for his portrayal of then-First Lady Nancy Reagan. He also did impersonations of Diana Ross, Patti LaBelle, Joan Collins, Brooke Shields’s mother Teri Shields, Joan Rivers, and Ted Kennedy.

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Greg Hernandez

Quiz: Does This Large Inflatable Hot Dog Toy Look Like A Penis And Promote The Gay Agenda?

Quiz: Does This Large Inflatable Hot Dog Toy Look Like A Penis And Promote The Gay Agenda?

71l6S1ed-QL._SL1500_-1024x696It may look like just another inflatable bouncy hot dog toy, but it’s actually an oversized penis disguised to promote the gay agenda. At least according to one antigay Mormon.

The Jumping Hot Dog Hop Hopping Hopper Bouncy Ball is currently available for $19.99 on Amazon. The toy can be inflated to multiple sizes and is great for helping kids develop balance and coordination.

Related: Christians Warn Against “Self-Rape” And Other Bizarre Antigay Religious Signage

“My brother-in-law thinks it looks like a penis,” a gay ex-Mormon man recently wrote on Reddit. The man purchased the toy for his seven-year-old nephew with behavioral problems, but his brother-in-law flat out refused the gift because of it’s alleged phallic nature.

“It’s a hot dog that kids bounce on and it looks nothing like a penis,” the man continued. “That is how riled up Mormons are about homosexuality. I think they believe I’m trying to push a ‘gay agenda’ by getting a seven-year-old a hot dog to bounce on.”

What do you think? Does the giant hot dog look like a penis? Vote in the poll below.

Does the giant bouncy hot dog look like a penis?

Graham Gremore

Gunman Shot Dead By Police After Opening Fire at Tennessee Movie Theater: VIDEO

Gunman Shot Dead By Police After Opening Fire at Tennessee Movie Theater: VIDEO


A gunman has opened fire in a movie theater in Antioch, Tennessee outside of Nashville, engaging in a firefight with police before being shot and killed.

The gunman was reportedly also armed with a hatchet. No word yet on the number of injuries or fatalities.

NBC News reports:

A man armed with a gun and a hatchet opened fire Wednesday in a movie theater outside Nashville, Tennessee, police said. The attacker was killed after exchanging fire with SWAT officers, police said.

Don Aaron, a police spokesman, said one person may have been wounded by the hatchet. He said the Fire Department was still checking on injuries.

A police officer found the gunman inside a theater where “Mad Max: Fury Road” was playing at the Carmike Hickory 8 theater in the suburb of Antioch, Aaron said.

Police said the gunman had two backpacks with him. Law enforcement officers were checking those, police said.

UPDATE: MSNBC is reporting that no fatalities or major injuries have transpired. CBS News meanwhile reports that the gunman had two backpacks with him when he entered the theater, and a bomb squad has arrived on the scene.

Watch a news report below:

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Sean Mandell

Hatchet-Wielding Assailant Shot Dead By Police After Attacking Nashville Movie Theater: VIDEO