Kentucky County Clerk Casey Davis Says He’ll Die Fighting Against Gay Marriage: LISTEN

Kentucky County Clerk Casey Davis Says He’ll Die Fighting Against Gay Marriage: LISTEN

Kentucky clerk Casey Davis

Casey Davis, the Casey County, Kentucky clerk who is one of three county clerks in that state defying the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized same-sex marriage nationwide, says he’s willing to die fighting for man-woman marriage, according to an interview on The Tom Roten Morning Show posted by Right Wing Watch.

Said Davis:

“Our law says ‘one man and one woman’ and that is what I held my hand up and took an oath to and that is what I expected. If it takes it, I will go to jail over — if it takes my life, I will die for because I believe I owe that to the people that fought so I can have the freedom that I have, I owe that to them today, and you do, we all do. They fought and died so we could have this freedom and I’m going to fight and die for my kids and your kids can keep it.”

Davis insisted that SCOTUS has no authority:

“There is a travesty taking place with that Supreme Court ruling was completely unconstitutional, completely unconstitutional. They have no right to tell us, the state of Kentucky, that our law that was voted with what was 70 percent of the people that it was wrong, they had no right.”

He went on:

“Where is Adam and Eve’s marriage license recorded at and who did they go get them issued by? I’ll tell you, God issued them. God ordained it. Whether you believe in God or not, the Bible is where marriage came from and it is where it will continue to come from regardless of what man says that it is. It will never be anything but between one man and one woman in the eyes of God, that’s what marriage is and someone else may label it as something else but it can never be anything except between one man and one woman.”

Listen, below:

Two other County Clerks, Kim Davis and Kay Schwartz, joined Davis at a rally at the Kentucky Capitol on Saturday. Thousands reportedly showed up to support the outlaw clerks.

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Andy Towle

Kentucky County Clerk Casey Davis Says He’ll Die Fighting Against Gay Marriage: LISTEN

4 'Reverse Racism' Myths That Need To Stop

4 'Reverse Racism' Myths That Need To Stop

Reverse racism isn’t real. No, really.

The “reverse racism” card is often pulled by white people when people of color call out racism and discrimination, or create spaces for themselves (think BET) that white people aren’t a part of.  The impulse behind the reverse racism argument seems to be a desire to prove that people of color don’t have it that bad, they’re not the only ones that are put at a disadvantage or targeted because of their race. It’s like the Racism Olympics. And it’s patently untrue. 

It really all comes down to semantics. At some point, the actual meaning of “racism” got mixed up with other aspects of racism — prejudice, bigotry, ignorance, and so on. It’s true: White people can experience prejudice from black people and other non-whites. Black people can have ignorant, backwards ideas about white people, as well as other non-white races. No one is trying to deny that. But racism is far more complex.  

Before you cry outrage and send me a nasty email about how reverse racist this article is, calm down. Listen. 

This scene from 2013’s “Dear White People” breaks down the concept pretty succinctly:

Some people simplify racism as one group not liking another, and think “racist” and “prejudiced” are interchangeable. But racism is a concept that operates on both an individual and institutional level. 

At its core, racism is a system in which a dominant race benefits off the oppression of others — whether they want to or not. We don’t live in a society where every racial group has equal power, status, and opportunity. White people have never been enslaved, colonized, or forced to segregate. They do not face housing or job discrimination, police brutality, poverty, or incarceration at the level that black people do. This is not to say that they do not experience some of these things (like poverty and police brutality) at all. But again, not on the same scale —  not even close. That is the reality of racism. 

A photo posted by @feminist_tinder on

What’s astounding about the reverse racism argument is the way in which it reveals some racists’ deep need to deny the idea of having any privilege. Rather than acknowledging the realities of how people of color deal with racism, white racists’ do mental and hypothetical cartwheels in order to justify these injustices. 

There have been so many explainers on why the concept of reverse racism is inherently wrong, so many breakdowns, but perhaps another way to tackle this discussion is to address some of the main topics and issues that get called out as reverse racism. Here are four common arguments that have no merit:

1. Affirmative Action takes jobs and scholarships away from white people.

The affirmative action debate has been raging for decades, with many people arguing that it’s a prime example of reverse racism. They believe deserving white students are discriminated against while academically unqualified students are given highly coveted college or company positions — just because they happen to tick the “ethnic minority” box. This argument ignores the fact that affirmative action did not come out of nowhere — there was a need for a system that would address the decades of underrepresentation of people of color both academically and in the job world.

Affirmative action does not favor people of color over whites, but ensures that they are considered equally. Even now, white college students are 40% more likely to get private scholarships than minorities, and although 62% of college students in America are white, these students receive 69% of all private scholarships. Someone with a “white sounding” name is 50% more likely to get a job call back than a person with an “ethnic” sounding name. Affirmative action doesn’t take anything away from anyone. It levels the playing field. 

 2. White culture can be appropriated, too.

Recently, I wrote an article explaining why it’s problematic for white women to wear black hairstyles. I got hundreds of messages from angry people asking, “Well, what about black women straightening their hair or dyeing their hair blonde?” First of all — there are, gasp, black people in the world with naturally blonde hair and blue eyes. But that’s besides the point. The need to flip the script when it comes to cultural appropriation is wrong because it willfully removes context and history from the equation. Black people conforming to white or Western standards of beauty is the product of a need to survive in a society in which wearing hair in its natural state can cost black men and women their jobs and even their educations

“So is it appropriation if black people use math or fly in airplanes?” No. . Aspects of modern civilization are not hallmarks of white culture, and anyone who thinks they are has a skewed vision of the world.

 3. Black-on-white crime is proof that black people just hate all whites! 

When conversations about police brutality or hate crimes come up, there are some racists who are quick to point out the rate of black-on-white crime, and argue that these instances are racially motivated attacks against white people — in other words, hate crimes. It’s simply not true. 

According to the FBI’s most recent 2011 study on homicide, 83 percent of white murder victims were killed by fellow whites, while only 14 percent of white victims were murdered by blacks. But beyond numbers, black-on-white crime is a social problem — it isn’t systemic. More than 1oo unarmed black people were killed by police in 2014. Guilty or not, this number of deaths in comparison to how many white people were killed is staggering. 

4. BET, Black Girls Rock and Black History Month exclude white people. How racist!! 

Things like Black History Month, BET, and Black Girls Rock are not “reverse racist” against white people, they’re not examples of a double standard in which White History Month, The White Entertainment Channel, and White Girls Rock would be considered offensive. “Why isn’t there a White History Month?” you ask? To repeat a very true cliché — all history is white history. Most black children in America will learn they are descended from slaves before they learn they are descended from ancient African civilizations. 

These institutions are created out of necessity, and the argument that they should not exist speaks to the pervasiveness of white privilege. Donald Trump actually took issue with he show “Black-ish,” complaining that the show was racist because, “Can you imagine the furor of a show, “Whiteish”! Racism at highest level?” Yes, Mr. Trump, one of the few black family sitcoms on TV, produced and written by a black person, playfully dismantling racial stereotypes and striving to include everyone in the conversation, is “racism at its highest level.” Or maybe it’s just long overdue?

If you think about it, reverse racism is actually kinda great. Because if it did exist, it would mean we lived in a society in which all racial groups have an equal amount of power. But we don’t. So to those who cry “reverse racism” when a show like “Black-ish” premieres or President Obama uses the N-word — please, just stop.

Also on Huffpost:

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Pride is not welcome in Venice, says mayor

Pride is not welcome in Venice, says mayor

Pride is not welcome in Venice, says the mayor.

‘There will be no gay pride in my Venice,’ Luigi Brugnaro has said, describing the event as ‘farcical’ and ‘kitsch’.

He is still claiming he is not homophobic, saying he has friends who are gay.

Brugnaro was speaking to the newspaper concerning Elton John, who described the mayor as a ‘bigot’, and his decision to remove same-sex couples from a school booklet that described new families.

‘It’s arrogant that for three years he has not set in Venice,’ the mayor said. ‘His family, two men and children, is unnatural’.

When asked about Pride in Venice, he called it a ‘a joke, the ultimate in kitsch’.

‘Let them go at it in Milan or at home,’ he added.

Gay rights activists say they are determined to hold Pride in Venice next year.

Flavio Romani, from Arcigay, said: ‘We will be back next year and we invite the mayor to march at the head of the parade with us…That way he will see what a Gay Pride really is.’

The post Pride is not welcome in Venice, says mayor appeared first on Gay Star News.

Joe Morgan

Dead Bodies Continue Washing Up In Manchester’s Gayborhood. Is A Serial Killer To Blame?

Dead Bodies Continue Washing Up In Manchester’s Gayborhood. Is A Serial Killer To Blame?

ad_167481070The city of Manchester has been on edge for more than a decade after rumors began swirling that a serial killer was pushing people into the city’s canals. Over 60 drowning deaths have been reported since 2004. Now, Thomas Sheridan, an expert in psychopaths, is weighing on on the matter.

Sheridan recently left his home in Northern Ireland to visit the area and conduct his own independent investigation surrounding the individual residents have nicknamed “The Pusher.”

Related: Is There A Modern Day Jack The Ripper Terrorizing Manchester’s Gay Village?

“Walking along the Rochdale Canal, I was followed by a tall man wearing a hood into a poorly-lit area,” Sheridan tells Metro. “The sense of isolation and vulnerability at the location were quite frankly terrifying.”

The majority of the deaths have occurred in close proximity to the city’s strip of gay bars. Whether or not they are the result of a crazed serial killer or simply intoxicated bar goers falling into the canal remains unclear, but Sheridan says he’s “convinced” that “foul play” accounts for at least some of the bodies.

Related: Some Of Hollywood’s Most Notorious Gay Murders Remain Unsolved

“I concur with the people of Manchester that ‘The Pusher’ is almost certainly the cause of some of these deaths,” he said.

He continued: “I believe the killer is targeting gay men or men the killer is assuming to be gay — following them from a night out or more worryingly, picking them up in bars.”

“We may be dealing with a psychopath or extremely disturbed individual. The police need to take this very seriously.”

Greater Manchester Police beg to differ. While they say they are committed to investigating “each and every unexplained death,” they have always maintained that there is no serial killer on the loose. Instead, they attribute the deaths to suicides and accidents.

Related: Man Runs Naked Through Streets Of Manchester After Having Clothes Nicked During Hookup

Graham Gremore

Guess Which 4 Republican Presidential Candidates Signed NOM’s Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge?

Guess Which 4 Republican Presidential Candidates Signed NOM’s Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge?

Republican presidential candidates

Despite the Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide, the National Organization for Marriage has not given up hope that they can push things back in their hateful direction, and this election season they’re again asking Republican presidential candidates to sign a NOM Marriage Pledge.

The pledge contains several elements. Among them:

  1. Support a federal constitutional amendment that protects marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
  2. Work to overturn the US Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision that illegitimately imposed same-sex ‘marriage’ on every state in the nation, including nominating to the U.S. Supreme Court and federal bench judges who are committed to restraint and applying the original meaning of the Constitution, and appointing an attorney general similarly committed.
  3. Conduct a review of actions taken by the Obama Administration that have undermined marriage and work to restore our policies to be consistent with the proper understanding of marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Consistent with this, prevent the promotion of a redefined version of marriage in public schools and other government entities.
  4. Support the First Amendment Defense Act and other legislation that recognizes the right of organizations and individuals to act in the public square consistent with their belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman without fear of retaliation from the government.
  5. Direct the Department of Justice to investigate, document and publicize cases of Americans who have been harassed or threatened for exercising key civil rights to organize, to speak, to donate or to vote for marriage and to propose new protections, if needed.


So which candidates are NOM’s hateful ‘marriage champions?’

Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Ben Carson, and Bobby Jindal have all taken the pledge.

NOM allies

How close were you?

Mike Huckabee and Scott Walker, despite opposing same-sex marriage, have not signed the pledge, and NOM’s President Brian Brown is stomping mad that they haven’t given legitimacy to his sad, pathetic cause.

Said Brown: “It’s unfortunate that some candidates have adopted a blanket position against signing pledges because it puts them at a tremendous disadvantage in seeking our support when there are strong candidates who have pledged to us and our supporters to take very specific and important actions as president. We are far past the point where we will simply rely on generalities and broad statements from a candidate; we need to know with specificity what actions they will take as president. As President Reagan once said, we must ‘trust, but verify.’ Accordingly, we urge these candidates to reassess their stance and sign NOM’s pledge.”

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Andy Towle

Guess Which 4 Republican Presidential Candidates Signed NOM’s Anti-Gay Marriage Pledge?

'Pretty Little Liars' Fans Take A Stand Against Transphobic Tweet

'Pretty Little Liars' Fans Take A Stand Against Transphobic Tweet

The show “Pretty Little Liars” has dug itself into a hole with a tweet many are calling transphobic.

On August 24, the ABC Family show’s official Twitter account sent out a post to its more than 3 million followers with a wildly problematic caption referring to Charlotte DiLaurentis, a transgender character on the show. “He. She. It. Charlotte. #PrettyLittleLiars,” the caption read.

Though the tweet has since been deleted, Parker Molloy, a writer for Upworthy, took a screenshot before it was taken down and posted it on Twitter.

“He. She. It. Charlotte.”

You guys.


— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) August 24, 2015

The character Charlotte DiLaurentis, born Charles DiLaurentis, is a trans woman on “Pretty Little Liars” and was revealed to be the show’s villain known as “A.” Though the original post no longer exists, it continues to receive negative attention and criticisms for the pronouns it used to identify the transgender character. Twitter users quickly reached out to ABC Family (@ABCFamily) and the show’s official account (@ABCFpll) to condemn the language used in the tweet and accompanying graphic.

.@ABCFamily & .@ABCFpll you have the responsibility of teaching your viewers that misgendering a trans person or calling them “it” is not ok

— The Other Nic (@CloneNic) August 24, 2015

.@ABCFpll This is transphobic and v damaging to your trans teen fans. Please do better.

— Diane Shipley (@dianeshipley) August 24, 2015

@ABCFpll I hate whoever runs this account. I sincerely do. Calling a trans character it? You are an abomination.

— Phaedra (@vrayisgod) August 24, 2015

@ABCFamily @ABCFpll way to disrespect trans women. We are not It! We are women not he! And stop making us villains

— Sophia (@Pragmaticuseles) August 24, 2015

The account has since reposted the original graphic with tweet text reading, “She came. She saw. She conquered.” The graphic itself, however, still features a quote in which the character is described with “he” pronouns. Twitter users pointed out the repeated misuse of pronouns and implored the account to pay more attention to the way it discusses transgender characters.

@ABCFamily please get someone on staff who actually has a basic understanding of how to talk about trans people

— Catherine (@CMeushaw) August 24, 2015

@ABCFamily No, just NO!!! You guys still don’t get it.

Take the graphic down, and NEVER use it again!

— Ildi K. (@saii79) August 24, 2015

. @ABCFamily -by continually posting stuff like this, you’re *still* pushing for the character to be misgendered. That’s irresponsible.

— JAPSPEPORJ FENWAY (@SidizenKane) August 24, 2015

After reaching out for comment on the deleted tweet via email, The Huffington Post received this response from ABC Family spokesperson Jori Arancio: 

This tweet was in reference to lines Spencer and Hanna have said in previous episodes venting their frustration about not knowing the identity or gender of their tormentor (“A”).  It was spoken by these characters a season before they found out that “A” was a transgender character.  We updated the reference by including the name Charlotte because it was revealed that Charlotte is “A.”  Once it was tweeted we realized that it could be misinterpreted, and in no way wanted to offend anyone, so we immediately deleted the tweet. 

In light of the tweets, showrunner I. Marlene King shared a post on Instagram. She explained the show’s cast, crew and creators are not involved with the show’s accounts and also shared her support for the LGBT community.

“I encourage all people to be their true selves. And offer my support to the LGBT community,” she wrote in the caption. 

I encourage all people to be their true selves. And offer my support to the LBGT community.

A photo posted by @imarleneking on

“Pretty Little Liars” received backlash before when the villain known as “A” was revealed to be a trans woman. In a blog for The Huffington Post, Brynn Tannehill, director of advocacy for LGBT military community SPARTA, explained the show reinforced “negative stereotypes” of transgender people.

“They managed to create a character that simultaneously exemplifies all the negative stereotypes that prevent transgender people from getting jobs, receiving health care, finding housing and being accepted as who they are by their families,” she wrote. 

With these recent tweets, it looks like the show has a long way to go when it comes to its representation of transgender people.

H/T Cambio

Also on HuffPost:

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Gay kids could be outed to their parents by the new Windows 10

Gay kids could be outed to their parents by the new Windows 10

Windows 10 could be outing kids to their parents by sending them their browser history.

With the new update, Microsoft allows parents to get ‘weekly reports’ of absolutely everything their children are looking at online.

While it can protect kids from adult content, there are fears it will be used to out young people to their families before they are ready.

The feature, which is automatically switched on, lets parents create child accounts with controls and restraints placed on them.

Windows then sends an email about websites the child visited, the hours per day they spent on them and how many minutes they used on each of the apps.

Some say it damages children’s privacy and is ‘creepy’.

Speaking to Gay Star News, gay parent Colin Rice said: ‘I had a mom that smothered me, and I know she would have done this to me if it was around when I was young.

‘This could be very damaging to parent/child relationships. And apart from that, it’s just really creepy. It’s the modern equivalent to reading your kid’s diary. You need to make sure they’re safe, but you need to let them have their own space as well.’

The feature is optional. If you go onto your Family account, turn off ’email weekly reports to me’ and ‘activity reporting’, then it won’t be an issue. This allows children to keep their privacy but to also not be allowed to access to adult content.

A Microsoft spokesperson has said the feature was added to ensure parents would be able to keep their children safe online.

They added: ‘Windows 10 puts customers in control by giving them choices about how information is used to deliver personalized services and experiences.

‘We also offer customers a number of options in Windows 10 privacy settings, and customers can adjust their Windows 10 privacy settings at any time.’

We asked Microsoft to respond to the question on outing and the danger this causes directly. They ignored this question in their initial reply. We have repeated our request and are awaiting a further reply.

The post Gay kids could be outed to their parents by the new Windows 10 appeared first on Gay Star News.

Joe Morgan

Can You Imagine Sex And The City Without Sarah Jessica Parker?

Can You Imagine Sex And The City Without Sarah Jessica Parker?

sex-and-1There are few actresses who’ve become as synonymous with their most famous characters as Sarah Jessica Parker and Carrie Bradshaw, the winsome sex columnist she portrayed on HBO’s Sex and the City for six seasons and two spin-off feature films. Yet, it almost never was. In a recent chat with Playbill‘s Seth Rudetsky Parker reveals that she nearly passed on the role. After all, she was an in-demand feature film actress and appearing in a HBO series didn’t then offer the career-advancing cachet it does these days. Rudetsky writes:

We, of course, talked about Sex and The City, and turns out, she was reluctant to do the pilot because she didn’t really want to do a series. However, she loved the script so she filmed it and then forgot about it. Months later she found out the show was picked up and she completely wanted to get out of it. I mean, completely. She really didn’t want to be tied down to one job because she loved going from gig to gig and being, what she called, a “journeyman.” She tried various ways to get out of it including telling HBO that she would film three projects for free if they’d release her from her contract! Basically, they convinced her to honor her deal, and she now has no regrets. She loved played Carrie Bradshaw and she told us that there may be a project coming up involving all the ladies!

So that raises the question: Which other hot 30-ish actress in the ’90s could have played Carrie besides SJP? Meg Ryan? Bridget Fonda? Jennifer Jason Leigh? Tell us in the comments.

Jeremy Kinser

Reporter and Cameraman Shot, Killed On Air In Central Virgina

Reporter and Cameraman Shot, Killed On Air In Central Virgina

reporterA local news reporter and her cameraman were shot and killed by a gunman during an on-air interview this morning in Central Virginia.

The reporter has been identified as Alison Parker, her cameraman was Adam Ward.

CBS News reports:

A gunman killed a reporter and videographer for a CBS affiliate in Virginia in a shooting that was broadcast live Wednesday morning.

Alison Parker and Adam Ward, a reporter and cameraman for CBS Roanoke affiliate WDBJ-TV, died in the shooting, Parker’s mother confirmed to CBS News.

WDBJ-TV reports that deputies from Franklin County and Bedford County were on the scene.

The shooting happened at Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta, Virginia.

Video of the incident has been uploaded to YouTube. We want to warn readers that the footage is chilling and gruesome. You can view the video here.


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Sean Mandell

Reporter and Cameraman Shot, Killed On Air In Central Virginia