Five Bible-Based Responses To Common Arguments Against Marriage Freedom From A Biblical Scholar

Five Bible-Based Responses To Common Arguments Against Marriage Freedom From A Biblical Scholar

Matthew Vines is the author of the bestseller God and the Gay ChristianVines calls the book “an open letter to modern Christians” about why they should support same-sex relationships, and what the Bible really says about homosexuality.

In the wake of June’s Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage, some conservative Christians, seeing the writing on the wall, have actually stepped up their denunciations of all things LGBT. So we asked Vines to provide us with some thoughtful Bible-based responses to their arguments. Here’s what he had to say…

Many Christians have changed their minds about the LGBT community, but not all—and those who haven’t can be pretty vocal.

Whether it’s your parent, your co-worker, or a childhood friend who posts a Bible verse on social media to say that same-sex relationships are wrong, here are constructive ways you can respond to five commonly-repeated points…

Argument #1: God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for being gay, so he’ll surely judge America soon.


Actually, God didn’t destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for being gay. According to Genesis 19, the men of Sodom threatened to gang rape God’s messengers. Their threat was about power and humiliation, not sexual orientation.

Not only does the Bible never connect the sin of Sodom to same-sex relationships, it explicitly teaches that the sin of Sodom was about something else entirely. Ezekiel 16:49 says, “Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.”

It’s worth pointing out that America has been guilty of those kinds of sins of oppression since our founding, from our brutal treatment of indigenous peoples to our practice of slavery and segregation. The Bible’s teachings about Sodom certainly highlight some of America’s sins—but marriage equality isn’t one of them. (Nor is it a sin at all!)

Argument #2: The Bible says that being gay is an abomination.


Leviticus 18:22 is the Bible verse most frequently quoted by opponents of same-sex marriage: “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” But Leviticus is part of the Old Testament law, and the New Testament teaches that Christians should live under the new covenant, not the old one.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 that he came to fulfill the Old Testament law, and the author of Hebrews wrote that the law is “obsolete and outdated” and “will soon disappear” (Hebrews 8:13). That’s why Christians today widely accept other things that the Old Testament calls “abominations,” like charging interest on loans (Ezekiel 18:13), sex during a woman’s menstrual period (Leviticus 18:19), and eating pork (Deuteronomy 14:8).

Argument #3: The Bible says that being gay is unnatural.

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While Leviticus may be the most commonly quoted verse, the most important one for many non-affirming Christians is in the New Testament. In Romans 1:26-27, the apostle Paul condemns same-sex behavior he describes as lustful, unnatural, and shameful. “We can’t accept something that the Bible says is unnatural and shameful,” many people say. But in fact, most Christians already do.

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11:14 that for a man to have long hair violates what “nature” teaches and is “a disgrace to him.” But most Christians who oppose same-sex marriage wouldn’t condemn long hair in men. In fact, the Bible itself speaks highly of long hair in men in the Old Testament (see Numbers 6:5, 2 Samuel 14:26, and 2 Kings 2:23). That’s why most Christians interpret “nature” in 1 Corinthians 11 as referring to cultural conventions of Paul’s day.

But if “nature” really means “custom” in 1 Corinthians 11, might it also mean “custom” in Romans 1? There’s good reason to think so. In the ancient world, same-sex relations were widely considered “unnatural” largely due to the fact that same-sex partners violated customary, patriarchal gender norms: Men were passive instead of active, and women were dominant instead of submissive. That’s a cultural convention in a similar way to norms about hair length.

So the next time someone says they can’t accept something the Bible calls unnatural, point them to 1 Corinthians 11:14 and ask: Do you feel the same way about long hair in men?

Related: 10 Bible-Based Reasons Why Christians Should Love Homosexuality

Argument #4: The Bible says “homosexuals” won’t go to heaven.


Before 1946, no Bible translation had ever used the word “homosexual” at all. But starting in the mid-20th century, many translations of 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 changed to say that “homosexuals” will not “inherit the kingdom of God.” Fortunately, many New Testament scholars have been pushing back against those translations in recent years, from Dale Martin to James Brownson. Their case is simple: The word “homosexual” didn’t even exist in any language until 1869, nor did the concept of sexual orientation as we think of it today.

It’s perfectly possible that the apostle Paul was condemning certain forms of same-sex behavior in 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1, but the types of behavior that were most widely practiced in his day were things like prostitution, sex between masters and slaves, and pederasty (sex between men and adolescent boys). Same-sex marriages between equal-status partners weren’t on the radar screen at all, so the idea that he was condemning those kinds of relationships can’t be right.

Neither the word “homosexual” nor the concept it represents existed when the Bible was written, so it’s simply not true to say that the Bible teaches that gay people won’t go to heaven.

Argument #5: Jesus defined marriage as between one man and one woman.


Jesus actually never defined marriage in the Bible. In Matthew 19, some Pharisees ask Jesus whether a man can divorce his wife “for any and every reason,” and Jesus says no. He responds to their question—a question specifically about a man and his wife—by saying that God “made them male and female” and that “what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

Jesus wasn’t asked about same-sex marriage. That’s to be expected given that no one was talking about same-sex marriage in the first century. But while Jesus didn’t directly address same-sex relationships, the core principles of his teachings on marriage can be applied to same-sex couples today. Both Matthew 19 and Ephesians 5 teach that marriage is fundamentally about the self-giving covenant that spouses make and keep with one another, reflecting God’s self-giving love for us.

That’s something everyone—straight, gay, or bi—can live out.

Related: 10 Bible-Based Reasons Why Christians Should Love Homosexuality

Graham Gremore

Family of gay man who died in Texas jail wants answers

Family of gay man who died in Texas jail wants answers

Jesse Jacobs entered the Galveston County Jail on 6 March to spend 30 days behind bars as part of a plea deal after pleading guilty to a driving under the influence (DUI) charge, with the hope that he was only supposed to spend around 12 days in jail with time off with good behavior.

However, a week after he went in, Jacobs was dead.

According to media reports, jailhouse medical personnel denied Jacobs the prescribed Xanax he had been taking for ten years to treat a severe anxiety disorder. The 32-year-old gay man began experiencing seizures, a known side-effect of Xanax withdrawal, and was admitted to a hospital where he died a day later.

His parents have called for an investigation into what happened in the jail.

The sheriff however — on the advice of the Galveston County Attorney– is refusing to turn over video fearing a lawsuit.

Medical personnel said he died from a ‘seizure disorder’ while Sheriff Henry Trochesset said it was due to natural causes.

His parents told ABC13 their son has several other medical conditions which were all well documented and were worried that he would not get the needed medication behind bars despite having medical prescriptions and notes from doctors.

Citing medical records released and obtained by Eyewitness News, ABC13 reported that it appears county jail doctors had put Jacobs on a different medication. It was also noted in his medical records that he was ‘detoxing’ from Xanax.

Jacobs parents say their son had a legitimate prescription to Xanax, and without it, dire consequences could result.

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Sylvia Tan

Random rooftop parties in London

Random rooftop parties in London

The Glory is a small pub on Kingsland Road – just next to Haggerston station in London’s inner-east.

With a management team boasting some of London’s finest alternative talent, The Glory has quickly established itself as a hub for all things queer in the UK capital.

But Jonny Woo and his crew are flexing their creative muscles beyond the physical constraints of the old pub, with the Glory Days festival taking over the space on top of the Old Street roundabout on a warm Saturday in early August.

There were drag queens, performances, singing, dancing, and drinking. Everything that The Glory does best.

The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout
The Glory Days festival at London's Old Street roundabout


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Gareth Johnson

Anti-Gay Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Charged With 3 Felonies

Anti-Gay Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Charged With 3 Felonies

Ken Paxton

Rabidly anti-gay Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton will be indicted Monday on three felony charges, according to media reports.

Paxton admitted to violating the State Securities Act last year after he solicited investment clients for a friend and business partner without properly registering with the state. He initially received a $1,000 slap on the wrist, but a subsequent investigation by the Texas Rangers concluded that the violations were far more serious.

A grand jury reportedly indicted Paxton last week, but the charges were immediately sealed. They will be released on Monday, and a judge has already been assigned to the case.

WFAA-TV reports:

After the indictments are unsealed, Paxton can surrender to be photographed, fingerprinted and booked at any of the state’s 254 county jails. …

Paxton does not have to resign or step down from statewide office as he prepares to face a criminal trial. He can continue to work, just as Gov. Rick Perry did after his two felony indictments in August 2014.

Paxton’s case, legal experts predict, will go to trial since his law license and statewide office are now on the line.

Paxton, a tea partier, vigorously defended the state’s same-sex marriage ban, even filing a lawsuit seeking to prevent gay workers from taking unpaid leave to care for their sick spouses. In February, after a lesbian couple wed in Austin, Paxton sought to void their marriage, even though one of them has ovarian cancer. Paxton also appeared at an anti-gay hate rally alongside Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, and blamed the demise of anti-LGBT legislation on a small group of hateful gay activists and their corporate cronies.

Paxton later issued a non-binding opinion suggesting that county clerks could refuse to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, and calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges “lawless.”

A special prosecutor assigned to the case has said he would seek a first-degree felony charge against Paxton, punishable by up to life in prison, since the securities violations resulted in losses of more than $100,000. However, Paxton spokesman Anthony Holm has denied the AG did anything wrong. From WFAA:

Holm also has accused the special prosecutors of being biased and unfair, and engaging in a political witch hunt.

“The securities board was very clear this was no crime,” he told News 8 on Tuesday. “It was resolved last spring. It was a civil event. It was a $1,000 fine and we are only here because of liberal activists.”

The post Anti-Gay Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Charged With 3 Felonies appeared first on Towleroad.

John Wright

Anti-Gay Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Charged With 3 Felonies

REVIEW: Hanoi Cafe – Kingsland Road, London

REVIEW: Hanoi Cafe – Kingsland Road, London

Kingsland Road is a street that is awash with Vietnamese restaurants. Walking distance from Old Street and Liverpool Street tube stations, this is an extension of Shoreditch High Street, heading to the hipster-east of The City.

For the first-timer it can be a little difficult to see much difference between the myriad of Vietnamese restaurants concentrated in this precinct, but locals all have their favorites.

One of the good ones is Hanoi Cafe – I particularly like their Bánh mì, the filled baguettes that are one of Vietnam’s best-loved street foods. There’s a range of fillings available but it doesn’t get much better than the traditional pork.

Gay Star News reviews Hanoi Cafe – Kingsland Road, London

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Gareth Johnson