Jake Gyllenhaal Reacts to SCOTUS’ Marriage Ruling, 10 Year Anniversary of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ – WATCH

Jake Gyllenhaal Reacts to SCOTUS’ Marriage Ruling, 10 Year Anniversary of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ – WATCH


During a promotion tour for his upcoming film Southpaw, actor Jake Gyllenhaal shared how he reacted to the news of the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage and what he thinks about his film Brokeback Mountain, now 10 years old.

Speaking with BET, Gyllenhaal was asked if he felt the ‘perceived risk’ of playing a gay role as a leading man in Hollywood has changed since 2004, Gyllenhaal said,

“Oh definitely it’s changed. I think playing a role and living a life are two very different things. I think telling stories, and all different stories, is what makes acting so great. It’s why I was really proud of Brokeback Mountain and everything it had to say. And it was an interesting journey to go on to learn about that world.”

Gyllenhaal also shared how he felt when he heard that the Supreme Court had legalized marriage equality nationwide:

“When I heard about the news I thought, wow, how far we’ve come in a decade. And how far we have to go in so many things. But I think hopefully something like that in terms of—the resistance of society and seeing that it’s possible to change was such an amazing thing. I remember thinking, my mom sent me the decision. And how it was written, I thought it was so beautiful. And she said it’s all about love. My brother said to me a few weeks ago, all we leave behind is the wake of our live, that’s all we have. And to know that that wins out sometimes is an inspiration to me.”

Watch the interview, which starts with Gyllenhaal at about the 1:17 mark, below (warning: auto-play):


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Sean Mandell

Jake Gyllenhaal Reacts to SCOTUS’ Marriage Ruling, 10 Year Anniversary of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ – WATCH

European Court Italy verdict opens door for gay relationship recognition across Europe

European Court Italy verdict opens door for gay relationship recognition across Europe

The European Court of Human Rights appears to have set a legal precedent in ruling that Italy had violated fundamental human rights by not providing legal recognition to gay and lesbian relationships that could now be used across the continent to force governments to provide some form of recognition to same-sex couples.

The court has jurisdiction over the 47 countries that have signed the European Convention on Human Rights and 23 of those still fail to provide any kind of legal status for same-sex relationships.

Those 23 countries include Eastern European anti-gay bastions such as Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Turkey and they could now find themselves taken before the court and ordered to allow same-sex couples vehicles for registering their relationships.

In it’s Italy ruling the court did not find that same-sex marriage was a human right in Europe – only that legal recognition of same-sex relationships was so it would be up to those 23 countries to choose what form any legal recognition took.

Those countries could decide on any mix of civil unions or registered partnerships short of marriage – or some form of ‘de facto’ relationship recognition where a couple are automatically deemed to be in a legal relationship after a period of cohabitation.

The verdict has been welcomed by international LGBTI rights group Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Global who said it was indicative of a growing momentum towards reform around the world.

‘This ruling makes clear that same-sex partnerships deserve to be recognized, protected, and celebrated, and we urge all signatories to do so,’ HRC Global deputy director Jean Freedberg said yesterday in reaction to the court’s verdict.

‘From the victorious national referendum in Ireland in May to the historic ruling in the US Supreme Court last month, the momentum for equality reaches around the globe.’

‘By calling same-sex partnership recognition a right, the court has made clear to LGBT people across Europe that their unions matter and that their love is equal and should be treated as such.’

The verdict was also welcomed by the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) Europe Executive Board.

Paulo Corte-Real, Co-Chair of ILGA-Europe Executive Board, said:

‘While the [court’s] judgment is only legally binding on Italy, it signals a significant evolution in the [court’s] approach which now affirms the right of same-sex unions to be officially recognized,’ ILGA Europe board member Paulo Corte-Real said.

‘The Court pointed out that 24 of the 47 Council of Europe member states provide same-sex couples with protection and recognition; this is a trend that simply cannot be ignored. It will provide LGBTI advocates in the remaining Council of Europe states who do not recognize same-sex couples with compelling arguments for protection.’

Joyce Hamilton, Co-Chair of ILGA-Europe’ Executive Board, added:
‘We really hope this judgment will speed up the process of legal recognition of same-sex unions not only in Italy, but also in other … countries of the Council of Europe which currently do not legally acknowledge same-sex unions,’ board member Joyce Hamilton said.

‘We encourage politicians and law makers in those countries to reflect on the judgment and the realities of same-sex unions and to side with equality, respect and dignity for all couples.’

The 47 countries under the court’s jurisdiction have a combined population of over 800 million people and the only European country that is outside its jurisdiction is Belarus.

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Andrew Potts


This Letter To The Editor Shoots Down Every Argument Against Gay Marriage In Just 150 Words

This Letter To The Editor Shoots Down Every Argument Against Gay Marriage In Just 150 Words

152322-155791The good people of Fresno, CA, have been in a heated debate over marriage equality since the Supreme Court ruling last month.

For weeks residents of the conservative city in central California have been writing their local newspaper, The Fresno Bee, to vent their emotions, and a good many of them haven’t been so favorable.

Related: This Flow Chart That Destroys Religion’s Case Against Gay Marriage Is So Easy, Any Zealot Can Use It

In a letter published on July 19, Mark J. Zoeller accused the Supreme Court of “usurping” the “sacredness” of marriage. Then he likened homosexual relationships to polygamy and slavery.

Richard Owen wrote into the paper on July 8 to ask just how long he would be forced “to watch their celebration, read about it and look at that stupid rainbow?” Then he asked, “When do ‘normal’ people get their voices heard? Is it only the people who are different that get the attention from the media?”

Fresno resident Carol Fleisig decided enough is enough.

Related: 10 Bible-Based Reasons Why Christians Should Love Homosexuality

“What a tempest in a teapot!” she wrote into the paper this week. “The recent Supreme Court ruling allowing gay marriage has no impact on anyone who is not gay: no impact on Christians or those of any other belief system that disapproves of homosexuality.”

She then brought up circumcision.

“Does that belief preclude other people from not circumcising their sons?” Fleisig writes. “Of course not! Is there any public outcry against allowing Jewish people to circumcise their sons? Of course not!”

Fleisig concludes by saying that “gay marriage is none of our business if our belief system prohibits it. If you are against the practice of something, simply do not practice it.”


Read her full letter below and feel free to pass it along to your crazy Uncle Jim who watches FOX News all day…

What a tempest in a teapot! The recent Supreme Court ruling allowing gay marriage has no impact on anyone who is not gay: no impact on Christians or those of any other belief system that disapproves of homosexuality.

Let us be reminded that the Jewish religion tells its followers to circumcise their sons. Does that belief preclude other people from not circumcising their sons? Of course not! Is there any public outcry against allowing Jewish people to circumcise their sons? Of course not! There is not public outcry because people recognize that Jewish circumcision is none of their business. Each family is free to circumcise or not circumcise their sons as they choose.

Likewise, gay marriage is none of our business if our belief system prohibits it. If you are against the practice of something, simply do not practice it. Isn’t their biblical scripture about not judging others?

Carol Fleisig, Coarsegold


Graham Gremore


Hong Kong equality watchdog vows to speed up protections for gays

Hong Kong equality watchdog vows to speed up protections for gays

Hong Kong’s equality watchdog vowed Monday (20 July) to speed up protections for LGBTI people after it was powerless to investigate two women who verbally abused the city’s only openly gay lawmaker on the subway.

Speaking to a legislative panel, York Chow, chairman of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), said legal protections for LGBTI people were his second priority behind reviewing the city’s anti-discrimination law.

Last month, Ray Chan posted a 2-minute video on YouTube of two women mocking his sexuality and calling him ‘shemale.’

‘What can the public do when they experience a similar situation?’ he asked.

‘I feel sorry that there is not any law to protect against this kind of affair at this moment. We don’t have any statutory protection,’ Chow replied.

‘When possible, I will bring this to society for discussion but we do not have any statutory power to handle such cases, so I hope discussions in society will let more people understand the problems facing sexual minorities.’

He added that an EOC-commissioned feasibility study on legislation against LGBTI discrimination would be presented to the government toward the end of the year for ‘appropriate legislative steps.’

However, after the US Supreme Court legalized in gay marriage nationwide in June, Chow said the EOC had no power or mandate to power or mandate to propose such a law in Hong Kong and he was ‘not quite optimistic’ it would be legalized in his lifetime.

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Darren Wee


Sweeping LGBTI rights bill to go before Congress this week

Sweeping LGBTI rights bill to go before Congress this week

Democrats will introduce a sweeping LGBTI rights bill in both chambers of the Republican-controlled Congress on Thursday (23 July).

According to a ‘Dear Colleague’ letter obtained by the Washington Blade, the Equality Act would ban anti-gay discrimination in seven areas: credit, education, employment, federal funding, housing, jury service and public accommodations.

‘Every day, millions of LGBT Americans face the danger of real discrimination and sometimes even violence because of their sexual orientation or gender identity,’ lead sponsor Rep David Cicilline wrote in the letter dated 20 July.

‘In most states, a same-sex couple can get married on Saturday, post pictures on Facebook on Sunday, and then risk being fired from their job or kicked out of their apartment on Monday.’

The Equality Act was named after the first gay rights bill introduced in Congress more than 40 years ago. It would have amended the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to include sexual orientation.

The new legislation comes a week after the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that LGBTI people were already protected from workplace discrimination under existing federal law.

However, the Republicans control both chambers of Congress, and last year they blocked the Employment Non-Discrimination Act from coming to a vote – and it is likely they will do so again.

If any LGBTI-related legislation passes this Congress, it would probably be the First Amendment Defense Act which, would allow individuals and businesses to discriminate against same-sex couples.

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Darren Wee


Watch: Gay baker slams ‘Nazis’ for ‘bullying’ Christians who refuse to make them wedding cakes

Watch: Gay baker slams ‘Nazis’ for ‘bullying’ Christians who refuse to make them wedding cakes

A gay baker has said he is ‘disgusted’ by ‘Nazis’ in the LGBTI community who bully and shame Christians for refusing to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples.

Jesse Bartholomew made the comments in a video rant he posted on Facebook earlier this month, days after an Oregon bakery was fined $135,000 for refusing to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple.

‘I cannot tell you how disgusted I am with my fellow gay and lesbian community, that they would stoop so low as to force someone to bake a cake for them who simply doesn’t agree with them,’ he says in the two-minute clip.

‘Why would you want to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a wedding cake and pay that money to someone who doesn’t want to make the cake for you? Are you stupid?’

The video has been watch more than 200,000 times since it was uploaded on 9 July.

‘There’s no other bakers out there?’ Bartholomew asks.

‘It’s plain and simple. You are bullying someone. You are forcing someone. You are being a Nazi and forcing someone to bake a damn wedding cake for you when there are hundreds of other gay and lesbians that would gladly have your business. Shame on you.’

Watch the video below:

Please watch! My message, as a baker, to the gay and lesbians forcing Christian bakers to make their wedding cakes.

Posted by Jesse Bartholomew on Thursday, 9 July 2015

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Darren Wee
