Minister marries partner after stepping down as church leader

Minister marries partner after stepping down as church leader

A United Methodist Church pastor married his partner after walking away from his job as a minister.

Earlier this week Rev. Benjamin Hutchison stepped down as minister from Cassopolis UMC. Cassopolis is located in the midwest state of Michigan, approximately 25 miles from South Bend, Indiana.

According to the South Bend Tribune, the church’s district superintendent asked if ‘he is practicing homosexuality.’ Hutchinson’s sexuality was known by church members (he’s been the church’s leader for approximately three years).

On its website, UMC states ‘that all persons are individuals of sacred worth,’ but  the ‘United Methodist Church does not condone the practice of homosexuality and considers this practice incompatible with Christian teaching.’

Yesterday, 17 July, Hutchinson married his partner, Monty Hutchison. In attendance were approximately 30 ordained UMC pastors.

‘I’m here because I believe in the full inclusion of our LBGTQ community. I’m also here because I believe that what we are doing here today is an act of biblical obedience, even if it is considered disobedient of our Book of Discipline,’  the Rev Matt Weiler said to the South Bend Tribune.

Although UMC rules against its minsters officiating a same-sex wedding, Rev Mike Tupper signed the wedding certificate.

‘There are a couple of (biblical) scriptures that are anti-gay. But the Scripture is clear about being accepting of all people,’ Tupper, said in an interview before the ceremony.

What will happen to the ministers who took part in the wedding is unclear. First a complaint must be filed. After that, there is a what’s known as a ‘Just Resolution Process.’

As for Hutchison, he’s worried about the attention his former congregants are now facing.

‘I don’t mind being the face of change,’ he said. ‘But I do mind seeing the church members hurt by what has happened. They’re good people.’


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James Withers

Stockton, California PD Reaches Out To LGBT Community In Wake of Lieutenant’s Hateful Anti-Gay Letter

Stockton, California PD Reaches Out To LGBT Community In Wake of Lieutenant’s Hateful Anti-Gay Letter

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Last week, we told you how a police lieutenant in Stockton, California, wrote a disgusting letter to the editor in response to the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling, in which he called homosexuality “vile and sinful.”

Will.TobyLt. Toby Will (right) listed his title and employer below the letter, prompting the police department to launch an internal investigation into whether he violated policy.

On Monday, Will was placed on paid administrative leave while the investigation proceeds, but it’s unclear whether he’ll actually be disciplined. Meanwhile, the police department is trying to make amends with the local LGBT community.

The Stockton Record, which published the letter, reports that Police Chief Eric Jones (above) attended a forum at the San Joaquin Pride Center on Thursday to discuss the issue:

Jones said the department is being careful about balancing Will’s right to free speech, as opposed to purporting to be speaking on behalf of the Police Department. The question is whether Will should have used his title, he said.

Pride Center board member Robert Kolber also addressed the issue, saying that the Pride Center protects the rights of individuals to express their opinion, even if the center disagrees.

“But what was disturbing is that this individual intentionally put himself in the position of giving the appearance that he was speaking for the Police Department,” he said. “That’s the issue.”


More from KCRA-TV:

“I was very shocked,” said Renee Hall, president of the board for Pride Center. “I feel like if something like that gets out in the public from a pretty prominent person, then it gives folks the ability to act on those things.”

Stockton police said their policy is to give supervisors sensitivity training every two years.

“We are responsible for treating everyone fairly and equitably – and that’s what tonight was all about,” Jones said. “Us coming down and discussing these issues and topics in the community.”

Watch a report on the incident from NBC News below.

The post Stockton, California PD Reaches Out To LGBT Community In Wake of Lieutenant’s Hateful Anti-Gay Letter appeared first on Towleroad.

John Wright

Stockton, California PD Reaches Out To LGBT Community In Wake of Lieutenant’s Hateful Anti-Gay Letter

New poll shows US evenly split over Supreme Court’s marriage decision

New poll shows US evenly split over Supreme Court’s marriage decision

Although marriage equality is legal in all 50 states, the US remains divided over same-sex unions.

According to an Associated Press-GfK poll, 39% approve of the Supreme Court’s Obergefell Vs Hodges ruling; however, 41%  disapproved and 18% have no opinion at all. This same division is in  permitting LGBTI couples to marry in the states of respondents; 42% favor and 40% opposed.

The survey also shows support for protecting religious objections to same-sex marriage. Fifty-sex percent think it’s more important for the government to protect religious liberties, and 39% consider protections for LGBTI citizens more important.

When it comes to clerks, those in charge of issuing marriage certificates, just under half think  they should have religious objections. The same percentage are opposed.

A large majority, 59%, want wedding related businesses to have the right to refuse same-sex couples; 46% think businesses in general should be allowed not to serve customers due to religious objections. A slight majority, 51%, are opposed to that right.

As to be expected, there is a gulf between the two major parties. Only 22% of Republicans approve of marriage equality in their state; 65% of Democrats are in favor.

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James Withers

Aussie Footballer-Model Lucas Case Offers Unforgettable Full-Frontal

Aussie Footballer-Model Lucas Case Offers Unforgettable Full-Frontal

Not being a sports enthusiast has its disadvantages: fewer invitations to tailgate parties, mostly. Also, we just discovered Luke Casey, who depending on what you read/believe is either a member of the Australian Rules Football team or he aspires to be.

Regardless, he’s also done quite a bit of modeling and isn’t the least bit shy about showing off what the good Lord gave him. Check out a few of his stunning Instagram pics below and click here to behold the young man in his breathtaking birthday suit.


Time to get back in shape???????? AC all healed up, back into footy and back in a smuggler in a couple of weeks ???? stay tuned ???? #RubyRoseDreamWeavers #budgysmugglers A photo posted by @luke_casey on May 20, 2015 at 9:34pm PDT

I moustash you a question ???? A photo posted by @luke_casey on Mar 28, 2015 at 3:58am PDT


A photo posted by @luke_casey on Mar 22, 2015 at 4:42pm PDT

RAWR???? A photo posted by @luke_casey on Mar 10, 2015 at 5:42pm PDT

Thanks teamm8 for making me Februarys mate of the month ??

A photo posted by @luke_casey on Feb 17, 2015 at 2:14pm PST

Winners of Australia’s first 1Footy competition

A photo posted by @luke_casey on Feb 6, 2015 at 11:51pm PST

Jeremy Kinser

Tom Daley Bares All In ‘Guardian’ Interview on Dating Dustin Lance Black, 2016 Olympics, and Growing Up Gay

Tom Daley Bares All In ‘Guardian’ Interview on Dating Dustin Lance Black, 2016 Olympics, and Growing Up Gay


Out British diver Tom Daley says he always knew he was attracted to guys but didn’t realize he was gay until he met Dustin Lance Black.

Eighteen months after Daley came out in a YouTube video, he says he’s as focused as ever on diving, and looking forward to the possibility of winning a gold medal at the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Daley.BlackDaley also says he’d like to eventually get married and raise several children with Black, whom he credits for helping to bring marriage equality to the US. These are just a few of the revelations in a lengthy interview Daley did recently with The Guardian.

Daley talks about how he slipped into a depression after winning a bronze medal in 2012, but got back on his feet when he moved to London, where Black also now spends most of his time. Today, Daley is enmeshed in a relentless training schedule, including the same food every day and a daily bedtime of 10 p.m. He’s preparing to compete in the World Aquatic Championships beginning next week.

From The Guardian:

“I feel much more mature going into 2016 than 2012,” he says, having completed his morning diving session. We’re sitting in the auditorium above the diving pool. Daley has changed from trunks to shorts, salmon-pink T shirt and trainers, and is talking about why Rio should come at the perfect time for him. “Divers tend to peak between 22 and 24,” he says. “I’ll be 22, so I should be approaching mine. I am stronger now, jumping higher, spinning faster, moving quicker than I ever have. I’m in love with diving right now.”

Daley says coming out was a huge weight off his shoulders, and he encourages other gay athletes to do so, especially professional footballers:

“Nobody batted an eyelid when I did. Nobody cares. I think lots of people do worry in sport, but they would be so surprised if they did come out. I don’t think it is as big an issue as people think.”

Asked about meeting Black and coming to terms with his sexuality, Daley says:

“I guess it has always been in the back of my head, but you never really know. I’d never had feelings for a person along those lines. I’d been in relationships with girls where I’d had sexual feelings, but it became so much more intense when I met Lance. I thought, ‘Whoa, this is weird. Why am I having these feelings for somebody?’

“I always knew that I had that attraction to guys, but I just thought that was a usual thing, being attracted to guys and girls. It was only when I met Lance I started having such strong feelings.”


Read the full interview here. Watch Daley’s coming out video, as well as his new dive, The Firework, below.

The post Tom Daley Bares All In ‘Guardian’ Interview on Dating Dustin Lance Black, 2016 Olympics, and Growing Up Gay appeared first on Towleroad.

John Wright

Tom Daley Bares All In ‘Guardian’ Interview on Dating Dustin Lance Black, 2016 Olympics, and Growing Up Gay