Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out, Defend Brother: VIDEO

Duggar Sisters Molested By Josh Speak Out, Defend Brother: VIDEO


In an interview with Fox News host Megyn Kelly on Friday, Jill Dillard and Jessa Seewald broke their silence on Josh Duggar, their older brother who sexually abused the two of them (and three other girls) back when Josh was a teenager.

Said Jill: 

“I think in the case of what Josh did, it was very wrong. I’m not going to justify anything he did or say it was okay or permissible. But I do want to speak up in his defense against people who are calling him a child molester or pedophile or rapists. That is so overboard and a lie really. People get mad at me for saying that, but I can say this. I was one of the victims. I can speak out and set the record straight here.” 

Jill also defended her brother Josh’s former job with the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council, saying “It’s right to say ‘Here’s what I believe, here’s my values’ even if you’ve made stupid mistakes or failures in your past. It doesn’t mean you can’t be changed.”

Jill and Jessa also shared how and why they forgave Josh, defended their parents’ handling of the incident, vented their frustration with the story going public in the first place, and shared whether they think criminal charges should be brought against those involved in the police record’s release. 

Watch the full interview, AFTER THE JUMP







Kyler Geoffroy


The 19 Funniest Tweets From Women This Week

The 19 Funniest Tweets From Women This Week
The ladies of Twitter never fail to brighten our days with their brilliant — but succinct — wisdom. Each week, HuffPost Women rounds up hilarious 140-character musings. For this week’s great tweets from women, scroll through the list below. Then visit our Funniest Tweets From Women page for our past collections.

time flies when you’re alone with pickles and Netflix

— Tess Koman (@tessie_the_mess) May 31, 2015

Just saw a guy struggling to unicycle down the sidewalk and wanted to whisper to him, “No one’s making you do this.”

— Jess Dweck (@TheDweck) May 31, 2015

being an adult is exactly like a birthday party, except when the piñata breaks open it’s full of bills & death

— Mary Charlene (@IamEnidColeslaw) May 31, 2015

I’ve live-phoned, live-blogged & live g-chatted Sense & Sensibility ’95 w/ girlfriends for 2 decades. Will we persist in this until we die?

— Sarah Marian Seltzer (@sarahmseltzer) June 1, 2015

nothing tastes as good as muting an email thread feels

— Lara Parker (@laraeparker) June 1, 2015

When you’re shopping around for a new therapist and are just like



— Taylor Trudon (@taylortrudon) June 2, 2015

I think about the difference between Chet Haze and Colin Hanks on a DAILY BASIS

— Mallory Ortberg (@mallelis) June 2, 2015

“So..uh, are you excited about Governor’s Ball?” – how to talk to any Millennial in an elevator

— Michelle Markowitz (@michmarkowitz) June 2, 2015

Me Vs. The World: My Journey Wearing An All-White Outfit To Work

— Carly Ledbetter (@ledbettercarly) June 2, 2015

Rainy days make me want to stay in bed

As do sunny days…

I never actually want to leave my bed….

— Rescue Ninja (@equinelover137) June 2, 2015

Sometimes I wonder if high school acquaintances might be fascinated by my Facebook as I am with theirs and then I remember that I am boring.

— Elise Foley (@elisefoley) June 2, 2015

“She rides with me, the new Bobby & Whitney / Only time we don’t speak is during Sex and the City” do we really think Bey was a SATC fan tho

— Jazmine Hughes (@jazzedloon) June 3, 2015

Wish I had the same carefree lack of self-awareness exhibited by grown adults who publicly link to their Amazon wishlists.

— Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) June 3, 2015

If you’ve never emotionally connected with an eggplant parm sandwich at 9:30 in the morning, I highly recommend it.

— outer kase (@worstkase) June 4, 2015

More ladies should leave internet comments on men’s accomplishments like “he sucks as an astronaut but i’d sit on his face”

— dr. dalia ☥ (@DALIAMALEK) May 30, 2015

if you are wearing a tshirt that says “whatever” wouldnt it be a stronger statement to wear a trash bag

— Aparna Nancherla (@aparnapkin) June 3, 2015

Bruce Jenner going by Caitlyn instead of Kaitlyn is the biggest “screw you” to the Kardashians I can think of. I love it.

— Alexis Kleinman (@alexiskleinman) June 1, 2015

Buying a salad is all fun and games until you have to eat it.

— Joanna Borns (@robotics) June 5, 2015

my dog peed on the front door of his obedience school so it’s looking good

— lauren ashley bishop (@sbellelauren) June 3, 2015

— This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.


Joe Jonas Gets Underneath Ryan Gosling, Colton Likes Kitties, Jordan Knight Can’t Keep His Shirt On

Joe Jonas Gets Underneath Ryan Gosling, Colton Likes Kitties, Jordan Knight Can’t Keep His Shirt On

This week, Chris Pratt remembers the gay man who helped launch his career, Justin Bieber sometimes kisses his bodyguard and country singer Ty Herndon influences people of all ages to come out. Here’s what happened recently on Instagram:

Sorry Adam Levine, Joe Jonas is now using Ryan Gosling to court some of that gay love that greets little brother Nick.

Hey Ry Ry

A photo posted by J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) on May 29, 2015 at 3:27pm PDT

Adam Lambert has taken his throne, ladies and gentlemen.




A photo posted by ADAMLAMBERT (@adamlambert) on May 31, 2015 at 12:21am PDT


Darryl Stephens gives good audio.


Voice over session for #moovz with @allanbrocka and @idanmat (Photo by Allan Brocka)


A photo posted by Darryl Stephens (@darrylstephens) on Jun 2, 2015 at 9:17pm PDT


Jordan Knight puts all the Kids to shame.

Here’s a reminder that Oliver Hudson sometimes posts non-nude pics.

Hugh Jackman needs a milkshake STAT, mate.

Happy to be waking up in the 212! #NoPlaceLikeHome #BIG A video posted by Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) on Jun 3, 2015 at 3:39am PDT

The Rock offers advice on how to deal with “the big one.”

Ricky Martin will just have a little off the sides, please.

Good Morning cut in great company. ??????Long promo day ahead! A photo posted by Ricky (@ricky_martin) on Jun 3, 2015 at 5:55am PDT

The Speedo green really brings out Steve Grand‘s eyes.

Like father, like son.

Back with #Ernie A photo posted by Russelltovey (@russelltovey) on May 30, 2015 at 11:39am PDT

Colton Haynes loves pu…cats, Colton Haynes loves cats.


Having cat friends is just so much easier than having human friends. They just get me #CatDaddy @thatcatpatch


A photo posted by Colton Haynes (@coltonlhaynes) on May 31, 2015 at 4:51pm PDT

Harry Louis is squeaky clean.

If Bianca Del Rio only had a heart.


HAPPY 65th BIRTHDAY TO MY PARTNER IN CRIME! @theonlydetox #pursetheif #goodtimegal #clowncrossdresser


A photo posted by Bianca Del Rio (@thebiancadelrio) on Jun 3, 2015 at 1:17pm PDT

James Franco is feeling the brotherly love with Dave and less-frequently seen Tom.

Wonder if Mario Lopez still likes to wrestle…


#TBT Chula Vista Boys Club Wrestling Team! 4 of my cousins & I are in this old school pic… #MexicanBadNewsBears


A photo posted by Mario Lopez (@mariolopezextra) on Jun 4, 2015 at 11:01am PDT

So what if Drake will never be a spelling bee champ?

Pree show

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on Jun 3, 2015 at 5:53pm PDT

Nev Schulman offers some delicious Candy.

Max Fisher and Wes Bentley compare beards.

It’s like looking in a mirror…only not. #WAYF

A photo posted by Max Joseph (@maxjoseph) on May 28, 2015 at 4:53pm PDT

Tyson Beckford enjoys a Chippendales sausage party.

Real family @chippendales @g_roc77 @the_mattsterpiece @jon_howes @mikeyprettyboyperez A photo posted by Tyson C. Beckford (@tysoncbeckford) on Jun 1, 2015 at 12:31pm PDT

Jeremy Kinser


Brittney Griner Moves to Annul Marriage to Pregnant Wife Glory Johnson

Brittney Griner Moves to Annul Marriage to Pregnant Wife Glory Johnson


WNBA star Brittney Griner has moved to annul her 29-day marriage to Glory Johnson.

Johnson, who yesterday announced on Instagram she was pregnant, told TMZ Sports she was “blindsided” by Griner’s decision. Johnson will miss the 2015 WNBA season due to the pregnancy. 

ESPN reports:

“Last Wednesday, Glory and I agreed to either legally separate, get divorced, or annul our marriage,” Griner said in a statement Friday. “I can confirm that today I filed for an annulment. In the week prior to the wedding, I attempted to postpone the wedding several times until I completed counseling, but I still went through with it. I now realize that was a mistake.”

Johnson and Griner’s wedding came less than a month after the two were arrested on suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct related to domestic violence at Griner’s Phoenix home.

ESPN continues:

Griner entered a diversion program, agreeing to plead guilty to disorderly conduct and attend 26 weeks of counseling. Once the Phoenix Mercury center completes the program, the charge will be wiped from her record. Johnson’s case was transferred to a jurisdiction without a diversion program, so her case is still pending. She must either fight the case in court or reach a plea agreement.

The WNBA investigated the altercation — listed by the police as “mutual combat” — and suspended both players seven games.

Earlier this week, Johnson was quoted as saying she was the victim in the altercation.

Kyler Geoffroy


Dennis Hastert Hid His Skeletons As He Helped Push GOP's Anti-Gay Agenda

Dennis Hastert Hid His Skeletons As He Helped Push GOP's Anti-Gay Agenda
WASHINGTON — During the 2004 elections, George W. Bush’s campaign, managed by a closeted gay man, pushed a series of anti-gay ballot initiatives across the country. The House of Representatives, led by a male speaker who allegedly sexually assaulted a male minor, moved a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage after beating back attempts to strengthen hate crimes legislation. And the White House, led in part by a vice president with a lesbian daughter, eagerly encouraged a conservative evangelical base hostile to gay rights.

Though only slightly over a decade ago, that election seems increasingly like the relic of a far-off era as the country moves closer toward acceptance of legalizing marriage equality nationwide. But it’s being revisited in light of recent revelations that former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) may have sexually abused at least two male students during his time as a high school teacher and wrestling coach, and later lied to the FBI about the hush money he was paying one of them.

Hastert wasn’t a strident culture warrior during his time in Congress. But he was a vital cog in the anti-gay political machinery that the GOP deployed for political benefit. And now it appears his involvement carried the same elements of duplicity and deceit as that of other Republican operatives of that era.

“The hypocrisy is breathtaking in its depth,” said Elizabeth Birch, former president of the Human Rights Campaign, which advocates for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.

As speaker of the House from 1999 to 2007, Hastert didn’t just go along and vote the party line on various bills; he decided which pieces of legislation made it to the floor for a vote. During his tenure, he was a clear foe of the LGBT community.

Toward the end of his presidency, Bill Clinton was trying to broaden the federal hate crimes statute to cover acts of violence motivated by sexual orientation and gender identity. Calls for such legislation had picked up steam after the horrific assault and killing of Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old gay man, in 1998. But Republicans, led by Hastert and other GOP leaders, repeatedly barred any such measure from passage.

“We’d like to see the Clinton-Gore administration focus more on the enforcement of the current laws we have, rather than try to create a partisan political bill that has little effect in the real world,” said Hastert spokesman Pete Jeffries in an April 26, 2000, article in The Washington Post.

That Hastert was allegedly hiding a sordid past wasn’t known at the time, though rumors were beginning to spread. Still, those who lobbied on the bill picked up odd clues that hold more meaning now.

“I once sat in a meeting with Denny Hastert where he literally teared up in front of Judy and Dennis Shepard [Matthew’s parents] and committed to doing everything he could to pass the Matthew Shepard hate crimes bill and then literally did nothing. Didn’t lift a finger,” recalled Birch. “You should have seen this guy. He teared up, was so sincere. But when we tried to put meetings together with families to talk about what it was like to grow up LGBT and the kinds of additional stresses in places like high school and college, we could never get traction back in the district.”

Hastert continued opening the gateways for anti-gay legislation in the years that followed. In 2004, Bush announced his support for a constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. Hastert brought it to the floor even though he predicted that passage would be difficult since it required the approval of two-thirds of Congress.

Sometimes you win for losing,” said Hastert spokesman John Feehery at the time, arguing that the effort helped draw a clear distinction between Bush and then-Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

When a constitutional amendment finally came to a vote in July 2006 — and failed — Hastert vowed to keep fighting.

“Be assured that this issue is not over,” he said.

In fact, it basically was. The country was by then beginning its rapid shift toward accepting same-sex marriage — a change helped along by some Republicans who began paying a penance for their past work.

Ken Mehlman, who headed the Bush re-election campaign when it was pushing anti-gay rights initiatives in various states and who ran the Republican National Committee when it continued anti-gay politicking, revealed that he is gay in 2010, after Bush had left office.

In coming out, Mehlman acknowledged that he had been aware Bush’s chief strategist, Karl Rove, was pushing those initiatives and said he regretted not doing more to advance gay rights. He has since become an outspoken advocate and was instrumental in pushing marriage equality in the state of New York, which passed same-sex marriage in 2011. He’s doing similar work now nationally.

Hastert’s onetime spokesman Feehery likewise noted that times have changed dramatically since his old boss was allowing marriage amendments to come to the floor. His own past statement welcoming those votes wasn’t a moral one, he said, but a reflection of outdated politics.

“Obviously the dynamics have changed,” said Feehery. “It was a political vote. At the time it seemed like it was smart politics, but the politics changed. It is easy to look back and say it doesn’t make sense in 2015, but it made sense in 2004.”

Those who were on the other side of the fight aren’t so quick, however, to let bygones be bygones. On MSNBC Friday, former Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), himself gay, said that he did not excuse Hastert’s alleged actions — “the teacher taking advantage of students” — but that the episode made him think of how destructive homophobia has been.

“Leave aside from the fact the illegitimate nature of the fact that it was a teacher-student relationship that should not have happened,” said Frank, who added that it seemed Hastert may have been bisexual. “But the gay sex in itself obviously, it was something which back then was considered so scandalous that Hastert couldn’t do it in an — in a kind of an open way.”

“People like Dennis Hastert wouldn’t be subject to the same kind of temptations and pressures today,” Frank added. “A man who had those feelings, a man who has those feelings can express them more openly. And it is a reminder of the price everybody in society paid, not just the individual, for prejudice.”

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— This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.


Ajdin Sefer Hits The Water This Summer With A BaNG!

Ajdin Sefer Hits The Water This Summer With A BaNG!

Bang4If you’ve already caught wind of theBaNG! swim briefs brand, chances are it was their loud prints that first caught your eye. But there is more to BaNG! than designs you can recognize from miles away.

It’s a dreamy summer day perfect for the pool, and model Ajdin Sefer shows off wearing the brand’s new line.

No two Bang Swim Briefs are alike. So it must be sheer luck that placed the word “WOW” right on the pouch of Ajdin’s pair. Like the other BaNG! swim briefs, the design features a “Full Pack” padded pouch for a fuller look. Because whether you like your BaNG! loud or sporty, a BaNG! boy will always be dressed to impress.

You can see more of this photo shoot on The Underwear Expert.


Photo Credit: Jerrad Matthew Exclusively for The Underwear Expert

Underwear Expert


Eight Great Same-Sex Romances In Film History That Get Us In The Mood For The Freedom To Marry

Eight Great Same-Sex Romances In Film History That Get Us In The Mood For The Freedom To Marry

On those long winter nights in the bygone era when the freedom to marry seemed nothing more than a dream, there were great filmmakers around to remind us to keep love and hope alive, not just for romance in our own lives, but for political and social change.

On screen and in the popular imagination, Jack and Ennis are bigger gay archetypes than Leopold and Loeb ever were, and a pair of romantically involved, same-sex thirtysomethings are more likely to have kids these days than homicidal tendencies.

Related Posts: Countdown to Equality

Here’s a list of movies with some archetypal gay romances that were ahead of their time or, to paraphrase MLK, a lagging indicator on the arc light of human justice.

Eight of the best…

1. Maurice (1987)



Maurice, based on the novel by Evelyn Waugh, was maybe the first really big mainstream, overtly gay romantic movie, and what a heart-bursting romance it is. The lavish Merchant-Ivory production is set in turn-of-the-last-century England where Maurice, played by James Wilby, gets it on with fellow Cambridge coed Hugh Grant, who throws Maurice over when the gayness threatens his place in society. Enter young and wet Rupert Graves as estate gamekeeper Alec, AKA trade, through Maurice’s bedroom window on a stormy night. The film’s last words, uttered by the rough boy: “Now we shan’t never be parted.”

2. The Crying Game (1992)


Neil Jordan’s The Crying Game is a gay/trans love story wrapped in a political thriller set during the Troubles, or the Northern Ireland conflict. When Irish Republican Army recruit Stephen Rea has to execute a political prisoner, his captive’s plea to protect his girlfriend if he dies haunts him; soon enough Rea is wrapped up with pretty Jaye Davidson, who, much to Rea’s initial revulsion, turns out not to be what he expected. Rea takes a fall and goes to prison for the new love: “It’s in my nature.” That’s meta, and she will be waiting.

3. The Wedding Banquet (1993)


A decade before Brokeback, director Ang Lee’s first feature was the story of a good Chinese son trying to keep his parents happy and his white boyfriend a secret. He finds a match in a penniless artist looking for a green card, but the parents aren’t placated by the City Hall marriage; a lavish and traditional wedding banquet is ordered. Followed by the drunken good son getting seduced by his faux wife, who gets pregnant, and his stroke-addled father handing the white boyfriend a red envelope, acknowledging it’s the boys who are the real committed couple. Goosebumps.

4. Rent (2005)

DF-09772 Ð (c-left to c-right) Adam Pascal, Jessie L. Martin, Tracie Thoms and Idina Menzel star in Revolution StudiosÕ musical drama Rent, a Columbia Pictures release.    Photo Credit: Phil Bray

In the movie version of the Millennial musical Rent, three and a half of those five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes in a year are devoted to a love song featuring Idina Menzel’s Maureen, the bisexual performance artist, and Tracie Thoms as Joanne, her on-again, off-again uptight Harvard-educated lawyer girlfriend. In Take Me Or Leave, the two battle through their engagement party like Katharina and Petruchio in Taming of the Shrew, trying to define what will make their marriage work, or else: “Take me for what I am, Who I was meant to be, And if you give a damn, Take me baby or leave me.” And they both leave, so there! But get back together because it’s all about Seasons of Love, Jonathan Larson.

5. Brokeback Mountain (2005)


Director Ang Lee rode back into a gay love story on author Annie Proulx’s horse for Brokeback Mountain, with Heath Ledger as Ennis Del Mar and Jake Gyllenhaal as Jack Twist, two terrific actors with very evocative character names. Brokeback is remarkable for being one of cinema’s greatest love stories despite the carnage wrecked by its protagonists; who can forget the flash of recognition on Michelle Williams’ face as she figures out what Ennis is up to, or the saucer eyes of denial on Anne Hathaway’s. It’s not the boys fault, of course, it’s in their nature. “Jack, I swear…”

6. The Kids Are All Right (2010)


In the thoroughly modern domestic drama The Kids Are All Right, by Lisa Cholodenko, Annette Bening and Julianne Moore are a married couple living in LA with two teenage kids by each mom and the same sperm donor. Enter dad Mark Ruffalo, and complications, the kind the pair didn’t have giving birth or dealing with a father figure. That plot device raises all kinds of questions about nature and nurture, and opens all kinds of doors about honesty and fidelity, which Bening and Moore stumble through just like any other married couple. Isn’t it romantic?

7. Weekend (2011)


Weekend, by Looking’s Andrew Haigh and starring Tom Cullen and Chris New, is a very simple and very intense two days with two guys who meet in a gay club on a Friday night. The morning after they have sex in Russell’s apartment, Glen convinces his hook-up to record his impressions of the experience, which comes around to bookend the movie. But what’s great about Weekend isn’t the plot, it’s the feeling of the thing: the languid moments in bed, the tentativeness interacting with a stranger, the passion that comes with exploring a new body. Like Glen and Russell, in alternating moments of hope and dread as they think they’re getting to know each other, we want the relationship to succeed so badly we can taste it in the popcorn. Sure, Glen gets on a train on his way to Oregon to be an artist, but we know he’s coming back.

8. Blue Is the Warmest Colour (2013)


French Blue Is the Warmest Colour, or La Vie d’Adèle – Chapitres 1 & 2, written and directed by Abdellatif Kechiche, is based on a graphic novel by Julie Maroh and stars Adèle Exarchopoulos and blue-haired Léa Seydoux, who introduces the former to ecstasy, and, later in the film, what feels like the inevitable corollary: complete and utter agony. Before then, there are some of the most erotic and explicit sex scenes maybe ever committed to film, but as affecting or maybe more so is a scene toward the end when Emma throws Adéle out of their apartment in a rage so fierce and consuming that Adéle can only register every verbal blow like a gunshot. Are they getting back together? Prolly not, but the sex was amazing, so who knows.


Chris Bull
