Andre Costa Is Making Papi Even Hotter

Andre Costa Is Making Papi Even Hotter

PAPI-Andre-4Y9A6438Model Andre Costa steps into more than a few pairs of Papi for the brand’s latest lifestyle shots. The photoshoot — part of the brand’s current rebranding – will have you saying, “Ooh Papi, have you been working out? You’re looking really good!” Yes, the brand is looking better than ever. Andre fills some of the brand’s classic designs. And it must be a hot summer day, because he wears nothing but.

Papi is one of those underwear brands that rides the line between casual and sporty, but some of their pairs focus on one more than the other.

You can see more of Andre Costa and Papi on The Underwear Expert.


Photo Credit: Eduardo von Garcia

Underwear Expert

Orange Is The New Black's Matt McGorry Is a Violently Sexy Stripper-Cop in College Humor Skit: WATCH

Orange Is The New Black's Matt McGorry Is a Violently Sexy Stripper-Cop in College Humor Skit: WATCH


As you continue binge watching Orange is the New Black season 3 this weekend, Matt McGorry and the folks at College Humor would like to remind you not to cross the line…or you’ll get punished severely. 

Watch McGorry violate a group of horny CH workers’ rights, AFTER THE JUMP



Kyler Geoffroy

Moving On — "FTLOG, Caitlyn Jenner is Not Pretending to Be a Woman"

Moving On — "FTLOG, Caitlyn Jenner is Not Pretending to Be a Woman"
I am going to tackle head-on the conservative attack on Caitlyn Jenner that has erupted since the Rachel Dolezal story broke. I will leave the response to Dolezal to others to parse, but I will take my colleague, Jonathan Capehart’s advice, and “move along” to, once again, school the conservatives in biology.

As Richard Pérez-Peña reported in The New York Times:

But many conservative commentators accused liberals of hypocrisy for accepting Caitlyn Jenner as a woman, but not Ms. Dolezal as black. “So, to recap, if Rachel Dolezal says she is a man, we must all agree, on pain of being publicly censured,” Rod Dreher wrote in The American Conservative. “But if Rachel Dolezal says she is black, it is fair game to challenge her claim.”

In National Review, Charles C. W. Cooke wrote that “lies are not necessarily delusions, and it is possible that Dolezal is just a good old-fashioned fabricator,” but he predicted that people on the left would eventually come to her defense.

I have to hand it to the right-wing noise machine to not have missed an opportunity for the trifecta of attacking feminists, trans women and African-Americans all at once. Quite an impressive feat, actually, with little preparation. But it all falls apart if we take the simple tweet Jonathan Capehart sent:

FTLOG, Caitlyn Jenner is Not Pretending to Be a Woman.

Charles Cook, quoted above, provides a number of explanations for Dolezal’s behavior – lying, delusional behavior, or “good, old-fashioned” fabrication. I can add confabulation, an old-fashioned ruse, or maybe simply a padding of the résumé which got out of hand years ago and fit so well she even forgot her own truth. They all fit under the umbrella of pretense.

Caitlyn Jenner is not pretending. Jenner has been a woman since birth – or more likely, before birth – like many, if not most, trans women. The development of transsexualism, the condition of being transgender, is well described by experts in the field as “atypical gender development.” There is research galore to satisfy anyone’s, including an open-minded conservative’s, curiosity. And while there are variations in trans biology, many which have yet to be seriously studied due to the general American discomfort with all things sexual, it really is pretty clear cut: your sense of self as a sexual being, your gender identity, is rooted in your brain. We all, as human beings, have a gender identity. For the small proportion of the population, roughly around a half of a percent, whose gender identity doesn’t match their genitals, the choice is to either live with the dysphoria, or reassign their gender to fit their gender identity, with or without anatomical and physiological interventions. This isn’t, when you get down to it, very complicated.

Sean Davis, writing in the Federalist, states:

In a 2013 essay for The Atlantic, writer Ta-Nehisi Coates explained the social, not biological, foundation of race in the modern age:

Our notion of what constitutes “white” and what constitutes “black” is a product of social context. It is utterly impossible to look at the delineation of a “Southern race” and not see the Civil War, the creation of an “Irish race” and not think of Cromwell’s ethnic cleansing, the creation of a “Jewish race” and not see anti-Semitism. There is no fixed sense of “whiteness” or “blackness,” not even today.

He makes a great point. We know precisely the definition of male (an X and a Y chromosome) and female (two X chromosomes)-or at least we did before society lost its collective mind-but is it possible to give a precise, quantifiable definition of black or white? Coates argues that you can’t, because so much of it depends on the social and historical context of a given culture.

I agree with Coates, because regardless of the biological differences among the groups we classify as races, be they the perceived differences in melatonin levels in skin melanocytes or the genetic heritage of Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi Jews, the lived reality of the “races” in our modern world is purely a social construct. Where he steps in it is his categorical statement, reminiscent of the recent statement of Archbishop Cordileone about Jenner – “The clear biological fact is that a human being is born either male or female” – which is utterly false. I’ve written about this in greater depth the past two weeks, and I won’t repeat myself here. Davis doesn’t know that the definition of male and female is “precise,” because it isn’t. That he, like Cordileone, states his cartoonish definition of sex as a simple fact is simply more evidence of the reality of cultural and religious conservatives who have, since the days of Galileo, refused to take the time to understand science or how it works. Ideology trumps reality, and it must be so comforting to be so simple-minded.

There is also a particular reason that this analogy of “transracial” to “transgender” is so hurtful to the trans community. The lead proponent of the effort to repair trans kids, Dr. Ken Zucker of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Toronto, once famously concocted a new diagnosis called “racial identity disorder” to justify his team’s efforts at reparative therapy:

“Suppose you were a clinician and a 4-year-old black kid came into your office and said he wanted to be white. Would you go with that? … I don’t think we would,” Zucker says.

In that NPR interview Zucker went on to say:

“By declaring the child as transgendered at, say, age 3 or age 4 or age 6, and then saying in a sense, ‘Go with the flow,’ … that will impact, I believe, on how the kid’s gender identity differentiates,” he says.

The reporter interpreted that comment to mean that Zucker has come to believe that taking the view that kids are born transgender ultimately produces more transgender people. So have a few other holdouts, like Bailey, Blanchard and Vilain, about whom I’ve recently written. As Vilain and Bailey said about trans girls -” we would prefer to save Maxine the serious medical interventions and possible side effects,” which is simply a polite way of saying they’d like to spare the world another trans woman.

Finally, to show that not all conservatives are transphobic simpletons, we have this studied response from Nick Gillespie of the libertarian wing:

To say that Jenner’s very public coming out disturbed social conservatives is an understatement. Between the ritual unwillingness to use female pronouns in relation to Jenner to exhortations that she is clearly deranged, it’s fairer to say that cons lost their shit. “A surgically damaged man appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair, and the applause is mandatory,” opined National Review’s David French. “If we’re not going to defend as a party basic principles of male and female, that life is sacred because it comes from God, then you’re going to lose the vast majority of people who’ve joined that party,” howled Iowa talk-radio host Steve Deace.

It probably didn’t help that Jenner called herself a Republican in a widely viewed interview with Diane Sawyer and that low-wattage GOP presidential candidates Lindsay Graham and Rick Santorum showed kindness toward the one-time world-record holder. In a great roundup of conservative responses to Jenner (from which the French and Deace quotes are cribbed) and a keen analysis of why the antagonistic response is “ultimately a loser” for conservatives, The Economist’s Will Wilkinson writes, “Caitlyn Jenner of Malibu is a leading indicator not of the secularisation of America, but of the ongoing Americanisation of Christianity.”

At Outside the Beltway, Doug Mataconis argues that when conservatives equate Dolezal and Jenner, they aren’t making “serious arguments, of course.” [It’s just] another attempt by social conservatives to demean transgender people, a phenomenon that has been quite prevalent on that side of the political spectrum over the past two weeks. Even taking the arguments at face value, though, they don’t add up….

Rachel Dolezal didn’t “choose her race,” she committed fraud by lying about her background. She can choose to adopt whatever culture she wishes, but that’s not what happened here. She lied about her background, not just to the public but apparently also on job applications. That’s fraud. The people who are trying to use this case to draw analogies to, or mostly just to make stupid, snarly comments about, the issues raised last week by the Caitlyn Jenner story, are just being obnoxious jerks.

Once again we have conservatives behaving badly. I hope we all, including the feminists among us, have learned from these past few days, and will choose to discriminate between pretense and truth.

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Bearded Queen Slays ‘America’s Got Talent’ Audition, But What Happened Next Is Truly Amazing

Bearded Queen Slays ‘America’s Got Talent’ Audition, But What Happened Next Is Truly Amazing

Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 6.44.18 PMWe love a bearded queen. Is there any better way of saying “thanks but no thanks” to superficial gender expectations than by mixing masculine and feminine into a beautiful conglomeration of yas queen?

We also love a queen with comedy chops. On a recent episode of America’s Got Talent, we got both when Kentucky’s own Scott Heierman took the stage and gave an undeniably fabulous performance.

And here’s the best part — Scott predicted his schtick would go over well, but he never could have expected to gain a whole new fan base of kids after the segment aired.

The mother of a nine-year-old boy even posted a video of her son imitating Scott — heels and all. Another little girl dressed in pink eyebrows and beard after she saw the clip. So much yes.

Watch the audition below:

And here’s an awkward local news segment which includes one of Scott’s new young fans. Keep in mind that this is on local Kentucky news, which is pretty amazing:

Hope is alive!


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Dan Tracer

Meet the First Out Transgender Active Duty Army Officer 'Compatible With Military Service' – VIDEO

Meet the First Out Transgender Active Duty Army Officer 'Compatible With Military Service' – VIDEO

(Images via Facebook)

Earlier this week, Buzzfeed carried an interview with Army Medical Corp doctor and major Jamie Lee Henry, “the first known active-duty Army officer to come out as transgender.”

Henry is also likely to be “the first and only active duty service member who has changed her name and gender within the United States military.”

Jamie-Lee-Henty_IDIn the interview, she says that when she requested her name and gender be officially changed earlier this year, the Army – which officially classes transgender people as “incompatible with military service” – “actually used female pronouns in the document” that granted the request for the change.

Henry says her story proves that despite the official position, being out and trans is compatible with military service and that being trans has made her a better service member and better doctor. She also says that despite her fears, “my commander said, ‘I don’t care who you love, I don’t care how you identify, I want you to be healthy and I want you to be able to do your job.’”

She adds:

“Yes, it’s awkward. I’ve had to embrace awkwardness with gusto these last nine months. It’s not easy. It’s not easy for the people that are my family, it’s not easy for the people that are my friends prior to my transition.

“…I’m the same gender I’ve always been in my mind, but all this other stuff, on the outside, is really just conforming to how I already feel and have felt my entire life.

“People say, ‘Is this a choice?’ The choice is being healthy or sick. I can continue living a sick life, or I can live a healthy life. I find my trans experience has allowed me to relate to people, because all of us suffer, and I could relate to people’s suffering. I’m able to comfort people that feel isolated and lost and alone and broken. I can sit down with them and look them in the eyes, and say, ‘I can walk with you through this. I care about you, and I mean it.’”

Last weekend, she submitted a statement to the American Medical Association (AMA) asking that it take a stand in support of transgender troops.

On Monday, the AMA took her advice and the advice of many others, passing the resolution in question.

Read Buzzfeed’s full interview with Henry HERE

Earlier this week, we reported that The New York Times released a powerful short documentary about a transgender military couple, Air Force Senior Airman Logan Ireland and Cpl. Laila Villanueva, an Army nurse.

Watch the New York Times video, AFTER THE JUMP

Jim Redmond

Smell Like Ben Cohen, Patrick Stewart And Ian McKellen Make Out, YouTube Star Alx James Comes Out

Smell Like Ben Cohen, Patrick Stewart And Ian McKellen Make Out, YouTube Star Alx James Comes Out

Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen have taken their famed bromance to the next logical level at the premiere of McKellen’s new play Mr. Holmes in London.

Remember that time Marlon Brando showed up at the acting class he was teaching in “a blond wig, blue mascara, a black gown with an orange scarf and a bodice stuffed with gigantic falsies?”


Want to know what Ben Cohen smells like? “I really like the fragrance… which is a fresh, woody and cirtrus-y smell,” the athletic icon says of his just-released new cologne.

There’ll be more disco-era goodness than you can handle in the June 17 episode of ABC’s Celebrity Wife Swap  when TV icon Charo appears with her family, including her unbelievably sexy son Shel (below), to trade places with Jill Whelan, her frequent costar on The Love Boat.

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YouTube personality Alx James came out to the world via a YouTube video, naturally.

Laverne Cox is leading the transformation of pop culture in countless ways, including appearing on the cover of Entertainment Weekly.


Out former child star Raven-Symoné has been named as permanent co-host of The View.


We can all learn a lot of out teen sensation Brendan Jordan. Thanks to him, Davey Wavey and Raymond Braun now know the proper way to strut in high heels.

Jeremy Kinser