Stopping HIV With The Truvada Revolution

Stopping HIV With The Truvada Revolution
A drug called Truvada is the first FDA-approved means of preventing HIV infection. If an HIV-negative person takes the pill every day, he or she is nearly 99 percent protected from contracting the virus. Controversy continues to surround the broad uptake of Truvada, but the landscape of safer sex and HIV prevention changes fundamentally from this point forward—particularly within the gay male community, the population hit hardest by HIV in America. In this episode of VICE Reports, VICE explores the future of the Truvada and its revolutionary impact on ending HIV/AIDS.

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Tomorrow Live on Periscope: HRC Legal Director Answers Your SCOTUS Questions

Tomorrow Live on Periscope: HRC Legal Director Answers Your SCOTUS Questions

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court will hand down it’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, the historic same-sex marriage case that has the potential to bring marriage equality to all 50 states.

Rudy Giuliani: I Can’t Win The GOP Nomination Because I’m Pro-Gay, Pro-Choice

Rudy Giuliani: I Can’t Win The GOP Nomination Because I’m Pro-Gay, Pro-Choice

Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 9.50.10 AMSay what you will of Rudy Giuliani (and if you live in New York, you probably have a lot to say), the former GOP presidential hopeful is one of the few in his party to vocally support gay marriage and women’s reproductive rights.

And that’s why he doesn’t think he could ever pass the right-wing looney test required of candidates during presidential primary season.

During an interview on FOX News about violence in Baltimore (during which Giuliani essentially blames the crime rate on not enough racial profiling a la his beloved NYC “stop and frisk” policies — we won’t even go there), host Neil Cavuto asks why Giuliani doesn’t throw his hat into the 2016 race.

Here’s Giuliani’s response:

Because I believe I can’t get nominated because of my views on gay marriage, I’m in favor gay rights, I’m in favor of gay marriage. I see it as an issue of equality. I’m pro-choice. I’m anti-abortion personally but I’m pro choice. I’m pro-immigrant and I haven’t backed down from it.

Watch the clip below. The quoted section begins at the 8:05 mark:

Dan Tracer

Pat Buchanan Says St. Patrick Forgot To Drive Gay 'Snakes' Out Of Ireland

Pat Buchanan Says St. Patrick Forgot To Drive Gay 'Snakes' Out Of Ireland

Screen Shot 2015-06-02 at 5.26.57 PMPat Buchanan is clearly in a huff regarding Ireland’s successful marriage equality referendum as the former presidential candidate said during a WorldNetDaily interview that, “St. Patrick did not drive all the snakes out of Ireland,” reports Right Wing Watch

Buchanan blames the “death of faith” for bringing secularism, materialism and hedonism to Ireland and that society will ultimately perish because of it.

Said Buchanan:

“When the faith dies, the culture it produced begins to die, then the civilization goes, and, then, the population. As for the Catholic schools, I am sure that many of the priests, nuns and lay teachers are doing their best, but in the 21st century, the devil has all the best tunes. And, clearly, St. Patrick did not drive all the snakes out of Ireland.”

Buchanan’s fear mongering could stand to “settle down,” as John Oliver said of the Catholic Church’s response to the marriage referendum.

Anthony Costello

These 4 Qualities Will Get You Through Even The Darkest Of Times

These 4 Qualities Will Get You Through Even The Darkest Of Times

Iyanla Vanzant offers smart ways to stay strong.
By Iyanla Vanzant

The hardest thing about hard times is this: You know you’re not in control anymore. (But ask yourself something: Were you ever?) You have to make big changes before you’re ready or suddenly question what you thought you knew. But it’s possible to turn even the most upsetting situations into opportunities for growth if you can muster enough willingness, trust, faith, patience and surrender.

Here’s why these qualities are so essential if we are to transcend our troubles:

This is the all-important ingredient for making it through tough times. You must be willing to do what you believe you cannot, and acknowledge what you’ve avoided. Yes, this can be painful, but when you are unwilling to see things — and people — as they are, you can’t deal with the problem, and I can guarantee your situation will be prolonged.

Trust and Faith
Very often people confuse these two principles, but they’re very different. Trust is the belief that you can get through anything, and faith is the energy that grows from that trust, helping you carry on until things get better. You can’t have the latter without the former.

This is the capacity to accept and tolerate difficulty without anger or sorrow — and it’s your lifeline when you find yourself in the midst of a hard time. In the same way that we are unable to rush the sunrise or the unfolding of the seasons, we can’t force ourselves through a challenging experience in less time than we need to learn, heal or grow. Patience makes our difficulties pass as gently as possible.

It’s not about giving up or bowing down. It’s about holding on to the knowledge that something bigger and more powerful than you is at work beneath the surface of your experience, and that it will take you exactly where you need to be. Now, in hard times, surrender is probably the greatest challenge you will encounter because it’s so hard to accept uncertainty. But that, my beloved, is the point. You don’t know what’s to come, but you must know that whatever happens, you will be okay.

Iyanla Vanzant is the host of OWN’s Iyanla: Fix My Life and the author of Peace from Broken Pieces.

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HRC Congratulates Andrea Zekis on Victory Empowerment Fellowship

HRC Congratulates Andrea Zekis on Victory Empowerment Fellowship

Andrea Zekis, an HRC Arkansas consultant and founder of the Arkansas Transgender Equality Coaltion (ArTec), a statewide transgender organization in Arkansas, was recently awarded the Victory Empowerment Fellowship from the Victory Institute.

“God” Purchases Two “God Loves Gays” Billboards in Utah For Pride Month

“God” Purchases Two “God Loves Gays” Billboards in Utah For Pride Month

02_utah_billboards-1432909087537-bannerGod is smiling down on the state of Utah right now. Literally.

After some push back, the Divine Creator has secured two digital billboards that will appear in the Beehive State all during Pride Month. The billboards feature his face smiling in front of rainbow along with the words “God Loves Gays.”

Related: Utah Companies Reject “Controversial” Pro-Gay Billboard, Will Still Run Ads For Rush Limbaugh, Chick-Fil-A, The GOP

Beginning on Monday, Utah’s most diehard fans of the man upstairs have been graced with the message from their maker as they drive along their local interstate.

“Mormons still think that Heavenly Father hates gay people, which is FALSE!” the Lord said in a statement. “I’m placing these billboards in Utah to set the record straight on the subject, now and forever. GOD LOVES GAYS. And I’m totally cool with their lifestyle too. Why else would I make so many wonderful gay Mormons?”

This isn’t the first time God (whose real name is Daylan Pearce of the blog DaylanDoes) has pulled a stunt like this. Last year, he placed a similar billboard near the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.

God says he plans to erect even more billboards to help spread his message of tolerance, so he’s launched an fundraising campaign to help cover the costs. He hopes to place several billboards in 22 more states plus Washington, D.C.

Related: “God” Purchases Year-Long “God Loves Gays” Billboard Near Westboro Baptist Church

Graham Gremore

What To Watch This Week On TV: Premiere For 'Sense8' and Wanda Sykes on 'Inside Comedy'

What To Watch This Week On TV: Premiere For 'Sense8' and Wanda Sykes on 'Inside Comedy'


Check out our weekly guide to make sure you’re catching the big premieres, crucial episodes and the stuff you won’t admit you watch when no one’s looking.

Meet the new LGBT characters from Netflix’s new series, Sense8, snuggle up with One Direction, plus more TV this week, AFTER THE JUMP


— Out comedian Wanda Sykes goes behind the funny on Inside Comedy, Wednesday at 7:30 p.m Eastern on Showtime. Ted Danson and David Steinberg are also featured.


— The sci-fi brilliance of the Wachowski siblings comes to Netflix with the premiere of their new series, Sense8, Friday. This time, the brains behind The Matrix are telling the story of eight strangers who find themselves strangely connected. The eight principles include one gay character and one who identifies as trans.


— Worried about spending Friday night all alone? Snuggle up to the fresh-faced five of One Direction in their new special, One Direction: Where We Are: Live From San Siro Stadium. Tune in Friday at 9 p.m. Eastern on Showtime. Go on, we won’t judge you.

What are you watching this week?

Bobby Hankinson