Online Dating: Thoughts on the Second Date

Online Dating: Thoughts on the Second Date
Online dating is definitely a crapshoot – you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs before finding your prince. So, what do you do when you think you’ve found him?

Well, dear reader, that brings us to the second date. You’ve made it past his psycho-dar, and you his, so when a second date is in the works, know that he’s just as interested as you are (if not more!).

The second date is, possibly, more important than the first. Your task is to continue crafting the narrative about yourself in an authentic way. That carefully written OkCupid profile with the hundreds of questions you’ve answered (honestly!) won’t mean anything unless it’s backed up by the way you present yourself on the second date.

This is your chance to relax a little, so drinks or an outdoor activity could be appropriate. Show off your impeccable taste in bars, cafés, parks, beaches, etc. Just don’t try to do too much at once; enjoy the moment with your newfound love interest and don’t be afraid to embrace spontaneity.

Oh, one last thing: wear something fun. Something you feel evokes your personal style while appropriately showing off that body you work hard to take care of. Am I right?

What are your go-to second date ideas?

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Trailblazer: Kit Williamson – 'I want to take a train across Europe for my honeymoon'

Trailblazer: Kit Williamson – 'I want to take a train across Europe for my honeymoon'

The newly-engaged Mad Men star reveals all about his life on the road with fiancee John Halbach, from a gay cruise in Mexico to pool-hanging in Palm Springs

read more


News: Star Wars, James Dobson, Argentina, Ben Carson, Texas

News: Star Wars, James Dobson, Argentina, Ben Carson, Texas

Road Focus on the Family founder James Dobson says with marriage equality on the horizon, the “fall of Western civilization” is at hand

StarwarsRoad Vanity Fair takes readers on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in honor of Star Wars Day. 

Road Prince William and Kate Middleton announce the name of their newborn princess – Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.

Road Bill Clinton blasts “political” attack on his family’s foundation, saying the group has never done anything “knowingly inappropriate” in accepting foreign donations, and insisting his high speaking fees are justified because, “I gotta pay our bills.”

Road D.C.’s bill banning discrimination against LGBT students attending religious schools becomes law

Road Madonna throws more shade at Drake over their awkward Coachella kiss

Road The 9 best moments from Ben Carson’s bizarre and glorious campaign launch/concert

Road Argentina becomes first Latin American nation to recognize same-sex partners and a biological parent on a child’s birth certificate. 

Road The Chicago Tribune‘s Eric Zorn on why he’s predicting a 9-0 pro-equality ruling from the Supreme Court. “Because, in the end, no one wants to be That Guy, I predict the U.S. Supreme Court will find some way this summer to rule unanimously that same-sex marriage is a constitutionally protected right…A 9-0 ruling tells America “move on, this issue is settled.” It enhances the legitimacy of the decision and, therefore, of the court itself while minimizing the potential for backlash.”

Fiorina2Road Lookie lookie at what turns up.

Road Former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien chastises media coverage of Baltimore. “For journalists to have a debate back and forth about thugs or thuggery is naive and misplaced. “Journalists should strive to use words to describe accurately what’s happening.”

Road The first official photo of the Suicide Squad cast is here

Road The suspected gunmen in the Garland, Texas Muhammad cartoon attack have been identified. “The second shooter in the Garland, Texas, attack has been identified as Nadir Soofi, two law enforcement officials told CNN’s Pamela Brown. Soofi is the roommate of the other shooter, who was identified earlier as Elton Simpson. Soofi is not well-known to federal law enforcement and was not on the FBI radar, one of the officials said.”

Road Ben Carson to reschedule a planned trip to Iowa to say goodbye to his ailing mother

Road Family Equality Council to launch National Foster Care Month campaign spotlighting discriminatory laws and highlighting stories from LGBTQ parents who have legally adopted and/or became foster parents.

Road Taylor Kinney talks about his proposal to Lady Gaga. ““I just knew. It wasn’t a lightbulb going off, it was in Manhattan. It was snowing, it was beautiful.”

BurhoeRoad Male model Monday: Spencer Burhoe

Road Michelangelo Signorile on why the boycott against gay hoteliers Ian Reisner and Mati Weiderpass is a “watershed moment”. “We’ve got to make it clear to the enemies of equality that we are a force with increasing public support, moving full speed ahead and accepting nothing less than equality. We’ve demanded and received support from major corporations, who’ve put pressure on politicians to refrain from an anti-gay agenda. There thus can be no double standards. Now we must send a message to those among our own — particularly those of enormous privilege — who’ve succumbed to victory blindness and let them know that they too cannot support our enemies. No abject apology can undo the message that Reisner and Weiderpass have telegraphed to anti-LGBT forces in the GOP.”

Road Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback receives awesome receipt note from waitress who objects to his controversial school funding cuts. 

Road Zac Efron shows off his guns while exercising on the beach.

Road All-women’s Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts to begin accepting transgender students

Kyler Geoffroy

10 Important Causes We Can Make Progress On In The Next Decade

10 Important Causes We Can Make Progress On In The Next Decade
the next ten logo

This month, The Huffington Post will celebrate our 10-year anniversary. While we are proud of our past and what the HuffPost family has accomplished together, our eyes are fixed on the next 10 years — both for journalism and for our global community of readers.

To that end, we’ve partnered with CrowdRise to shine a light on 10 causes for which we believe meaningful strides can be made in the 10 years to come.

Together, HuffPost and Crowdrise reached out to organizations — some prominent groups and some less familiar — that are providing meaningful and innovative solutions. These organizations tackling important problems are the heart of our campaign, “The Next 10,” aimed at highlighting causes that will shape the next decade.

Our hope is this will be an opportunity to not only raise money for these important issues, but also to increase awareness about the important work being done on the ground to serve communities that truly need strong advocates.

We hope you’ll join us in celebrating our birthday by checking out and possibly supporting the causes and organizations that are part of The Next 10 campaign.


Trevor Project
All Out
It Gets Better
International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission


To Write Love on Her Arms
Harm Reduction Action Center – Colorado Nonprofit Development Center
People’s Harm Reduction Alliance
Moms United To End The War On Drugs – COX – A New Path
Exponents Center
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Committee to Protect Journalists
Reporters Without Borders
Free Press Unlimited
International Center for Journalists
Free Press
Freedom House
Speakers’ Corner Trust
Speakers’ Corner Trust


Empowerment Plan
Coalition For The Homeless
Coalition on Temporary Shelter
Project Homeless Connect
My Stuff Bags
Upward Bound House


Gear up for Girls > Days for Girls International
Nurse Family Partnership
PCI Global
Borgen Project
Heifer International
Opportunity International
Women’s Global Empowerment


Direct Relief
National Institute for Children’s Health Quality Inc
Project Alive and Kicking


No Kid Hungry
Wholesome Wave
Harlem Grown
The Hunger Project
Feeding America
FEED Foundation
The Food Trust


Garrison Institute’s Initiative on Contemplation and Education
Inward Bound Mindfulness Education
Mind Body Awareness Project
The Mindfulness Center
Veterans Peace of Mind Project
The Hawn Foundation
The David Lynch Foundation


Conservation International
Water For People
The Nature Conservancy
Gulf Restoration Network
charity: water


Rescued Pets Movement
Foundation Against Companion Animal Euthanasia
Best Friends Animal Society
International Animal Rescue
National Mill Dog Rescue
The Pixie Project

These are the causes that are near and dear to our ethos — causes where we believe meaningful strides can be made in the coming decade. Now we’re empowering readers to act and take part. Join us!

— This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.

High School Teens Step Up To Support Gay Kids When Older Generation Fails

High School Teens Step Up To Support Gay Kids When Older Generation Fails

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 10.30.21 AMLeave it to a group of teenagers to bring a bit of sanity to the world.

When a billboard promoting so-called gay conversion therapy went up in Elk River, Minnesota, a group of high school students decided to protest on the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol.

“We noticed the sign a few weeks ago and we knew instantaneously that it needed to be taken down. It’s not OK,” said 17-year-old Emily Motin, who helped coordinate the protest.

We love the word “instantaneously” here — it’s a refreshing bit of common sense we keep seeing in younger generations.

Related: Straight Teen Asks His Gay Best Friend To Prom

Screen Shot 2015-05-04 at 10.30.34 AMThe sign advertises counseling by David Pickup, a licensed marriage and family therapist who practices in California and Texas, and says, “Do gay feelings mean you’re “born gay?” People around the world say no!”

Motin and the six other students held their own signs on the Capitol steps that said “Gay is okay” and “Can’t convert love.” Their message is a lot simpler than Pickup’s — gay kids need love, they say, not conversion therapy.

Minnesota’s Pro Family Forum placed the ad on Pickup’s behalf in response to an effort by some state lawmakers to ban ex-gay therapy.

President Obama has called for a national end to practicing conversion therapy on minors, and legislation has been slow to follow.

Only New Jersey, California and Washington D.C. have successfully banned the therapy on minors, despite there being no scientific demonstration of its effectiveness shown in the last 40 years. Legislation is currently underway in Illinois and New York to ban it.

Here’s hoping there are a lot more high school students out there like these ones in Minnesota.

Related: Two Gay Teen Athletes Share High School Prom Pics, Melt Hearts

Dan Tracer

Hilarious Video of Texas Councilman Leaving Mic On While Heading to the Bathroom Goes Viral – WATCH

Hilarious Video of Texas Councilman Leaving Mic On While Heading to the Bathroom Goes Viral – WATCH


The Chicago Sun-Times would like to kindly remind you to please turn off any recording devices you may have on your persons while heading to the bathroom:

The good news for one city councilman in Georgetown, Texas: Few people were in attendance at a meeting last week when he excused himself to go to the bathroom and left his microphone on, broadcasting his experience to the council chamber.

The bad news: Hundreds of thousands of people have seen and heard what he did, thanks to a video of the council meeting.

Even worse news: Based on the time between him flushing the toilet and how he returned only seconds later, it appears he didn’t wash his hands.

Watch the video, which includes Mayor Pro Tem Rachael Jonrowe’s hilarious reaction after the “streaming” audio starts broadcasting through the chamber speakers, AFTER THE JUMP



Kyler Geoffroy

Notes on Bruce Jenner and the Trans Grapevine

Notes on Bruce Jenner and the Trans Grapevine
When I finally began to face the reality that I might be transgender, it was in the middle of my life.

I was married; I had two kids and a big house in a suburb of Los Angeles. The Internet was my lifeline, my teacher and my confessor; before that, like so many other trans people my age have told me, I thought I was the only person who felt as I did.

Like most of my trans friends, I use social media constantly.

Trans people have urgency in our need to connect. I may be more open and honest with my trans friends in other cities than I am to my friends at school or work.

Social media is our kitchen table and our town hall. We often have loud and bitter disagreements among ourselves using our own terms and language; most of us aren’t shy about expressing ourselves.

The Bruce Jenner interview was discussed at length before the night it aired.

Many of us had a sense of dread about it; it was going to go badly, and we would again end up stereotyped and demonized by ham-handed, sensationalized media. The interviewer would obsess about surgery again. We’d hear “I was always a woman inside” again for the thousandth time. Lots of us swore we wouldn’t watch.

The night of the broadcast, I found myself watching as I lay on a bed with my wife of over 30 years.

I am a trans woman over 60 years old who takes female hormones, dyes her long hair and has had most of her beard laser-ed away. I worked briefly as a woman at another job, but for reasons involving an aging parent, health insurance, my pension and children, I am still legally male and my workmates know me only that way.

My story is by no means unique. Transitioning from one gender to another is often awkward, harrowing, lonely and economically disastrous. I’m not convinced that young trans people who transition in their earlier years have it much easier.

My wife and I have been through much. She’s stuck with me and given me wide latitude to find ways to express myself without going crazy.

That night, as I grudgingly began watching the Jenner interview, I was surprised by Diane Sawyer’s mostly deft and well-chosen questions. I was happy to see people I knew and trusted being interviewed or referenced, but frankly I was mostly impressed and moved by Bruce Jenner.

I saw an openness and vulnerability I wished I could express. I saw someone from my generation finally able to tell the truth about themselves after a life of trying to do the right thing by everyone else. This was not about genitalia, but about identity and transformation. I can’t remember the moment, or what Bruce said, but I burst into tears. His story was so close to mine; I felt like he was telling the world my story for me.

My wife clasped my hand, tightly. “We have to take care of you,” she said. She saw the same thing.

In the next few days, my social media feed was loaded with posts and opinions about the broadcast. To our collective amazement, consensus began to grow that it had been, on balance, a good thing for all of us. I began to think that others had seen the same thing that I saw.

There were a few outliers, as always, and one of them from the heartland typified the most common theme: “Jenner is part of the oppressor class.”

There’s something in some of the trans blowback I’ve seen about the Jenner story that reveals something deeply human. Here in the Land of Plenty, there are people who go without on a daily basis; they lack health care, nutrition and shelter. If they are trans, they often go without a kind word or a family to love them. That said, we are all products of our environment; “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” as John Steinbeck once wrote about the way Americans see themselves, when asked why socialism never took root in the U.S.A.

The idea that a celebrity living in Malibu with a gold medal from the Olympics could be living in quiet, inauthentic misery gives lie to the idea that the “rich” are always better off, and in some strange unconscious way, invalidates the suffering of those who live desperately from paycheck to paycheck, if they even have a paycheck. Wealth should be reward enough, we think, when we see the drama of the uber-rich played out on parasitic media. “Jenner’s got it made; he’s not suffering.”

Then, a quiet little inner capitalist voice says, When I’m famous/rich/had GRS/boobs/move to California, then they’ll see!

At the heart of any theory about oppression, there exists the idea of the oppressor being oppressed as well; we just often do the job for them.

I am not invalidating anyone’s passion, drive or anger about social justice here; this union girl is no one’s running dog. I’m asking you to remember why we fight.

What’s hard to see, at the moment, is that it wasn’t even about Jenner, but about thousands, or hopefully millions of people understanding at long last who we are and why we are. There’s a homeless trans girl who begs near a freeway entrance near where I work; she’s often in a dirty pink top, her hair is stringy and she needs a shave, but beneath all of that, she is me, as Jenner is me, as Buck Angel is me, as Janet Mock is me… etc.

An empty stomach and discouraged heart are hard to overcome. I urge my sisters and brothers who are hurting to see that, hopefully, the Jenner story is ultimately about raising you up where you stand this second, not about putting you down for what’s in your purse or wallet.

The fight has just begun, but I’d love to fight along with you all shoulder to shoulder.

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