Walmart Refused to Write 'Gay' on Cake Celebrating Gay-Straight 'Promposal' – VIDEO

Walmart Refused to Write 'Gay' on Cake Celebrating Gay-Straight 'Promposal' – VIDEO


As we reported earlier, a cake celebrating the adorable promposal shared by Nevada teen best friends Jacob Lescenski, straight, and Anthony Martinez, gay, was censored by a local Walmart bakery that refused to give Martinez’s aunt a cake with the word “gay” on it.

AUNTFox 5 KVVU reports:

Sandoval said the initial associate told her she couldn’t write that on the cake because it included the word “gay,” and that was against store policy. She then asked to speak with a supervisor.

“[The] Supervisor takes my phone, looks at it, and was like stuck for a minute, and she was like, ‘OK, I’m sorry, we can’t use this’. And then I said, ‘I’m going to ask you what I asked her because you’re the supervisor. Why can’t I use this? I don’t understand. It’s one word. It’s gay,'” Sandoval said.

Not able to use her original idea, Sandoval instead had “You matter, Prom Kings” written on the cake. 

According to Fox 5 News, Walmart claims “proper management wasn’t contacted” during the incident and that “nowhere in their store’s policy does it say the word ‘gay’ can’t be written on a cake”:

A store manager is set to contact Sandoval to make this wrong right. Sandoval said although she appreciates the gesture, it’s a little too late.

“It wasn’t hurtful. It was to make my nephew happy, to see a smile on his face. I love that smile, to see that smile, that’s all I wanted, and I’m disappointed. I really am,” Sandoval said.

Watch the news report from Fox 5, AFTER THE JUMP…

FOX5 Vegas – KVVU

Sean Mandell

Five Words Of Wisdom From The Man Who Gave Us Outing

Five Words Of Wisdom From The Man Who Gave Us Outing

michelangelo signorileMichelangelo Signorile burst onto the scene more than 25 years ago, and the intervening years have done nothing to diminish his fire. Signorile’s public debut came when he disrupted a speech given by then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (the future Pope Benedict) by jumping on a marble platform and shouting “He is no man of God,” which, years later, is arguably widely recognized, even by Catholics.

Signorile followed that act by making outing a political tactic, taking on such closet cases as businessman Malcolm Forbes and Pentagon spokesman Pete Williams. Today, outing is much more widely accepted, even by the mainstream press.

A quarter century later, Signorile is still pushing the envelope and making people (appropriately) uncomfortable. In his latest book, It’s Not Over: Getting Beyond Tolerance, Defeating Homophobia, & Winning True Equality, Signorile sounds a much-needed cautionary note about the success of the LGBT movement.

Here are five key points from Signorile well worth keeping in mind as we move into a new era of civil rights.

1. We’re suffering from “victory blindness.”

We’ve gotten so accustomed to an unbroken string of successes that it’s almost like living in a dream. But as Signorile argues, “Maybe it’s time to get rid of the bedtime story and wake up from the dream.” Signorile uses the case and point of Brendan Eich, the CEO of Mozilla, who was forced to resign for contributing to California’s Proposition 8 campaign. Signorile notes that too many people–including LGBT activists–were willing to look the other way instead of holding Eich accountable for his actions. The reason: winners can be magnanimous. Signorile makes the case that homophobia is just as offensive as always and doesn’t deserve a break.

2. Don’t let the opponents of LGBT rights cast themselves as victims. 

The religious right is in the process of rebranding itself as the winner of the international victimhood sweepstakes. As Signorile points out, that sets them up for a pity narrative. We can’t for a minute let anyone forget that the homophobes are not the victims. Religious liberty bills are just the latest threat “not just to LGBT people trying to lead their lives but also to all marginalized groups.” We should call those motivations what they are: bigotry.

d6d20e9a6e753159a2d5e30634ec4be53. LGBT people and our allies are still uncomfortable talking about the complexity of the community.

Signorile calls this “covering,” a concept he adopted from writer Kenji Yoshino. Covering is when we “tone down a disfavored identity to fit into the mainstream.” Some of covering is related to the closet–does the name Aaron Schock ring a bell?–but not all of it. Consider the freakout when Michael Sam kissed his boyfriend on live television. This simple gesture was considered an in-your-face expression of sexuality by a lot of people rather than an ordinary show of affection. Or think about director Steven Soderbergh being told that Behind the Candelabra was “too gay” by the supposedly liberal Hollywood establishment. The reality of gay life remains too hard for even our friends to accept.

4. LGBT issues should be part of the school curriculum. 

If you want to change the attitudes of future generations, start now. Signorile makes the case for LGBT history and culture being taught in an age-appropriate way from the earliest grades right through high school. Not only will this increase acceptance in the future, it is the best antidote for the bullying crisis that is currently being afflicted upon LGBT youth.

5. The media has to abandon the “two sides to every argument” approach to LGBT issues.

The mainstream media has yet to recognize that paying homage to objectivity is now giving voice to bigotry. Every time the media turns to Catholic League president Bill Donohue, whom Signorile accurately calls “the league of one,” for comment, they perpetuate the idea that his outlandish comments are legitimate. He’s a fringe figure, and at some point the media has to start treating him as such. Ditto Erick Erickson. Not everyone is going to agree with everything we want, but let’s not turn to certified hate groups for their views.

Along with the wisdom Signorile dispenses are some long-standing grudges. (If Andrew Sullivan didn’t exist, Signorile would have to invent him.) Sometimes it feels as if Signorile is determined to find the dark cloud for every silver lining. Just because we have a long way to go doesn’t mean we should minimize how far we’ve come so quickly. And sometimes we have to live with incremental advances as long as we don’t abandon the long-term goal. They may be crumbs now but they set us up for returning for the rest of the cake.

Still, the movement needs a bracing reminder of where we keep coming up short. Signorile may be the last angry activist, but as his book proves, there’s still a lot to be angry about.

Discover more about Michaelangelo Signorile’s It’s Not Over


Gay Kiss Cam Moment Has Dodger Stadium Crowd Cheering

Gay Kiss Cam Moment Has Dodger Stadium Crowd Cheering
Some of the biggest cheers at Dodger Stadium on Saturday were for a moment that took place off the field and in the stands.

During the traditional “kiss cam” at a game between the Los Angeles Dodgers and Arizona Diamondbacks, the camera settled on two men who happily did the honors as the fans erupted in applause and cheers.

Check it out in the clip above. The couple appears on camera at the 27-second mark.

YouTuber Joven Calloway, who filmed the action at Chavez Ravine, said it’s the first gay kiss on the Dodger Stadium kiss cam.

Reaction to the kiss is worlds away from an ugly incident in the summer of 2000, when two women were tossed out of the ballpark for kissing during a game. It’s also a far cry from the tired schtick in which two straight men are put on the kiss cam in an attempt to make them uncomfortable while the fans laugh, something that even an MLB player has condemned.

“They put two guys on the ‘Kiss Cam’ tonight. What hilarity!! (by hilarity I mean offensive homophobia),” Dodgers pitcher Brandon McCarthy, who was then with the Oakland A’s, wrote on Twitter according Towleroad. “Enough with this stupid trend…the implication is that two guys kissing is funny. That’s offensive to gay males…Plus, it’s cheap shitty comedy so it sucks on that level as well.”

While this weekend’s gay kiss cam moment may have been a first for Dodger Stadium, it’s not a first for baseball. In 2011, the San Francisco Giants featured two men kissing on the AT&T Park kiss cam. That kiss took place during LGBT Night — and as some fans have pointed out on reddit, the Giants haven’t featured a same-sex couple kissing on camera at LGBT Night since then.

“The last LGBT Pride night or two at ATT did not feature any gay kisses and boy did we boooooo,” redditor ImFeklhr wrote. “If I recall the boos lasted right through to the first pitch of the next inning. Most people in the stadium couldn’t figure out what the problem was!”

The Dodgers have now officially one-upped their division rivals, showing that you don’t have to wait for LGBT Night to have a same-sex couple on the ballpark kiss cam.

L.A. also won the game, 6-4.

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Guatemalan Trans Woman Released After Harrowing Six Months in Immigration Detention

Guatemalan Trans Woman Released After Harrowing Six Months in Immigration Detention

Nicoll Hernández-Polanco’s experiences of sexual assault and solitary confinement are a prime example of how the immigration system mistreats trans women, say advocates.

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Mitch Kellaway