Gay “Big Brother UK” Housemate Fired For Mounting Straight Housemate

Gay “Big Brother UK” Housemate Fired For Mounting Straight Housemate

bb_aarona_3It was all fun and games until someone got hurt.

Openly gay Big Brother UK houseguest Aaron Frew (pictured) has been ousted from the show for “inappropriate behavior” and making unwanted sexual advances towards one of his straight housemates.

It all started when the 24-year-old and his fellow housemate, Joel, engaged in a a drunken game of “truth-or-dare” and Aaron, who was wrapped in a towel, offered Joel an impromptu peep show.

“Stop it, please,” Joel replied. “I don’t want to see your bottom.”

Instead, Aaron ripped off his towel, exposing himself, then chased Joel, attempting to mount him.

Related: Meet Big Brother’s New Alleged Homophobe Racist, Cowboy Caleb Reynolds

“This is insane!” Joel cried. “You need to control your behavior!”

That’s when producers stepped in. They told Aaron to cool off in the Diary Room, where he downplayed the incident as “banter” and apologized, saying: “I really apologize for what I did. … I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to offend him or you guys.”

But Joel remained traumatized. When it was his turn to hit the Diary Room, he told producers he felt “terribly awkward” and that his “personal space was violated.”

Related: Former “Big Brother” Winner Says He Was Kicked Off Show For Being HIV-Positive

The next day, Aaron was asked by producers to leave the show. Before departing, he once again apologized for the incident.

“I’m so sorry,” he said through tears. “That’s all I can say. … I’m really so upset.”

While there’s no denying Aaron may have gone too far, writer Trey Speegle over at World of Wonder poses an interesting question: If he weren’t gay, and the exchange had happened between two straight housemates who were just horsing around, would it have still resulted in one of them being fired?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below…

h/t: World of Wonder

Graham Gremore

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News: Lincoln Chaffee, Cuba, NPH, Key West, Manhattanhenge

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Kyler Geoffroy

'11 Things To Never Ask A Transgender Person' Released By BBC Free Speech

'11 Things To Never Ask A Transgender Person' Released By BBC Free Speech
Talking about transgender issues and experiences can be tricky, unless you have the right language to talk about them.

Understanding how to talk to transgender people starts with educating yourself — and doing a whole lot of listening! — and this new video from BBC Free Speech is here to help. “Things Not to Say to a Trans Person” brings together a slew of people from the United Kingdom across the gender identity spectrum to discuss frequent — and often inappropriate — questions they often get as trans individuals.

Some of these questions may be obvious, such as “Did you get the operation?” (“which one?”) or “how do you have sex?” (“Fabulously!”).

Others, such as “Are you a drag queen?” or “Which bathroom do you use?” can come from a place of genuinely wanting to understand and be informed, but they can still be offensive or triggering for a transgender individual.

“I am out and proud of being trans,” one interviewee notes in the above video. “T-R-A-N-S — I’m trans! Get over it!”

Check out the video above to learn some more things that probably aren’t the best to ask a transgender person. Have more questions about trans identity? Head here to read a brilliant blog that breaks down “Transgender 101.”

— This feed and its contents are the property of The Huffington Post, and use is subject to our terms. It may be used for personal consumption, but may not be distributed on a website.

New Report from the UK Highlights Biphobia Within and Outside of the LGBT Community

New Report from the UK Highlights Biphobia Within and Outside of the LGBT Community

The Scottish organization, Equality Network, released a report this week showing that bisexuals feel unsupported and unaffirmed in LGBT spaces and non-LGBT spaces.

Gay Couple Claims A Kiss Got Them Ejected From Popular Nightclub

Gay Couple Claims A Kiss Got Them Ejected From Popular Nightclub

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 10.04.12 AMA gay couple alleges they were booted from Cardiff, Wales nightclub DC after they were seen kissing.

Oliver Brown, 21, and his boyfriend Hugh, 22, both students at Cardiff Metropolitan University, claim they were grabbed by another patron of the bar after their embrace and promptly ejected from the club.

Related: Why Was Gay Porn Hunk Jessie Colter Kicked Out Of A Kentucky Water Park And Threatened With Arrest?

According to their version of events, a homophobic slur was also hurled their way.

The club naturally contends their story is made up. Richard Jackson, the owner, accuses the two of “spraying drinks around” at at office party. He says they were warned, but were thrown out when they continued spraying their drinks. How does one spray a drink, exactly? We aren’t entirely sure.

Brown says he remembers things clearly as he was on antibiotics at the time and not drinking.

“They said we were throwing drinks around, which was totally not the case – why waste alcohol?” he told Wales Online like a true 21-year-old.

“If he had said he was kicking us out because we were fighting I wouldn’t have a problem with that,” he added. “But he saw us kissing so it was clear that was his problem, it wasn’t anything we had done.”

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Jackson says a third of his staff is LGBT and insisted his club isn’t run by bigots.

The incident is one of 29 complaints police have cited in a request for the club’s license to be reviewed. Among them are assaults and underage drinking. The drinking age in the U.K. is 18 — sounds messy.

Dan Tracer

Leesburg, Florida Passes LGBT Anti-Discrimination Ordinance: VIDEO

Leesburg, Florida Passes LGBT Anti-Discrimination Ordinance: VIDEO

Al Minner

Leesburg, Florida has become the latest town to implement a LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance, reports FOX affiliate WOFL.

Jan Hurley, a city commissioner who voted against the ordinance, said its implementation is more about making the city look progressive than functional:

“The federal courts have already taken a stand on it first. Second, Leesburg has no problem. One of our commissioners is interracially-married. One of our biggest community leaders is openly gay… sits on all boards.”

City Manager Al Minner (above) said that he is not aware of any cases of anti-LGBT discrimination in the city.

LeesburgHowever, 16-year-old Bayli Silberstein (right), who made national news in 2013 when she fought for a Gay-Straight Alliance at Carver Middle School, says discrimination does exist in Leesburg for the gay, lesbian, and transgender community:

“I believe Leesburg does have a discrimination problem, and unless you’re on the opposite end of it, you are not going to know that. Unless you’re around people who are experiencing it, you are not going to see it. I believe this is definitely something we need in Leesburg.”

Watch a report on the Leesburg law, AFTER THE JUMP

On Wednesday, an Alabama House committee rejected a bill that would have extended statewide non-discrimination protections on the basis of sexual orientation or identity.

Jim Redmond

HUFFPOLLSTER: Retraction Of Major Gay Marriage Study Underlines The Need For Greater Transparency

HUFFPOLLSTER: Retraction Of Major Gay Marriage Study Underlines The Need For Greater Transparency
The retraction of a major gay marriage study highlights polling’s “secrecy problem,” as well as the relevance of a newly launched transparency initiative. This is HuffPollster for Friday, May 29, 2015.

JOURNAL RETRACTS DISCREDITED GAY MARRIAGE STUDY – Natalie Jackson and Lila Shapiro: “Science magazine officially retracted a major study on same-sex marriage and public opinion on Thursday without the consent of the lead author, UCLA graduate student Michael J. LaCour. The events leading to the retraction became public on May 19, when the article’s second author, Columbia University political science professor Donald Green, issued a request for the retraction based on evidence that the study data were at least in part falsified….Thursday’s statement from Science Editor-in-Chief Marcia McNutt cites two reasons for retracting the study. First, claims that survey respondents had been given cash payments to participate and refer family and friends to participate in the survey were inaccurate. Second, the funding statement was false. LaCour had misrepresented that funding for the study came from the Williams Institute, the Ford Foundation, and the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund. McNutt’s statement notes that both of these falsifications have been confirmed by LaCour’s attorney, although it also points out that LaCour does not agree with the retraction.” [HuffPost, Science retraction statement]

Cohn: A ‘secrecy problem’ for polling… – Nate Cohn: “[E]ven before the LaCour case, it was becoming obvious that a different group of public opinion researchers — public pollsters — adhere to much lower levels of transparency than academic social science does. Much of the polling world remains shielded from the kind of scrutiny that is necessary to identify and deter questionable practices.Consider how Mr. LaCour’s study fell apart. First, a team of political scientists conducted a new study to try to replicate his findings. When they could not do so, they scrutinized the original data set of individual respondents, called microdata, and found pervasive irregularities. In the polling world, no survey firm releases its microdata in a timely manner. When pollsters release it at all — usually months after publication, to an archive that requires a paid subscription for access — they seldom provide the detailed methodological explanations necessary to replicate the survey results.” [NYT]

…but AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative ‘falls short’ – More from Cohn: “This month, at the annual conference of the American Association of Public Opinion Research, which represents pollsters, herding was a popular topic. People discussed it in public panels and in smaller conversations. And the association recently began a transparency initiative intended to address some of the concerns. But few polling organizations have signed up so far, and the transparency initiative’s disclosure standards generally fall short of what is needed to allow others researchers to identify or deter dubious practices. The initiative would not require polling firms to release either microdata or the methodological details necessary to replicate the results. It’s hard to say what’s more telling: that the transparency standards wouldn’t be enough to preclude bad practices, or that so few pollsters seem willing to adhere to even those requirements.” The Huffington Post is a charter member of AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative.

WHY THE TRANSPARENCY INITIATIVE MATTERS – The release of raw data from individual survey respondents would be the most powerful protection against outright fraud, but Cohn understates the value of the methodological details mandated for disclosure by the AAPOR Transparency Initiative (T.I.) and the value these had or could have had even in uncovering fraud in the LaCour study.

First, the two reasons cited by Science editor McNutt for retracting the article — untrue statements about survey sponsorship and incentive payments — both involve methodological details mandated for disclosure by AAPOR’s Initiative.

Second, neither the original LaCour-Green article in Science, nor the voluminous “supplemental” materials published by Science online, disclosed several key details also mandated by the TI: (1) the name of the organization that conducted the survey, (2) how the respondents were initially selected or (3) how they were recruited to the online panel (including the mode of interview used for the initial contact).

Uncertainty about the survey organization purportedly used by LaCour turned out to be a pivotal issue for David Broockman and Joshua Kalla, the two political scientists whose investigation ultimately led to the study’s retraction. Before they scrutinized the raw data of the original study, Broockman and Kalla attempted “to contact the survey firm we believed had performed the original study and ask to speak to the staffer at the firm who we believed helped perform [it]…The survey firm claimed they had no familiarity with the project and that they had never had an employee with the name of the staffer we were asking for. The firm also denied having the capabilities to perform many aspects of the recruitment procedures described in [the] LaCour and Green [article].” With their suspicions raised, the two researchers decided to dig deeper.

How did Broockman and Kalla learn the name of that organization? In their paper, they say only that “LaCour and Green were both responsive to requests for advice about design details when queried.” Contacted by HuffPollster for clarification, Broockman explained that they were told the name of the survey company by LaCour.

Had Science required publication of these details, per AAPOR’s standards, others may have raised hard questions about LaCour’s data earlier in the process. If nothing else, requiring publication of these more easily verified details in the future would provide an additional layer of deterrent to fraud.

Cohn isn’t buying it. “I’m increasingly of the view that it’s microdata releases or bust in polling transparency. AAPOR TI falls short,” Cohn writes on Twitter. Yes, tougher standards would make for more complete disclosure, but if AAPOR’s Initiative goes bust, then what?

“In general, the AAPOR Transparency Initiative is just a huge step forward in generating far more transparency in publicly generated polls than there has ever been in the past,” AAPOR President Mollyann Brodie tells HuffPollster.

Why not mandate release of individual data? “Reflecting our fundamental goals of transparency and replicability, AAPOR strongly encourages the release of microdata and data sets, and we have recommended protocols to follow it. In fact that’s part of our revised Code of Professional Ethics and Practices.” At the same time, “real legitimate and practical issues are at play that make it difficult for any voluntary organization, including AAPOR, to mandate the immediate release of such data, as some have called for.”

AAPOR’s initiative stands at a crossroads. Forty-five organizations have joined as charter members since its launch last year, but so far, most are academic and non-profit survey centers. The charter members to date include only two news media companies, The Washington Post and The Huffington Post. If the initiative is to succeed, the news organizations that initially expressed support for the Initiative, including Cohn’s New York Times, will need to participate in earnest.

More on LaCour and evaluating survey data:

-Jesse Singal reports that LaCour made up the largest funding source listed on his CV and promises a new “long piece” coming later on Friday. [NYMag, @jessesingal]

-LaCour may have also faked awards listed on his CV. [Mediate]

-An Emory University political scientist questions anomalies in another LaCour paper. [Emory]

-Steve Koczela has background on other efforts to detect data fabrication. [MassInc]

-Natalie Jackson provide six questions to determine if you should trust the data you’re seeing. [HuffPost]


-Most Republicans are totally fine with capping their debates at 10 candidates. [HuffPost]

-“Undecided” continues to lead in the GOP primary race. [HuffPost, Quinnipiac]

-Americans see the benefits of free trade agreements but are concerned they lead to lower wages and job losses. [Pew]

-Gallup’s economic confidence index was down in May from highs measured earlier in the year. [Gallup]

-Americans have taken a moral shift to the left, becoming more accepting of gay relationships, children out of wedlock and pre-marital sex. [Gallup]

-For the first time in seven years, more Americans are pro-choice than pro-life. [Gallup]

-Most Americans support drone strikes as a method to deal with extremist groups. [Pew Research]

HUFFPOLLSTER VIA EMAIL! – You can receive this weekly update every Friday morning via email! Just click here, enter your email address, and click “sign up.” That’s all there is to it (and you can unsubscribe anytime).

THIS WEEK’S ‘OUTLIERS’ – Links to the best of news at the intersection of polling, politics and political data:

-Harry Enten plots two charts to show why George Pataki’s candidacy is virtually hopeless. [538]

-Ipsos predicts a decline in voter turnout in 2016 compared to 2012. [Ipsos]

-Steve Singiser summarizes some of the perils of grading pollster accuracy. [DailyKos]

-No, says Andrew Gelman, public opinion is not driven by “unreasoning bias and emotion.” [WashPost]

-Amy Walter says Hillary Clinton should be more concerned with the rising perception that she’s untrustworthy than with her overall favorability rating. [Cook Political]

-Stu Rothenberg and Lee Miringoff argue against using poll averages to determine debate participation. [Roll Call, Marist]

-The number of white Christians drops, while the number of religiously unaffiliated climbs, in nine battleground states. [PRRI]

-Karthick Ramakrishnan and Sono Shah plot two maps to show how changing “one person, one vote” would affect congressional reapportionment. [WashPost]

-Republican pollster Margaret Kenski dies. [Arizona Daily Star]

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