9 Reasons Your Mom, Our Mom, Everyone's Mom Is A F–king Saint

9 Reasons Your Mom, Our Mom, Everyone's Mom Is A F–king Saint
Yes, it’s another “Reasons” list, but OMG it’s your own mother, for crying out loud.

Listen, if we knew what our mothers went through having us and raising us, we might opt to have not been born at all, or at least would nominate her for sainthood. Because your mom is a f–king saint. I mean, think about how much of a pain you are as an adult. Now imagine that as a child. Jeesh.

Take the time to peruse this list, and then call your mom and apologize. For everything.

Have you seen yourself eat?
Good lord, it’s like getting too close to a wood chipper. And food is expensive as hell. But your mom did her darndest to get it to the table for you everyday.

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Do you have any idea how much it cost to clothe you?
And you threw those nice clothes on the floor and wore what you wanted.

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Getting you through school was a pain in the a–.
But they found a way to get you there, and the first day of school after the summer was a well-deserved break for her.

Have a great school year parents!

But her breaks didn’t last long. Holy sh-t, do you remember teenage you?
Enough said.

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And do you listen to anyone nowadays? Imagine yourself as a snot-nosed kid.
Like when your mom asked you to mow the lawn?

This is what happens when you ask your teenage boys to rake the leaves and mow the lawn.

Smell your laundry once, and get back to us.

My friend sent me this saying that he discovered a new way to do his laundry. He has achieved true bachelor status.

She balanced her own awesomeness with the goal of making your life more awesome.
Skills that pay the bills.

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Your mom gave up dreams and freedoms for you.
She wanted to be a photographer, but instead settled for your poorly composed crayon drawings hanging up around her house. That was a pretty sweet horse though. At least she said it was.

a drawing i did when i was around 7

Finally, your mom loves you despite the fact that you are you.
This can’t be stressed enough: you are a deeply flawed individual — we all are. And your mother loves you regardless of that, without condition, always helping to push you to that next level. Sometimes literally.

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Man’s Life Ruined By Child Porn Charges; Turns Out Police Just Don’t Know What A Twink Is

Man’s Life Ruined By Child Porn Charges; Turns Out Police Just Don’t Know What A Twink Is

mwMike Whitla of Bangor, Ireland seemed more than a bit surprised when he was arrested and charged with making and storing 71 images of child pornography.

We’re sure the police had heard that one before — “But officer, I’ve never seen those pictures in my life!”

So they confronted Mike with the images, and so began a lesson in gay terminology that we would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at.

Mike, who had truthfully never seen the cached images (not that it would have mattered), recognized them immediately for what they were — twinks. But try explaining that to a group of straight Irish cops.

“I’d never seen it before but it was a twink, that’s gay slang for a feminine looking man over 18,” he told The Mirror. “The officers hadn’t a clue what I was talking about.”

“I said he looked about 24 and they laughed. They said the picture was of a 13-year-old boy and that I was going court where the jury would agree he was a child.”

Mike was released on bail, terrified that he’d fallen into some postmodern nightmare, and sought the help of The Rainbow Project, a charity that works to improve the physical, mental & emotional health of LGBT people and their families in Northern Ireland.

“While my solicitor got a forensic computer expert to analyze the police evidence, the Rainbow Project set up a presentation for my solicitor and barrister to explain the sort of language used in the gay scene including twink.”

“I think if one of the officers who arrested me had been a gay man, I’d never have been put through this nightmare but they live in a different social world to me.”

The expert determined that all the images were of models over the age of 18, and that Mike had neither searched for the images, uploaded, seen them or knowingly stored them.

And while it’s hilarious to think of a bunch of police officers and court officials being educated on what a twink is, the story has somber consequences.

Throughout his ordeal, Mike was suspended from his job working with vulnerable children, forced to come out as a gay man and abandoned by almost all of his friends.

“I still support rigorous police investigations and I really can’t complain about the PSNI doing their job in the interests of child safety,” he said.

“But they need to be educated about gay communities and the language we use. It could have prevented my ruination and saved them an awful lot of time, effort and money taking an innocent man to court.”

“Today I’m free but I’m still in limbo. My life has been ruined.”

H/t: PinkNews

Dan Tracer


News: Guam, Tom Hardy, Arkansas, Dan Savage, World Bank, Sam Smith

News: Guam, Tom Hardy, Arkansas, Dan Savage, World Bank, Sam Smith

ROAD ROAD ROAD  A judge has denied Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo’s request to halt proceedings on the gay marriage lawsuit filed in federal court. 

ROAD ROAD ROAD  California Attorney General Kamala Harris has been given an extension to the deadline for processing the proposed “kill the gays” ballot initiative

SuspectROAD ROAD ROAD  Is the alleged Dallas BBQ gay-basher gay himself? “I looked up the chair tosser’s Facebook profile, and he is allegedly gay, gay, gay and pretty popular in the ballroom scene.”

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Tom Hardy and Mel Gibson cozy up next to one another on the red carpet at last night’s Mad Max: Fury Road premiere.

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Fox News continues to stoke fears that churches will soon be forced to recognize same-sex marriages

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Sam Smith to undergo surgery for vocal cord hemmorhage. “Smith, 22, told ABC News that a doctor advised he receive suspension microlaryngoscopy surgery. He is expected to make a full recovery and be back in six to eight weeks.”

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Lindsey Graham says Mike Huckabee is wrong to urge prospective military recruits to wait until the end of President Obama’s term to enlist. “I’m a military officer, I retire in a month or so, I’m not going to speak ill of the commander-in-chief in that regard. I will take issue with his policies, but military service is not about an individual, it’s about a cause greater than yourself.”

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Jennifer Aniston to star in the Mean Girls semi-spinoff Mean Moms.

OnealsROAD ROAD ROAD  The Dan Savage produced ABC sitcom The Real O’Neals gets series order. “The O’Neals, about a family in the aftermath of a son comes out, had been an internal ABC favorite. Its fate was put into question when religious and conservative organizations started a campaign against the project over the involvement of outspoken gay activist Savage. The comedy was originally going to be based on his life growing up but that changed during the development of the pilot, with the story evolving in a different direction.”

ROAD ROAD ROAD  The Arkansas Supreme Court ruled today that its current seven members should decide the new, secondary case created in April that challenges the state’s ban on same-sex marriage.

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Is Hollywood shying away from remaking 1980s films led by women

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Yesterday’s National Day of Prayer in D.C. unsurprisingly stoked fears of imminent marriage equality. “In one of many prayers at the four-hour gathering on Capitol Hill, Korean American Pastor Paul Han prayed that the justices will allow states to uphold traditional marriage. Evangelical broadcaster Dr. James Dobson said if the court doesn’t, it will be “the death knell of religious liberty in America.” He said churches might lose their tax exempt status if biblical standards of marriage are still taught from pulpits or in Sunday school.”

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Mariah Carey partied with Chippendales last night in Vegas. 

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Japanese zoo apologizes for naming newborn monkey Charlotte following royal birth. 

VideogameROAD ROAD ROAD  IGN’s Naomi Kyle explains why video games will “change the world” for LGBT people.  “Soon video games may be the first place some people see someone like themselves and [those are going to be lifesaving moments].”

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Nebraska state senators get official wrestling names

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) and other House members pen letter to World Bank president urging for new policies to “address discrimination against LGBT people.” 

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Elizabeth Olsen thinks she “blew it” with an awkward encounter with Taylor Swift. 

ROAD ROAD ROAD  Will the “Christian case” for weed turn Texas green?

Kyler Geoffroy


Denied Female Identity at Barnes & Noble, California Trans Employee Files Suit

Denied Female Identity at Barnes & Noble, California Trans Employee Files Suit

Victoria Ramirez claims her managers at Barnes & Noble refused to recognize her as female, barring her from using women’s facilities, female pronouns, or even discussing her transition with coworkers.

read more

Mitch Kellaway


A Letter Of Appreciation to My Partner in Motherhood

A Letter Of Appreciation to My Partner in Motherhood
To Helen:

I know it is hard for you when people assume our son is mine alone. He’s my spitting image — but you were the one who bore him inside you for nine months. Do you remember how we used to joke about me being the chicken who laid the egg, and you the cow who gave the milk? I still can’t believe we went for the complicated idea of using my egg and your womb, with a little outside assistance and a whole lot of injections. What a team we made — and what a child we created.

Since becoming parents, we’ve lived in three different states, gotten married, and watched our son develop into a wonderful young man. You were the one to first stay home with him, but you were willing to send out resumes along with me when changes at my job made me want to leave. We made our first big life-changing decision post-parenthood by opting for the more stable company that offered you a job, rather than the startup that wanted me. You went back to work and I became the stay-at-home parent. It wasn’t what we initially planned, but I look back and know that we were blessed to have had both the opportunity and the flexibility to make that choice.

I know it has been hard for you, missing so much time with him while you are at work or traveling on business. I love that when you are with him, however, you are fully present, engaged and making the most of that time. I know this sometimes translates into you being the “fun” mom who plays video games with him, while I’m the mom who makes sure he does his homework and chores, but I also know you believe in homework and chores just as I believe in the value of geeky fun. Ultimately we support each other and it all balances out.

I treasure that we’ve developed family traditions that feel right for us — making cinnamon buns for Christmas morning and latkes for the first night of Hanukkah, spending Memorial Day weekends camping and eating s’mores. I’m constantly amused at what a trio of geeks we are, with more computers than humans in the house, and I have tremendous fun during our Saturday mornings in the living room with our computers. You and he play Minecraft while I write or read blogs, but we’re all doing something we love, and sharing with each other as we do it. Then I’ll make muffins or you’ll make omelets and we’ll plan the rest of the weekend — a local hike, an afternoon of board games, or any of the other things you and I have done together for over 22 years, and are now doing with our son.

I love watching your eyes light up when you explain a bit of engineering to him, or light up even more when he explains one to you. I love that you roll your eyes appropriately when he makes a bad pun — something that definitely comes from my side of the family.

I know I was the holdout about having kids, a few years younger and with some career changes that meant for a long time I didn’t feel settled enough for children. You’d accepted that, and assumed we would never be parents, but felt the relationship you and I had was valuable enough to stick together anyway. It was that acceptance more than anything that made me willing, in the end, to take the leap into parenthood with you, knowing that our relationship was strong enough to withstand the stresses that parenthood inevitably brings.

The past year has made me think especially hard about the value of family, as I lost my mother very suddenly to cancer after losing my father only three years before. You were there to comfort her, and me, and our son in her last days. I think I said “thank you” then, through my tears, but in case I wasn’t clear: thank you again.

We’ve been parents now for more than half the time we’ve been together. I don’t think either of us would have predicted where we’re now living, the jobs we now have, or the utter joy of raising our son. This Mother’s Day is bittersweet for me — the first one without my own mother — but I am forever thankful I have you as my partner in motherhood and life.

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