New York Investigates Gay Employment Discrimination in Boy Scouts
The attorney general’s office is looking into the BSA’s hiring practices, which may violate New York State law.
Daniel Reynolds
New York Investigates Gay Employment Discrimination in Boy Scouts
The attorney general’s office is looking into the BSA’s hiring practices, which may violate New York State law.
Daniel Reynolds
Arkansas At War With Itself Over LGBT Rights
Some cities are defying the state’s ban on LGBT-inclusive antidiscrimination laws.
Trudy Ring
Let Action Bronson Show You The Right Way To Eat With A Beard
Action Bronson is a hip-hop artist and beard-grower extraordinaire. The rapper is currently touring to promote his album “Mr. Wonderful,” while at the same time hosting the Vice food series “F***, That’s Delicious.” In his free time, Bronson also found the time to share some tips on bearded dining etiquette.
In a video shot for Nylon, Bronson tackles four foods that are typically tough for guys with beards to eat. Watch and learn:
1. Noodles
To eat noodles and avoid beard mess, grasp your beard, swoop it to the side and continue to twirl your pasta.
2. Melted ice cream
For this particular dish, Bronson recommends using “the dress” technique, which means putting a napkin over your beard. Then, just spread your mustache to each side and insert your spoon.
3. Chicken noodle soup
With soup, Bronson says it all boils down to calculating the optimal spoon size. Part the ‘stache again, and proceed with your appropriately proportioned spoonful of soup.
4. Cotton Candy
Bronson’s only advice is “F*** it.” Basically, you’re totally gonna get some of this deliciousness in your beard.
For more beard eating (and drinking!) tips, we recommend checking out this handy Beardfellows YouTube tutorial.
And just remember — even if you can’t keep your beard clean and pristine when you eat, don’t worry. Just having a beard makes you more attractive than those who don’t.
H/T Design Taxi
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Andy Cohen Is So Sexy That Even The Ladies Can’t Resist Him
What would we do without Andy Cohen? During the past few years the Bravo honcho has brought us more guilty pleasure viewing than we can handle with the myriad Real Housewives programming. On his Watch What Happens Live chat show he gets celebs like Suzanne Somers to open up about same-sex weddings or Zachary Quinto to chat about threeways with James Franco, or Hugh Grant to reenact their old rom-coms with him and is even comfortable enough to ask certain folks about their cock size (having a bartender on hand surely helps). His recent best-seller The Andy Cohen Diaries: A Deep Look at a Shallow Year more-or-less outed Kevin Spacey once and for all. Plus, he’s a total top and besties with Sarah Jessica Parker. And if this wasn’t enough wealth to be showered on one human being, the gods had to go and make the man incredibly sexy, as well. Just take a look at a couple of recent Twitter posts that caught Cohen playing on the beach in Miami.
There’s this one, in which Andy shows he appreciates all his fans.
So this happened yesterday @Andy thanks for the photo #MIAMI #bravotv #whatwhathappensinmiami
— Lia Olowniuk (@LiaAnn724) April 19, 2015
And this one…whoa, papi!
Andy Cohen is daddy. — ???????????????????? (@kvxrdashian) April 21, 2015
Andy himself has posted a number of provocative pics in recent months, such as this one showing that a guy needs to spread his legs when recording an audio book.
We wonder who won vote his vote for this award.
Andy couldn’t conceal his pride at being named Buzzfeed’s 14th most important hairy celebrity chest of all time.
And why not have a drink in the pool when you’re this hot?
Anyway, God bless Andy Cohen. Long may he live, prosper and post shirtless pics.
Jeremy Kinser
Seth Meyers Mocks Scott Walker's Gay Wedding Excuse: 'You Sir, Are a Freeloader' – VIDEO
Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, and Marco Rubio all visited New Hampshire this week and attempted to be relatable to the citizens of the Granite State.
Meyers just happens to be a New Hampshire native son, and saw through all their BS. He especially enjoyed the fumbling by Walker and Rubio over the issue of attending same-sex weddings.
Walker, if you’ll recall, told reporters that he had attended a gay wedding reception but not the ceremony.
Meyers, called him out on it:
“Hey, we all want to just go to the reception. The open bar is the payment for sitting through the service. You sir, are a freeloader.”
Andy Towle
Does Love Fade as We Grow Older?
I used to fall hard. Those all encompassing loves that take your priorities and replace them with himhimhim — your internal voice becoming a narration of everything you can’t wait to tell each other, every moment lived without their witness wasted.
That kind of love can ruin your life.
So it’s not without mixed feelings I wonder whether I’m capable of that anymore. I’ve become hesitant, skeptical — less likely to jump into something and quicker to write someone off when I do, reasoning myself out of emotions then intellectualizing my failure to feel.
It’s been almost 10 years. We spent every night together from the day we met. I put off recording my first record and moved to a new neighborhood, made new friends, rejected what separated us to reinforce our union and diminish our individuality.
It took six months to realize we were living different fantasies and another six to admit they were incompatible. Though I’m embarrassed I could have let that happen, I long to be so moved again.
If we were capable of such complete devotion it’s because we were innocents who’d never been hurt and had no reason not to trust our instincts, like the young Romeo and Juliet. Their suicides were tragic because they had so much ahead of them but who would want a normal life after such intensity? Their actions were stupid, inexcusable and utterly beautiful.
However, we were also inexperienced, insecure and eager to have that “great love” — the one place our fantasies converged. It may have been an illusion but it was no less intense. I’ve dated far more appropriate guys since but am yet to experience the same feeling, like an addict trying to recreate that first high while knowing it’s toxic:
Is adult love a pale replica of our first romance?
I asked this on Facebook and though most responded with similar cynicism there were a few stories of love found late in life. It may be the exception but these romances were the real deal, these people knew themselves when they met and couldn’t pretend to be anyone else — for the sake of maintaining their own fantasies or that of a lover’s. If youthful passion is based on mutual deception then these adult romances were the meetings of individuals to stand side by side, not merge into oblivion.
My consolation is that though I sometimes miss the intensity with which I used to fall in love I don’t miss the relationships themselves — they were exhausting, distracting and tumultuous. With clear eyes and a strong sense of self it may be harder to passionately idealize a stranger but I’m now ready to recognize a compatible companion should he come my way.
It may be less common to fall in love as we mature but it is a different kind I now look forward to — one between two fully realized individuals who see each other as they are, not two children playing house and daydreaming right past each other.
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HRC Announces Partnership with InterPride
The Human Rights Campaign is delighted to announce a partnership with InterPride, the international organization that ties Pride together globally.
Ex-Bully Comes Out As Gay, Apologizes For Homophobic Torment
A former antigay middle school bully who is himself gay has posted an apology letter online.
But even if a former bully is truly remorseful, they can’t reverse the ripple effect of their cruelty — the tarnished self-esteem, years of depression, and in the most extreme cases, suicide of their victims.
But it also doesn’t seem right for adolescent mistakes to follow someone around their entire lives, and we think anyone who stands up to break a cycle of hate deserves some credit, like in this story shared online by “James.”
Taking into account James’ upbringing, it becomes clear that he was essentially trained to be a bully from birth. His homophobic father instilled such fear in him that when James realized he was gay, his only outlet was more fear, more hate. Does that excuse his behavior? No. But it does add depth to a conversation that is tinted in shades of gray.
Our hope is that James doesn’t feel this is his stamp of forgiveness. If you’re reading this, James — get out into your community and speak to kids who are experiencing both sides of bullying. Your unique perspective could truly help!
Here’s the message James posted:
Hello everyone, for starters let me introduce myself, my name is James and back in middle school I used to bully other students who seemed feminine and were openly gay, I was the typical Christian homophobic bully.
I grew up in a completely Christian household, my father would often post anti-gay/ anti-democrat images on his Facebook, print them off and put them on the fridge. He would constantly teach me that homosexuality was wrong, which I guess is what got that sort of thought into my mind.
Well in middle school there was this one student who we’ll call “Nate”.
For the things I’ve said to Nate, I wanted to apologies. I would constantly call him a “fag” “faggot” “gay boy” “queer”, and other things. He did nothing wrong to me, and yet I still felt so afraid of him that I resorted to insults. Sadly nowadays I have no way of contacting him, he doesn’t use Facebook, he doesn’t live near me, and we’re both probably no longer in school. For everyone out there who’s been in either my situation, or Nate’s situation, I’m sorry.
If you’re in my situation, please don’t resort to verbal abuse over things that scare/ frighten you, be strong, talk to people in a civilized manner, and open up to them. I know I’m gay, I think I bullied Nate so much because I was afraid of being like this, I wanted to be the strong straight kid my dad always wanted.
If you’re in Nate’s situation, please stay strong. You didn’t do anything wrong, those who bully you or insult you are most often then not having an identity crisis. I’m here for you now, and want to know that you’re perfect just the way you are.
Again I can’t apologies to Nate now, but if I could I would want to tell him this; I’m sorry for all the verbal harassment I put you through, the truth is I always thought you were pretty cool and sort of attractive, and that frustrated me. You were always the stronger one between us both, you were proud to be you and always kept your head held high. Fight on, and live an amazingly happy life with whomever you love. My thoughts are with you, please… please stay strong.
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Dan Tracer
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