North Carolina Governor Opposes State’s Discriminatory RFRA
In an interview today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R) announced his opposition to H.B. 348.
North Carolina Governor Opposes State’s Discriminatory RFRA
In an interview today, North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory (R) announced his opposition to H.B. 348.
News: Indiana, Church of Cannabis, George Takei, LGBT Little People
Rep. Tammy Duckworth has announced her campaign to unseat Sen. Mark Kirk (R-IL).
George Takei pens op-ed on why he’s boycotting Indiana over the state’s new “religious freedom” law. “Taken too far, such laws carry with them the corrosive effect of intolerance, and they harken back to the days where people like Brad and I could not marry, not because of our gender, but because of our race. I was born in a time where such laws against the mixing of races were viewed as the natural extension of God’s will, and I know how powerfully oppressive and insidious they can be. Some fifty years ago, it was not so uncommon for interracial couples to be shunned and turned out. We live in a pluralistic and civil society, where our social contract demands we sometimes relinquish individual liberties in the name of a more just and open society. This means that while we are all entitled to our religious beliefs, the extent and impact of those beliefs, and what we may impose because of them, stops at the tips of our noses. This also means we must learn to respect and, yes, even love our neighbors, despite our differences.”
First teaser for The Walking Dead spin-off Fear the Walking Dead.
Oops: “Indiana’s anti-gay ‘religious freedom’ act opens the door for the First Church of Cannabis”
Via “Authorities say one person is dead and two people have been hospitalized following a shooting near a gate to the National Security Agency in Fort Meade. FOX 5 has learned that around 9 a.m. Monday, a vehicle tried to bypass a secured entrance to the NSA complex. Shots were fired and one person inside of the vehicle was killed at the scene. FOX News has reported that there were two occupants of the vehicle and that both were men dressed as women. Aerial video shows a woman’s wig on the ground outside of a black SUV at the scene.”
Is Mariah Carey dating Brett Ratner?
Catching up with Nicky Siano, the music pioneer who helped spawn the 1970s disco scene with his club the Gallery and a stint at spinning at Studio 54.
16-year-old actor Gavin MacIntosh blasts YouTube for placing an age restriction on a video showing his kiss with another boy on The Fosters.
The Daily Beast looks at gay refugees fleeing from ISIS.
NBA and WNBA issue inclusive statement in the wake of Indiana’s new law. “The game of basketball is grounded in long established principles of inclusion and mutual respect. We will continue to ensure that all fans, players and employees feel welcome at all NBA and WNBA events in Indiana and elsewhere.”
Via NPR: A father’s journey to accepting his gay daughter.
BarbWire pundit says Presbyterian Church “surrendered to Satan” by backing marriage equality. “The Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA) is now dead. After a long, tedious struggle to remain faithful to the scriptures and great Christian reformers like John Knox, the leadership of the PCUSA denomination (the liberal branch of Presbyterian churches) has thrown in the towel and surrendered to the loud and obnoxious voices of militant lesbians and “gays”. A PCUSA church near you will soon be conducting same-sex “marriages.” The moral high ground in this conflict has been surrendered to Satan.”
Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley says the presidency “is not some crown to be passed between two families.”
VICE looks at how life can be hard for LGBT little people. “When you’re a little person, you feel like you’re alone in a world that wasn’t made for you,” said gay dwarf drag performer Damian Fatale. “When you add homosexuality on top of that, that feeling of being different from everybody else becomes even stronger. I feel like homosexuality simply isn’t relevant to the rest of the little people community, and that they don’t comprehend the idea of a gay little person or understand what it means to be a part of the LGBTQ community.”
Andrew Sullivan says he “couldn’t imagine blogging the next election.”
Meet the 5 Indiana Republican state Representatives who voted against the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
Male model Monday: Hugo Mayhew.
CNN’s LZ Granderson on why Indiana’s “religious freedom” law is a preview for 2016. “Once again, our democracy is vexed by a woefully inadequate two-party system. Socially liberal, fiscally conservative independent voters may want to consider the full depth of a candidate’s policies before making a decision, but ultimately it may come down to a single-question: to discriminate against LGBT people or not.”
Obama will travel to Kenya in July.
Via The Onion: “Indiana Governor Insists New Law Has Nothing To Do With Thing It Explicitly Intended To Do”
Bruce Jenner’s son Burt slams Jamie Foxx’s transphobic joke. “I think he is just copying Kevin Hart because Kevin Hart is taking all of his movie opportunities.”
Kyler Geoffroy
Germany: PEGIDA rally against Islam, LGBT rights and leftism
Supporters of the far-right PEGIDA movement (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West) gathered once again in the centre of Dresden, Monday, protesting against gender equality,…
Indiana Scrambling to 'Clarify' Discriminatory Law
Gov. Mike Pence has said he was ‘proud’ to sign the ‘religious freedom’ bill and promised that ‘we’re not going to change the law,’ but members of his own party are in full damage-control mode.
Matt Baume
HRC Endorses ‘The Fairness for All Hoosiers Act’ To Protect LGBT People in Indiana
Today HRC endorsed the “The Fairness for All Hoosiers Act” as a solution to stop the damage caused by the new Indiana anti-LGBT religious discrimination law signed in to law by Governor Pence.
NC Lawmakers Want To Make It Legal For Hospitals To Deny Care To Gay People. Child Sacrifice, However, Shall Remain Illegal.
Republican lawmakers in North Carolina are following in the footsteps of their bigoted peers in Indiana. A bill has been introduced in the North Carolina House and Senate mirroring Indiana’s “religious freedom” bill signed into law by Governor Mike Pence last Thursday. Only North Carolina wants to take it one step further.
Indiana’s draconian law gives business owners the legal right to pick and choose who they want to discriminate against based on their own religion. North Carolina’s law will extend that right to hospitals as well.
That’s right, if signed by Governor Pat McCrory, the law would allow gay people in North Carolina to be turned away or fired by shops, restaurants, hotels, schools and, yes, even hospitals. Because that whole Hippocratic Oath thing impedes upon doctors’ religious liberties. And gay people are gross.
“Nobody wants to see this. You’ve got a handful of legislators that are pushing this on the state of North Carolina,” Chris Sgro, executive director of Equality NC, told WNCN. “North Carolinians don’t want this, North Carolinians actually believe overwhelmingly in protections for LGBT and other people against discrimination.”
But Rep. Skip Stam (R-Wake), one of the bill’s sponsors, begs to differ.
“It’s what a lot of people came to North Carolina for originally, was to have religious freedom, at that time from the Church of England,” he told WNCN.
He also assured people they needn’t get too worked up over the matter. There will be stipulations to the bill that protect certain groups of people. For instance: “If you had a person who believes in child sacrifice as part of their religious principles,” he explained, “we’re not going to allow that.”
A person who believes in denying service or medical care to gay people as part of their religious principles, on the other hand, are perfectly, 100 percent acceptable.
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The Fallout From Indiana’s “Religious Freedom” Law Is Getting Even Uglier
Graham Gremore
Indiana GOP Leaders Scramble to 'Clarify' Discriminatory 'Religious Freedom' Law, Democrats Call for Full Repeal: VIDEO
At a press conference Monday, Indiana’s GOP leaders attempted to calm the growing backlash against the state over its new “religious freedom” law, CNN reports:
Republicans David Long (above left) and Brian Bosma (above right), the state legislature’s senate president pro tempore and house speaker, respectively, insisted Monday that the law would not and was not intended to allow discrimination against anyone.
“It is not the intent of the law to discriminate against anyone and it will not be allowed to discriminate against anyone,” Long said. “To the extent that we need to clarify through legislative action that this law does not and will not be allowed to discriminate against anyone, we plan to do just that.”
The pair came out repeatedly hammering home that the law was not intended to and would not allow businesses to deny services to gay and lesbian individuals in Indiana, which Indiana’s Republican Gov. Mike Pence repeatedly refused to say several times during an interview Sunday on ABC’s “This Week.”
Bosma said that legislators “didn’t see that [backlash] coming,” which is more than a little disingenuous (read: total bullshit) considering the warnings and protests from business leaders and the general public in the lead up to the bill’s passage in the House earlier this month. The picture showing Gov. Mike Pence surrounded by anti-gay activists at the signing of the bill also should have indicated to these lawmakers that the bill was bad news for the state.
Watch the press conference, AFTER THE JUMP…
Indiana Democratic leaders, meanwhile, are rightfully skepitcal of any “clairfication” attempts by Republicans and are calling on nothing short of a total repeal of the law.
Senate Democratic Leader Tim Lanane issued the following statement:
“Governor Mike Pence won’t say it, but we will: discrimination is wrong and should be illegal in our state. Republican leadership has utterly failed in the handling of this situation and our reputation as a welcoming state has been badly tarnished. Businesses are heading for the exits and everyday Hoosiers are fearful their neighbors will be subject to state-sanctioned discrimination. To quell these concerns we must send a strong signal. We do not condone discrimination: we do not tolerate discrimination: we won’t legislate discrimination. We need to take clear, actionable steps to repair the image of our state. To that end, Senate Democrats are ready to pursue a full repeal of this ‘license to discriminate’ and have drafted legislation to achieve just that. There’s no compromise when it comes to discrimination. This is a second chance and it’s precious. We owe it to every Hoosier to get this right. We can’t afford to forfeit a single job or drive out a single talented individual. We have a responsibility to every Hoosier. Nothing short of repealing this hateful act and setting out clear protections will accomplish this aim.”
House Democratic Leader Scott Pelatht added it was “time [Republicans] admitted that they made a horrible mistake” and said the state would need not “a Band-Aid” or “a rush job,” but significant action to show the state is welcome to all.
Watch the Democratic leaders press conference today, AFTER THE JUMP…
In related news, Freedom Indiana has announced its own legislative solution to protecting all LGBT Hoosiers from discrimination. Under the Fairness for All Hoosiers Act, Indiana would:
Kyler Geoffroy
Centro de Cidadania LGBT é inaugurado na capital
Ver episodio:
2015 Trans 100 Honors Positive Work By Transgender And Gender Non-Conforming People Nationwide
While much work is left to do, we’ve happily seen unprecedented growth for mainstream transgender visibility in the past several years. Now, it’s time to once again honor those who are doing fighting to make this visibility possible.
The Trans 100 is an annual event that celebrates the excellence of 100 people working to advance transgender political and social rights. While so much of the typical media focus tends to be on negative stories surrounding transgender identity, The Trans 100 is an attempt to shift the coverage of transgender issues to what’s working.
“It has been an amazing year for us at The Trans 100. Every year, the nomination list gets longer and the selection process harder,” Crispin Torres, co-director of The Trans 100, said in a statement sent to The Huffington Post. “We are seeing the original vision of the trans 100 come to life: That if trans folks begin seeing more folks like themselves out in the world, not just surviving, but thriving, we can flip the script from trans survival to trans empowerment.”
A press release for The 2015 Trans 100 notes:
The Trans 100 is not an award ceremony. It is not a list of the “Best” or the “Most Important” trans people. It is not a popularity contest and there are many individuals absent from the list who are doing excellent work. More are no longer with us.
To quote The Trans 100 Co-Founder Jen Richards, The Trans 100 “is an intentionally curated list of out trans people who are working on trans issues in the United States and having a positive impact.”
The Trans 100 2015 event, which took place in Chicago on Sunday night, was hosted by performance artist and educator Precious Davis and educator and activist Myles Brady. It included keynote speeches given by “The Matrix” and “Cloud Atlas” co-director Lana Wachowski and media advocate and strategist Tiq Milan, and featured performances by musician and Against Me! lead singer Laura Jane Grace and hip-hop rapper Rocco Katastrophe.
Head here for more info about the 3rd annual Trans 100 and here to download the full list of honorees.
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