Mike Pence Gets Very Uncomfortable When Asked If He Supports Antigay Discrimination, Can’t Answer The Question
Last week, Indiana Governor Mike Pence ended his chances of ever being elected to national office when he quietly signed into law a draconian measure that grants business owners the right to discriminate against gays and lesbians in the name of “religious freedom.” Naturally, this didn’t go over so well with the general public, other politicians, business owners, celebrities, or state employees, all of whom have voiced opposition to Pence’s blatantly homophobic actions.
In an effort to do some damage control, Governor Pence went on ABC’s This Week to defend, er, explain the puritanical new law. The only problem was, he couldn’t.
George Stephanopoulos asked the governor a total of eight times whether or not he believed discrimination against gays and lesbians should be legal, and every time Pence deflected the question. At one point he went so far as to say critics of his new law were “shameless” and “reckless.”
See Pence squirm in the video below.
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Graham Gremore