Loony Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) Tries to Disprove Global Warming with a Snowball on the Senate Floor: WATCH

Loony Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK) Tries to Disprove Global Warming with a Snowball on the Senate Floor: WATCH


Oklahoma Sen. James Inhofe, who infamously bragged on the Senate floor in 2006 that “in the recorded history of our family, we’ve never had a divorce or any kind of a homosexual relationship,” engaged in another bit of political grandstanding this week – this time in an asinine attempt to prove global warming is just a bunch of bologna. 

CNN reports:

“In case we have forgotten because we keep hearing that 2014 has been the warmest year on record,” said Inhofe, who is the chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee while holding the lumpy snowball in his hand. “I asked the chair, do you know what this is? It’s a snowball just from outside here. So it’s very, very cold out. Very unseasonable.”

“Catch this,” he said, as he tossed the snowball underhand to an unseen person — perhaps a page or an aide — just a couple of feet away.

He then resumed his speech with a smile on his face that indicated he was quite pleased with his demonstration.

Wonder if Inhofe applies the same logic in bed every night – arguing with his wife that the sun will never come up again because its dark outside…

Watch Inhofe’s embarrassing science experiment, AFTER THE JUMP

Earlier this week, it was revealed Dr. Wei-Hock Soon, one of Inhofe’s favorite climate denier scientists, failed to properly disclose the fact that he’d received over $1.2 million from fossil fuel corporations like ExxonMobil over the past decade.


Kyler Geoffroy


QueerView Feb. 26: A Look Back At The Week In LGBT News Stories

QueerView Feb. 26: A Look Back At The Week In LGBT News Stories
Each week HuffPost Gay Voices and HuffPost Live will take a look back at some of the biggest queer news stories from the past week. Check back every Friday for your queer news round-up in this regular feature titled “QueerView.”

What It’s Like To Be LGBT In Bogota, Colombia
Maria Mercedes Gomez joins HuffPost Live to talk about being LGBT in Bogota, Colombia.

Arkansas LGBT Advocate: Politicians Should Have Helped Defeat Anti-Gay Bill
Kendra Johnson joins HuffPost Live to explain why she feels that politicians should have helped defeat the anti-gay bill in Arkansas.

U.S. Names First-Ever LGBT Human Rights Envoy
The State Department has appointed its first-ever International Envoy for LGBT Rights.

VICE’s Gay Conversion Documentary Is Harrowing
Alex Miller joins HuffPost Live to talk about VICE’s gay conversion documentary.

Graham Moore Is Our #UnicornOfTheWeek
Graham Moore is our #UnicornOfTheWeek! Josh Zepps explains why.


Steve Grand Makes Gay People Feel Less Lonely

Steve Grand Makes Gay People Feel Less Lonely

Screen Shot 2015-02-26 at 4.14.27 PMIf it seems like years since out musician Steve Grand first landed on your radar, you’re not alone. “I swear I feel like I’ve been working on this album for 12 years,” the country singer says with a laugh in a new EPK video to promote All-American Boy, his debut album due March 24. For the record, it’s been just over a year and a half since his perfect pecs handsome face uplifting video for the single “All-American Boy” made him an internet sensation.

‘What really made a difference for me was the people that would write in and some of these people would tell me their life stories or stories of their All-American boys that got away. That made me realize this is why I did this — to connect people and to connect with people.” Grand recalls receiving thousands of letters from gay people who thanked him for them feel less alone in the world.

While some cynics think it’s no longer a big deal to come out as gay at the start of a burgeoning music career, Grand disagrees.

“You know who cares are the kids that are really struggling with this,” he says in the video, adding “Or the kids who feel like they would still rather be dead than live life as a gay person. I’m thinking about them all the time while I’m doing these things.”

Watch Steve discuss his career thus far below.

Jeremy Kinser


Has Jeb Bush Privately 'Evolved' on Gay Marriage?

Has Jeb Bush Privately 'Evolved' on Gay Marriage?


With the race for the White House in 2016 already underway, various exploratory committees are hard at work vying for the biggest slice of the campaign fundraiser pie in this crazy post-Citizens United political landscape we find ourselves in. Heavyweight contender Jeb Bush has been doing quite well in this regard, and is reportedly aiming to raise $100 million before he formally enters the race sometime later this year. Helping the former Florida governor reach this goal are a number of donors with left-leaning sensibilities on social issues, a reality that isn’t sitting well with the party’s “anti” crowd.

Naturally, the influx of these donors has raised questions about were exactly Bush stands on certain divisive social issues. Like President Obama, we’ve seen Bush tweak his public stance on issues like gay marriage in order to make himself a more palatable candidate for the electorate to swallow. Following marriage equality’s arrival in Florida last month, for example, Bush issued a calculated statement saying:

“We live in a democracy, and regardless of our disagreements, we have to respect the rule of law. I hope that we can show respect for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue – including couples making lifetime commitments to each other who are seeking greater legal protections and those of us who believe marriage is a sacrament and want to safeguard religious liberty.”

And while the statement is far from a ringing endorsement on LGBT equality, it’s still light years ahead of his dismissal of “sodomy” rights back in the 1990s. It’s clear Bush is positioning himself as the moderate of the 2016 GOP pack – a strategy that appears to be working in his favor financially.

Donors, however, seem increasingly convinced that Bush (again like Obama circa 2008) is even more evolved on the issue of LGBT rights privately than he is publicly. 

Buzzfeed reports:

But inside Bush’s orbit, some believe his personal feelings on the subject may have evolved beyond his on-the-record statements. Three Republican supporters who have recently spoken with Bush as he’s blitzed the GOP fundraising circuit told BuzzFeed News they came away with the impression that on the question of marriage equality, he was supportive at best and agnostic at worst.

“He wants to do the respectful, human thing,” said one of the Republicans, a donor who requested anonymity to comment on private conversations.

If, as many observers expect, the Supreme Court rules this June to extend marriage rights to all same-sex couples nationwide, some of Bush’s pro-gay donors are hoping he will use the moment to fully pivot toward an embrace of marriage equality — turning himself into the first serious pro-gay GOP presidential candidate.

“His thinking appears to have evolved,” said David Aufhauser, a former senior Treasury official who co-hosted a fundraiser for Bush earlier this month in Virginia. Aufhauser, well known in GOP circles for his gay rights advocacy, stressed that he doesn’t speak for Bush, but contended that the candidate would benefit from opening up about how he now views the marriage issue. 

If Bush does decide to open up more about the marriage issue in the future, it will likely be with the help of his soon-to-be communications director Tim Miller, an openly gay man

What do you think? 

Kyler Geoffroy
