Peter Tatchell responds to attacks after signing the 'free speech' letter

Peter Tatchell responds to attacks after signing the 'free speech' letter

Tatchell was among 130 who opposed the ‘no platforming’ of feminist speakers, some of whom have offensive views on trans people. Trans activists were not happy with Tatchell for appearing to support these people

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Goldie Hawn Reveals Why ‘The First Wives Club’ Sequel Didn’t Get Made

Goldie Hawn Reveals Why ‘The First Wives Club’ Sequel Didn’t Get Made

first-wives-clubWe were all women of a certain age, and everyone took a cut in salary to do it so the studio could make what it needed. We all took a smaller back end than usual and a much smaller front end. And we ended up doing incredibly well. The movie was hugely successful. It made a lot of money. We were on the cover of Time magazine. But two years later, when the studio came back with a sequel, they wanted to offer us exactly the same deal. We went back to ground zero. Had three men come in there, they would have upped their salaries without even thinking about it. But the fear of women’s movies is embedded in the culture.”


Goldie Hawn, who hasn’t starred in a film since 2002, speaking with Harvard Business Review on how the entertainment industry has changed since her hey day

Jeremy Kinser

Gay Catholic Group: Vatican Welcomed Us With Open Arms for First Time

Gay Catholic Group: Vatican Welcomed Us With Open Arms for First Time

Sister Jeannine Gramick (pictured) of the American gay Catholic group New Ways Ministry tells Reuters that when she brought her group of 50 gay Catholics to an audience with the Pope on Wednesday, they were not shunned as they had been before, but given prime seats with all the other groups.

Reuters describes it as ‘VIP treatment’.

Reuters adds: Gramick

They told Reuters in an interview afterwards that when the group came to Rome on Catholic pilgrimages during the papacies of Francis’s predecessors John Paul and Benedict, “they just ignored us.”

This time, a US bishop and a top Vatican official backed their request and they sat in a front section with dignitaries and special Catholic groups. As the pope passed, they sang “All Are Welcome,” a hymn symbolising their desire for a more inclusive Church.

A list of participants released by the Vatican listed “a group of lay people accompanied by a sister” but did not mention that they were a gay rights organization.

Gramick sees the move as a sign of movement within the Church.

While Pope Francis gave signs early on in his papacy that the Church would be more open to gay people, asking “who am I to judge?” at an audience with reporters, there have been no official signals from the Vatican that any policies are changing.

In fact, Francis recently endorsed Slovakia’s referendum to ban gay marriage and adoption rights for same-sex couples, and has warned of “insidious attacks” against the family, in Manila, saying gay marriage threatens to make family “disposable.”

Andy Towle

If Cupid Passed You By Take A Look At This Heartbreaker

If Cupid Passed You By Take A Look At This Heartbreaker

vday1Thank goodness Marek + Richard is throwing everyone living in Singlesville a bone! The U.S.-based brand knows that sometimes love sucks on Valentine’s Day. Sometimes what you really want is pizza and a blow job. Or if love was really hurting this year, a line of crushed candy hearts and Grindr might do the trick.

The Marek + Richard Valentine’s Day lookbook release, entitled Heartbreaker, shows off looks with a hilariously bitter (or honest?) outlook on V-Day. The LUX SUX Drop Crotch Joggers take the cake — or rather, the first line of sugar. The trendy pants have a statement to make and they make it. In athletic letting and fortune-cookie wisdom, “LUX SUX” is written across the front of the pants.

The Suck Itself Racerback Tank states pure fact rather than opinion. This look reads “It ain’t gonna suck itself.” The Marek + Richard Valentine’s Day lookbook also includes snapbacks. One reads “himbo,” and another has 2.5/3 video game hearts.

Notice: No teddy bears were harmed in the photographing of this promotion.

You can see more of this photo shoot on The Underwear Expert.


Photo Credit: Marek + Richard

Underwear Expert