Federal Court Tells GOP Legislator The Navy Was Right To Can Him For Unprofessional Behavior

Federal Court Tells GOP Legislator The Navy Was Right To Can Him For Unprofessional Behavior

Klingenschmitt_gingrich_marraige_130103a-615x345Even by the lofty standards of the religious right, Gordon Klingenschmitt is pretty far out there. After all, this is the guy who says gay people are “demonic” and who recommends parents spank their children to cure them of homosexuality. Needless to say, such nutty views got Klingenschmitt elected as a Republican (of course) to the Colorado state House of Representatives last month. On top of this, Klingenschmitt is seriously deficient in irony, having nicknamed himself “Dr. Chaps.”

But a federal court has given Klingenschmitt a lesson in the limits of lunacy. Klingenschmitt had been arguing that the military unfairly dismissed him as a chaplain because he was praying to Jesus (really). In a pointed opinion, the court made it clear that Klingenschmitt was canned for deliberately disobeying orders and for being, as the Navy put it, being  “professionally unsuited for further service as a naval officer and chaplain.”

No kidding. Klingenschmitt responded to one negative performance review by accusing his superior officer of being a Unitarian.

Besides being a lousy chaplain, he was insubordinate as well. The Navy told Klingenschmitt that he could not wear his military uniform when appearing at a right-wing political event, but Klingenschmitt showed up in uniform anyway. Fed up with Klingenschmitt’s poor performance and disobedience, the Navy eventually showed him the door.

Klingenschmitt sued, demonstrating the unwillingness to take personal responsibility that has become the hallmark of the right. He insisted that he was a victim of discrimination, a claim that the court repeatedly dismissed as meritless. He also said that his freedom of speech was violated. Not so, said the court. Klingenschmitt was free to speak, but not in uniform.

Needless to say, none of this sits well with Klingenschmitt’s supporters, who immediately attacked the judge in the case, Elaine Kaplan. “Lesbian judge takes on Jesus in court,” World Net Daily, the repository for the furthest fringes of wingnuttery cried in a headline.

Klingenschmitt promised to appeal the ruling “if necessary all the way to the Supreme Court.” Well, it’s his money and he can waste it anyway he wants.




Homophobic Mall Santas Horrified Over Gay Santa Being Included In Christmas Film

Homophobic Mall Santas Horrified Over Gay Santa Being Included In Christmas Film

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 4.59.11 PMYou’d better not pout, you’d better not cry, and if you happen to be a mall Santa, you’d definitely better not be gay.

Following the release of a new documentary called I Am Santa Claus, the mall Santa community (don’t underestimate them, they know when you’ve been sleeping) has their respective beards is a twist over the inclusion of a — gaspgay Santa Claus.

The film follows all sorts of seasonal Santas during their winter stints as well as the rest of the year, when they do things like BBQ a mean rack of ribs to sell real estate (have you seen the price of a one bedroom in the North Pole lately?).

But one of the Santas, Jim Stevenson, is gay. And for many of his would-be jolly brethren, that’s a line that just shouldn’t be crossed.

Some of the more prominent Santas have taken to Facebook to voice their outrage:



One YouTuber agreed, writing:

“So, Santa Fag makes his film debut? How disgraceful! We, as a society, have become TOO accepting of immoral lifestyles. Fags need to be shamed not paraded around.”

Director Tommy Avallone told Vice:

“[The Santas] couldn’t actually say what they were upset about, because they didn’t want to seem like blatant homophobic people, they would just say they don’t feel that we should “ruin the magic” of Christmas. We got called the armageddon of Santa World, we got told we were going to be on the “very naughty” list and that we would stay there for a very long time.”

What’s next, a black Santa? Think of the children!

The real irony is that one of the other Santas in the film works at a sex club when he’s not bouncing children on his lap every holiday season. Sex club Santa? Well, everyone has their quirks. Gay, committed relationship Santa? The horror!

Here’s the trailer, which features Jim Stevenson as well as sex club Santa:

Dan Tracer
