PHOTOS: We Need To Talk About Last Night’s American Horror Story (SPOILERS)

PHOTOS: We Need To Talk About Last Night’s American Horror Story (SPOILERS)

American Horror Story’s gay fan base always get nods from the show, but last night’s episode set new records in gay content.

Last week things were already getting a little queer with the opportunist murderer character having some same-sex lovin’ with a good-looking gladiator.

And this week, it didn’t take long for his sexuality to get called out after he dropped some, ahem, reading material on the floor.

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But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We visit Dandy (Finn Wittrock), who along with the help of his Violet Venable-esque mother (Frances Conroy), just buried the maid he murdered last week (Patti LaBelle!):

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And what follows can only be described as an homage to American Psycho. Forget the crazy psycho-killer part, though, and it was pretty hot, high-waisted undies and all:

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As if that weren’t enough, then we learn that the Strong Man is also gay, and totally in love with Matt Bomer:

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But don’t get too attached. Dandy has a taste for blood now and Matt is the next victim. It’s a hook-up nightmare in the pre-Grindr era, and was pretty shocking. Here’s the parts that won’t make you lose your lunch:

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Alright Ryan Murphy, you have our attention again.

Dan Tracer

More Than Two: Examining The Myths And Facts Of Polyamory

More Than Two: Examining The Myths And Facts Of Polyamory
We live in a society in which monogamous pairing is the norm.

We’re taught to desire and seek one other person – namely, our “soulmate,” the one person who will make us whole and happy. And supposedly, when we find that person, we will no longer have desires for others.

Meet The Gay Demon-Hunting Homophobe Who Wants To Spank The Queerness Out Of You

Meet The Gay Demon-Hunting Homophobe Who Wants To Spank The Queerness Out Of You

d03b5aa163b98cd5e7580beb316438e9If you’re feeling bummed about Republicans taking control of the government this week, don’t be. Their reign will be short-lived, we promise. In part, thanks to guys like “demon hunter” Gordon “Dr. Chaps” Klingenschmitt, who was just elected to the Colorado House of Representatives for what is sure to be a single term.

The former Navy chaplain is poised to become the next national laughingstock (along with Ms. Joni Ernst) with comments that make even Michele Bachmann sound semi-intelligent.

Klingenschmitt believes that gay people are “possessed by demons” that want to “steal your soul” and “visually rape your children.” He also once bragged about having attempted to rid of female soldier of the “foul spirit of lesbianism” through an exorcism. And he wrote a book claiming President Obama is possessed. (By demons, of course!)

We could go on and on about all the crazy shit “Dr. Chaps” has said, but that would take forever, so we’ll just do it in bullet points. It’s quicker.

Here is a list of just some of Klingenschmitt’s views:

  • Teaching children about gay marriage is “mental rape.”
  • “Obamacare causes cancer!”
  • Judges who strike down gay marriage bans are “imposing the Devil’s law upon people.”
  • Christians should print anti-gay Bible verses on the back of gay wedding photos.
  • Gay soldiers shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the U.S. military because they cannot serve effectively in combat because they are constantly “taking breaks on the combat field to change diapers all because their treacherous sin causes them to lose control of their bowels.”
  • Gay people possess something “inhuman” and “demonic” inside of them.
  • Jesus will one day return, banning same-sex marriage, and banishing all gay people to the depths of hell.
  • Government should discriminate gay people because “only people who are going to heaven are entitled to equal treatment.”
  • If parents do not wish to exorcise the “demonic spirit” of homosexuality or being transgender out of their children, they must be “spanked” until they are “cured.”

How could someone so bat shit crazy possibly get elected? you wonder.

Well, Klingenschmitt heralds from the El Paso County district, where Republicans outnumber Democrats two to one, which enabled him to beat his opponent by nearly 40 points. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be around for long. Coloradans are smart people. (They voted to legalize pot, after all.) We’re confident Dr. Chaps won’t last more than a single term or two in office, and, honestly, we’re kinda looking forward to hearing more of the unintentionally hilarious nonsense that comes spewing from his mouth.

Grab the popcorn, this is gonna be good.

Related stories:

The Craziest Damn Shiz Conservatives Have Said About Gay People

Pro-Michele Bachmann Group Uses Sexy Image Of Jesus To Promote Itself

10 Hysterical Things Conservatives Have Said About Anal Sex

Graham Gremore is a columnist and contributor for Queerty and Life of the Law. Follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

Graham Gremore

George Takei Fires Off Witty Answers to Dumb Questions About Gay People: VIDEO

George Takei Fires Off Witty Answers to Dumb Questions About Gay People: VIDEO

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Stopping by The Meredith Vieira Show this week, George Takei did a dramatic reenactment of his recent collaboration with Buzzfeed where he provided witty answers to dumb questions about gay people. 

Later, Meredith introduced a new charity campaign called “Hugs for Honey” – with the show donating $25 to GLAAD for every hug George could rack up. In a separate video, George revealed his craziest encounter with a “Trekkie,” his celebrity crush, and whether he’s more of a Walking Dead or American Horror Story kind of guy




Kyler Geoffroy

James Manning, ATLAH Church Pastor, Claims Starbucks Uses 'Sodomites' Semen'

James Manning, ATLAH Church Pastor, Claims Starbucks Uses 'Sodomites' Semen'
Here we go again.

The leader of the vehemently anti-gay Harlem ATLAH Missionary Church, James Manning, is once again making outrageous claims against the gay community. This time he might have outdone himself.

Last week, Manning asserted that Starbucks is “ground zero for Ebola” after the company released it’s first LGBT commercial starring Bianca Del Rio and Adore Delano of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” fame.

Now, Manning has released another video in which the religious leader claims that Starbucks has been using the “sodomites’ semen” in their flavored coffee drinks. He states in the video:

“Starbucks is a place where these types frequent and a lot of body fluids are exchanged there. But the thing that I was not aware of is that there has been information that has been released… what Starbucks was doing, is they were taking specimens of male semen, and they were putting it in the blends of their lattes. Now, this is the absolute truth.”

ATLAH Missionary Church has a long history of anti-gay sentiment, predominantly expressed through the church’s main sign. The church first made headlines in late February when religious leaders posted a sign reading, “Obama has released the homo demons on the black man. Look out black woman. A white homo may take your man.” The church then later replaced the sign with one that read, “Jesus would stone homos,” along with “Stoning is still the law.” And later, “Harlem is a sodomite free zone. Stop sodomizing our children in schools across America.”

Happily, many LGBT people have stood up to the hate from Manning and ATLAH Church.

Earlier this week, activists protested ATLAH by providing free Starbucks coffee to pedestrians walking by the church.

In March, a lesbian transgender woman, Jennifer Louise Lopez, knocked on the church’s door and asked them to “stone” her for being part of the LGBT community. The video of the encounter quickly went viral and Lopez has continued to protest against the Church.