100 Years Of Men’s Underwear In Three Minutes
Long johns.
Tighty whities.
Joe Boxers.
We’ve come a long way in the arena of men’s underwear. And thank god. Can you imagine if we still had to wear double-layered underpants that went all the way up to our belly buttons and included a button?
Related: PHOTOS: Vintage Men In Loin Cloths Doing Weird Things
The good folks over at Mode have put together a three minute video of one very attractive model trying on a century’s worth of undies–from early-1900s one-pieces to modern-day boxer-briefs.
Watch as he tries on each decade’s signature skivvies and learn what’s been going on beneath men’s trousers throughout the years…
Related: PHOTOS: Real Vintage Men In Their Undies Put David Beckham And Others To Shame
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