10 States Join Texas Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Over Transgender Students – VIDEO

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10 States Join Texas Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Over Transgender Students – VIDEO

Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 12.10.59 PM

10 states have joined Texas’ legal challenge to the Obama administration’s guidance on transgender students. As we previously reported, the Obama administration earlier this month put out a letter urging all public schools to allow transgender students to use school bathrooms in accordance with their gender identity. That move sparked a lawsuit from North Carolina against the federal government, which in turn led to a countersuit from the Department of Justice.

Earlier on Wednesday, it was announced that anti-gay Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton would file a suit similar to North Carolina’s.

NBC News reports:

The lawsuit announced Wednesday also includes Oklahoma, Alabama, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Tennessee, Maine, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Utah and Georgia. The challenge follows a federal directive to U.S. schools this month to let transgender students use the bathrooms and locker rooms that match their gender identity. […]

The lawsuit accuses the Obama administration of “running roughshod over commonsense policies” that protect children. It asks a judge to declare the directive unlawful.

During Paxton’s press conference, he said he has not yet met with any transgender students or families of transgender students.

Watch a news report from MSNBC, below.

The post 10 States Join Texas Lawsuit Against Obama Administration Over Transgender Students – VIDEO appeared first on Towleroad.


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