10 bi+ YouTubers to binge watch during #BiWeek

From viral coming out videos to relationship advice, YouTube has been an online space for LGBTQ expression, identity, and community since its launch in 2005. This #BiWeek, GLAAD is highlighting ten of our favorite bisexual+ YouTubers.
R.J. Aguiar (TheNotAdam)
Bisexual and Latino vlogger R.J. Aguiar first amassed internet fame through his former blog, NotAdamAndSteve, co-hosted with now-husband Will Shepard. Today, R.J. runs a successful YouTube channel, TheNotAdam, where he gives sex advice, talks about his identity as a bisexual man, and rants about political issues. R.J. is also a prolific advocate who has attended White House events for the bisexual+ community and helped organize the Los Angeles-based Resist March in June 2017.
Ash Hardell (Ash Hardell)
Ash Hardell identifies as bisexual and genderqueer/questioning. They’re known for their video series, the ABC’s of LGBT, which explores sexual orientation, gender identity, underrepresented identity labels, pronouns, and more. They’ve also turned this video series into a book—purchase it here! Subscribe to Ash’s channel for incredible spoken word performances and adorable videos of them and their wife, Grace.
Connor Manning (AConnMan)
21-year-old video blogger Connor Manning makes videos every Monday and Friday on his YouTube channel, AConnMan. Connor is very open about his own personal experiences with his viewers, discussing his bisexuality, his mental health, and his experiences while dating.
Dodie Clark (doodleoodle and doodlevloggle)
Creator of the viral bisexual coming out song (with over one million views), Dodie Clark is known for her original songs, beautiful acoustic covers, and her quirky British charm. Go listen to “You” and “Would You Be So Kind?” (on repeat) right now!
Taylor Behnke (ItsRadishTime)
GLAAD Digital Director and proud bisexual Taylor Behnke hosts a YouTube Chanel, ItsRadishTime, about “trying, failing, and beginning again.” Watch her talk about her biracial identity, give advice about how to work for a non-profit, and make her parents vlog. Check out the best of ItsRadishTime here.
Gaby Dunn (JustBetweenUs and Gaby Dunn)
Comedian Gaby Dunn hosts the YouTube channel Just Between Us with best friend Allison Raskin. Read a Bitch Media interview with Gaby and Allison here and subscribe to their channel for weekly comedy sketches and bad advice. They recently wrote a young adult novel together, titled I Hate Everyone But You. Gaby also has her own solo YouTube channel, Gaby Dunn, where you can watch videos about what it might be like to be Virginia Woolf’s personal assistant, other short films, and—yes—bisexuality.
Jackson Bird (Jackson Bird)
Transgender and bisexual YouTuber Jackson Bird is known for his videos about identity, social justice, Harry Potter, and waffles. Last year, he joined us in GLAAD’s New York City office for his Queerstory series to interview GLAAD’s Alexandra Bolles about bi+ visibility and Spirit Day. GLAAD also profiled Jackson in another #BiWeek blog post—check it out here!
Marina Watanabe (marinashutup)
In addition to hosting a subscribe-worthy YouTube channel, Marina Watanabe works as the Social Media Coordinator for Everyday Feminism. Marina identifies as mixed-race Japanese-American, a bisexual woman of color, a feminist, and a Gryffinclaw. Check out her channel every Friday for her “Feminist Fridays” series and every other day of the week for videos about depression, Harry Potter, and more.
Eliel Cruz (Eliel Cruz Speaks)
A bisexual man of faith and prolific speaker, tweeter, and advocate, Eliel Cruz uploads weekly videos on LGBTQ topics (with an emphasis on the B) and the intersections of faith and sexuality. Recently, he jumpstarted the movement #FaithfullyLGBT, a platform for LGBT people of faith to make their voices heard.
Fiona Morris (neonfiona)
British and bisexual vlogger Fiona describes herself as “literal witch, queer icon, professional meme farmer, and very famous internet celebrity” on her Twitter. Check out Fiona’s YouTube channel for collaborations with other queer YouTubers (including girlfriend Riley J. Dennis and Ash Hardell) and sarcasm galore.
Who is your favorite bi+ YouTuber? Tell @GLAAD using #BiWeek on social media!
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